Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Light and dark, hate and love

Reading: Nehemiah 9-10 and 1 John 2


Scripture: 1 John 2:9-11, Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness. Whoever loves his brother abides in the light, and in him there is no cause for stumbling. But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.


Thoughts: In a world of extreme connection we see many of the things in this world that were once a local issue. Yes, we all have biases that were taught to us by those around us. Over the last several years we have empowered the victims to the point that nothing is wrong and if I don’t accept everything thing someone thinks makes me a bigot. John is reminding us that we need to not only be the light but live in the light, where we will love those whom we disagree with. We are allowed to disagree and we are given the word of God and Holy Spirit to recognize and discern sin. Not to condemn or judge because the is not our job that is God’s job. Are we walking in the light or because of biases or racist tendency are we walking in the dark. No matter who you are or what you have done you are loved but if there is unrepented sin in your life that will cause separation from God. 


Prayer: Father God, you know me, you know my victories and my failures, you know the hairs on my head and the days of my life. I thank you that you are pouring your love and peace over us, I thank you that you are always molding and refining me. Put me through the fire to remove the impurities in my life help me to grow in my relationship with you and be the father and husband I am called to be. Open the doors that need to be opened and close those that will distract from your plan. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

A people scattered

Reading: Esther 3-6, Psalm 126, and Hebrews 13


Scripture: Esther 3:8, Then Haman said to King Ahasuerus, “There is a certain people scattered abroad and dispersed among the peoples in all the provinces of your kingdom. Their laws are different from those of every other people, and they do not keep the king’s laws, so that it is not to the king’s profit to tolerate them. 


Thoughts: As I was reading this portion of Esther, that book of the Bible does not mention God but you watch Him move throughout it. Haman a man of great power who has the signet ring of the King developed a hatred for Mordecai and by extension his people. Haman brings before the king this group of people who live and worship differently and tells the know not to tolerate them. Even within the church there are differing opinions on things. I see it we are to present the Gospel and God’s love and speak where the word of God speaks and be silent what it is silent. Holy Spirit will work in the lives who diligently seek God and through Holy Spirit will mold us and make us into the men and women we are called to be. God it the final judge and the only question is will he see your scarlet robes or have you been washed clean by Christ Jesus? We are set apart for such a time as this.


Prayer: Father God, you lead us and guide us every day, we are a people who are scared all over this world. I thank you that you are leading and guiding us, you are modeling and refining us into those you call us to be. Father help us to have the boldness to walk in your will, to seek your path even if it will cost us our lives or livelihoods. You are our provider and our deliverance. I ask that you fill us with your love, joy, and peace, as we seek to bear your fruit.  

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Called for such a time

Reading: Zachariah 7-9, Psalm 25, Hebrews 8, and 1 Peter 2

Scripture: 1 Peter 2:21, For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.

Thoughts: Peter here was talking about the call that each of us are called to, the great commission. We are called to do good and spread the Gospel yet there will be those who will suffer for it. Just like in Ester we are each called to such a time as this were we are to stand for something. When we are not willing to stand and not willing to take the suffering that may come for standing for what the Bible teaches where else are we going to compromise. I would like to say there is nothing anyone could do or threaten that would cause me to step back from my stance on who God is and my belief in Him and His Son Jesus the Christ and Messiah. I stand with my Savior and in the teachings of His word, read the Bible every day and meditate on it. 

Prayer: Father God, you are the beginning and the end, you know what is to come and the strife that is coming for us. I thank you that you give us a discerning spirit that leads us and guides us as we walk in this world and strive to not be of this world. I thank you that you are leading and guiding me, that you are molding and refining me to be the man you have called me to. I ask for your strength and perseverance to overcome my own fears and trepidations as I strive to walk out your will. Give me the strength to stand firm in the face of great suffering. 

Friday, December 10, 2021

What Rights?!?

Reading: Daniel 9-10, Psalm 50, and Hebrews 2

Scripture: Psalm 50:16-17, But to the wicked God says: “What right have you to recite my statutes or take my covenant on your lips? For you hate discipline, and you cast my words behind you.

Thoughts: We are Matthew 7:20 that we will know a tree by its fruit, just like being able to know apple, pear, and orange trees apart by the appearance of their fruit, by what we produce and what those around us produce we will see where their hearts are. Then in the Psalm today I was reminded of all those whom we see claiming the benefits and the covenants and yet we watch them produce fruit that does not reflect that what they are claiming. There are those in all stages of their walks with God and we are all saved by grace, but we are also all called to bear fruit in accordance with the gifts and calling on our lives. When we are walking in the Lord and striving to be more like him, the fruit will reflect those of Galatians 5:22-23 and less like the works of the flesh in verse 19-21 of the same chapter. We need to be aware and decerning of the fruit that we are being tossed into a salad with, when some ones rotten stuff gets in with the fruit God is working in me the hole things gets contaminated. Just because some one knows the Bible does not mean that they are doing God’s work. Let us seek not to just recite the statutes and covenants but to seek after God in a way that we can be a part of those statutes and covenants. 

Prayer: Father God, you are above all things, you own the cattle on a thousand hills and you know the hairs on my head. I thank you that you are leading me and guiding me. I thank you that you are molding and refining me that my fruit is more of you and less of me. help, me to reflect who you are and grow into the man you have called me to be. Open my eyes and pour your discerning spirit upon us that we can walk in the light and not be distracted by the darkness around us. 

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Dry bone Army

Reading: Ezekiel 37-38, Psalm 44, and 1 Timothy 4

Scripture: Ezekiel 37:10, So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army.

Thoughts: We are called into spiritual warfare, as Christians we are going to be fighting against the principalities and powers that come against us. As a Christian in the United States, it is very easy to allow the world to influence us until the beliefs of the church mirror the beliefs of the world around us. We are becoming the dry bones that may make it into heaven by the grace and mercy of God but may not hear that fraise we all want to hear when we get to heaven “Well done good and faithful servant.” We get focused on the “do nots” and the “live at peace with everyone” we forget the things we are called to do Jesus told us that we are going to do these signs and greater signs, We are told to go to all the nations and bring the Gospel. Yet we sit at home and doing our 9-5 and worrying about our 401k and our bank accounts. An army is not just an invasion force, they are Ambassadors in that they may be the only face of a nation that the locals will ever see. They are protectors protecting the innocent from the enemy, no matter if it is in a foreign land where they are protecting people from an evil there or if it is from home protecting those around them and their nation. Are we going to rise up letting God bring these dry bones back to life and breath into us as an army to protect our heavenly citizenship? 

Prayer: Lord God, you are the one true king, you are gracious and merciful and Just. Your creations should of your glory and a long to linger in your presence. I thank you for the calling you have placed on me and the molding and refining you are working in my life. I ask that you knit this dry bones together and breath a new life into this warrior. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Rebuilt that nations know God!!!

Reading: Ezekiel 35-36, Psalm 77, 1 Timothy 3, and 2 Thessalonians 3

Scripture: Ezekiel 36:36, Then the nations that are left all around you shall know that I am the Lord; I have rebuilt the ruined places and replanted that which was desolate. I am the Lord; I have spoken, and I will do it.

Thoughts: As I was reading Ezekiel today and he was talking about God destroying and rebuilding Israel and how God said that the others nations will know that He is God because of the rebuilding. It is the same with us, no matter if we have come from a broken home and walked in the brokenness of the world all our lives when we fully seek God every day we will start reflecting God in our lives and we will be rebuild. Not everyone had the dramatic testimony of I was the violent gang member doing drugs and now I am this strait-laced Christian story. After growing up in the church I found myself getting into bad relationships and even being a contribution to the bad in the relationships including two divorces and living with someone. God used those situations and times where I tossed my relationship with God not just to the back burner but completely off the stove. I was obsessed with being needed and wanted in a relationship. When God got back ahold of me and with the help of a wonderful woman and a church community that helped me to find what I was looking for in God has helped me grow and move from the desolate and ruined man that I was to someone who seeks God as much as he can. Our lives like Israel will show the nations around us the He is Lord. 

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, you know the grains of sand and the stars above, you hold us in the palm of your hand and yet you care about us and our lives. Your creation shouts of your glory. I thank you that you are a God that rebuilds and calls up. I thank you that you don’t count us unworthy you call us all and you seek a relationship with us all. I thank you that you are working in my life, I have come a long way yet there is still more to do. I thank you that you do rebuild and you mold and refine each and every one of us if we let you. I ask that you help me to be moldable and softened that you can work in me. 

Monday, November 29, 2021

Standing up

Reading: Daniel 3-4, 1 Timothy 1, and 2 Thessalonians 1

Scripture: Daniel 3:16-17, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered and said to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king.”

Thoughts: We are always needing the reminders in our lives that we need to stand up for what we believe. In western society and with the ever-widening divide that is being created by the narratives of one side verses the other and are being exacerbated by the echo chambers created on the internet. Are we getting into the Word of God every day seeking Him and asking to be led by Holy Spirit? We need the discernment to walk in this world and be willing to take whatever persecution will come our way. Here in the United States, we have been granted the freedom to speak and worship as we will, but there are those who are working to remove those freedoms. Even the freedoms we once enjoyed are being taken from us, we like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego need to be willing to stand up and say no more. We each need to listen to Holy Spirt and seek the path we are to take, there are some called to stand, there are those called to support. We may not be currently persecuted like those in other countries but if we don’t stand for God now that persecution will come here. Get in the Word every day and seek your place in Gods plan for this world. 

Prayer: Lord God you are in control, you lead and guide us. Your plan has been set in place since the beginning of time. I am blessed to be apart of what you are doing and the work you have for me to do. I ask that you continue to work in me, mold me and refine me into the spiritual warrior you have called me to be. 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Walking in inconvenience

Reading: 2 Kings 25, 2 Chronicles 36, Ephesians 4, and 1 Thessalonians 5

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:16, Rejoice always

Thoughts: Over the last few weeks, I have been struggling, I interviewed for a position on October 10 offered the position and told that I would hear something withing 3-4 weeks I thought that was a little long but went with it. When reaching the end of the time I had not heard anything I contacted them and was told there was a hiccup and that I should hear from someone by November 29, luckily it didn’t take that long. It had its how hiccups like me being given one date for a phone call and the person calling me another. Finally I got the official offer and a start date of January 10 a full 3 months after my interview. In going though all things I got away from journaling and missing some of my time with God letting myself get distracted with things on social media. Then in reading I came across the shortest verse in the Bible, probably not the one you are thing of, Jesus wept (ἐδάκρυσεν ὁ Ἰησοῦς) may be the shortest in English but in the original language the shortest is a command that we should all want to and strive to keep and have as part of our daily lives. Rejoice always (Πάντοτε χαίρετε) is a short and powerful command that will change our outlook on life dramatically, when we spend our time focusing on the bad and the inconvenient that is going on, Like being told that because of a hiccup that you have a month and a half left at a current position, or if you were someone with out work that you had that much more time without income. What would happen if we found reasons to rejoice even in the middle of disappointment and inconvenience? Even though we may be having struggles and disappointments there are wondrous reasons to rejoice. 

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, you own the cattle on a thousand hills, you created all things and yet you still know the hairs on my head. You know what I need before I do and you set things in motions to take care of all things. You work all things for the good of those who are called according to his purpose. You are with us as we walk through hardships and trials, you are our comfort and shield. I thank you for all that you are doing in me, I thank you that you are molding me and guiding me, that you are refining me and forging me into that witch you call me to be. I ask that you pour your peace and mercy on me as I continue in the place I am ready to leave. Lord I ask that you bless those who are loosing me as a worker and those who are gaining me. May your timing for the move be a blessing to all. 

Friday, November 19, 2021


Reading: Ezekiel 27-28, Ephesians 1, and 1 Thessalonians 2

Scripture: Ephesians 1:11, In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will,

Thoughts: When reading this verse I was going to look into the word for counsel but ended up accidently pulling up the word for purpose, the Greek word was prothesis and eight times it was translated as purpose but also it has been translated four time as Shewbread or setting fourth of things or to place in view. The Shewbread or Showbread were the twelve loaves that were offered every sabbath in the temple. This bread was offered regularly to God placing it in view of God. Paul is taking this practice that these Jews would have known and saying we are as the showbread Christ has taken us into the temple of Heaven and laid us out like the show bread before God. We have been washed clean by the Blood of Christ but we still have a tendency to pick up that we have been told to lay down. So, what are we holding onto in our lives that is being shown to God?

Prayer: Father God, we are unworthy to me in your presence, yet you sent your Son to come and be the payment that I may be in your presence. I thank you that you are working in my life cleaning the spots and blemishes that I have put on over the years. I thank you that you call me to be your son and that I get to walk with you. I ask again this day to be cleaned the washed again as things creep into my life I ask that you help me to focus on you and seek your guidance for my life. 

Rejoice and be glad

Reading: Ezekiel 25-26, Psalm 118, Galatians 6, and 1 Thessalonians 1

Scripture: Psalm 118:24, This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Thoughts: We so often get wrapped up in the little things of day-to-day life let us stop and rejoice and be glad in what God has done in our lives. 

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, your creation shouts of your glory, I rejoice in the work you are doing in my life the pleasures and joy pour out on me. I thank you and praise you. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Flesh or Spirit

Reading: Ezekiel 23-24 and Galatians 5

Scripture: Galatians 5:19-21, Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Thoughts: When reading Galatians 5 the big focus from childhood has been on the fruit of the spirit, the who we should be when Holy Spirit is living in us and calling us to closer relationship with God. But shortly be for that well known passage is another list, this list is what will become abundant in out lives when we are not focusing on God and his will. Even if we overlook the big controversial ones at the beginning of the list from Sexual immorality to sorcery, we get down to things that we are seeing all over the world in all media sources no matter what side of the political conversation you are on. So, the question lies in, are we causing the enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, and envy or are we as Romans 12:18 says, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” When we look at this list of things that are signs of living in the flesh how is God calling you to work though things we struggle with or is he calling you to walk with someone to help pull them from that mire? 

Prayer: Father God, you know every hear on my head and every misstep that I have taken yet you love me and call me yours. I thank you that you do call me and lead me every day. I thank you that you are molding and refining me. you are removing the things of this world from my heart and replacing them with kingdom things. I thank you that you have brought people into my life to call me our on my shenanigans and point me back to you. I ask that you continues to work in my life and lead and guide me in your path. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Are we institutionalized?

Reading: Ezekiel 21-22 and Galatians 4

Scripture: Galatians 4:31, So, brothers, we are not children of the slave but of the free woman.

Thoughts: Paul is reminding us of the freedom that Christ redeemed us from. Through the adoption into God’s family, we are made to free even though we tend to walk back into our slavery. There is a term for those who have been released from prison and don’t know how to cope with the freedom they have been granted, they are institutionalized, there are those that it is such an issue for them they will do a new crime to go back. Many Christians can find themselves in the same boat, we have spent so much time in the clutches of sin and taking the chains of our past with us we don’t know what to do with the freedom that we receive in Christ. Not that we are to sin more, but we are free from the guilt and condemnation of the chain we have caried with us for so long. Are we institutionalized by the sins of this world or are we striving forward into the calling The Father has placed in our lives? 

Prayer: Father God, creator of all things, almighty God, you are so wondrous. I thank you that you have called me and that you are leading me every day. I thank you that you are molding me into the man you call me to be, helping me to put down the chains of my past and walk in your grace and mercy. I ask that you help me to continue to strive after you every day.

Monday, November 15, 2021

What is getting in your home?

Reading: Ezekiel 19-20 and Galatians 3

Scripture: Ezekiel 20:7, And I said to them, “Cast away the detestable things your eyes feast on, every one of you, and do not defile yourselves with the idols of Egypt; I am the Lord your God.”

Thoughts: The Prophet Ezekiel was talking to some of the leadership of Israel who had come to him to see wat God had for them. After God having him remind them of the things their fathers had done and of bringing them out of Egypt then reminds them to stop seeking the gods of Egypt. Today our gods and idols are not stone and precious metals, our idols are then entertainment that streams into our homes and phones 24/7 365. Are we seeking the things that are glorifying God pointing us to the one who created all things or are we too busy watching the latest episode of what ever the latest show is? We need to have the discernment to see with out spiritual eyes and see the evil that is coming into our home and what we are allowing to get into our minds and the minds of our family especially if we have small children. If we are not teaching them right and wrong according to God’s Word and plopping them down in front of a screen for several hours a day who is teaching them more Mom and Dad who are doing their own thing when the kids are distracted by a screen or is the screen teaching them the qualities of the world? What are we letting into our eye that is making its way into our hearts and mind?

Prayer: Father God, you are the creator of all things you know the good and the evil, you have given us the ability to seek after all and you call us to your side to walk with you and to forsake all others. I thank you that you have called me, and that you continue to call me as I get distracted at times. I thank you for your provisions and blessings you pour out on us, I thank you that you are working in me that I can forsake the evil of this world. I thank you that daily you mold me and refine me further into the man you call me to be. I ask that you help me to have a discerning spirit when it comes to things in my home, help me to lead my family in your ways and in your truth. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Dig out the entrance

Reading: Ezekiel 6-8, Psalm 117, Romans 14, and Colossians 4

Scripture: Ezekiel 8:8-9, Then he said to me, “Son of man, dig in the wall.” So I dug in the wall, and behold, there was an entrance. And he said to me, “Go in, and see the vile abominations that they are committing here.”

Thoughts: Ezekiel in his vision was taken to the temple, digging to enter into the temple he sees the abominations that is happening there. It happens more frequently than the Church would like to admit but local churches or leaders will sometime get lead astray. We are all human and we will all be tempted and sometimes we will fall to that temptation. Ezekiel was being shown atrocities happening in the Temple, today though the adoptions into God’s family we are made the temple, so not only do we need to continue to be discerning about what is bring taught in our homes, schools, and churches, but we need to continually be checking ourselves and having those people in our lives whom we are able to be open and honest with and will call us out on the trash we are letting into our lives. Hebrews 3:13 says “But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.” We need to come together not just for service once a week and call it good we are to be doing life together and holding each other accountable and encouraging each other in our walk with the Lord. Let us dig out the entrance into our hearts that we can see the abominations that we are letting reside there so that we can cast them out. 

Prayer: Father God, you are worthy of all praise and honor, your light cast out all darkness. Lord I open my heart to your light to break the chains and cast out all that does not belong in my heart. I thank you for the molding and refining you are working in my life and the growth you are calling me to. I ask that you help me to overcome my desires and seek after you. 

Monday, November 8, 2021

November 6 Should I stay or Should I Go now?

Reading: Jeremiah 39 & 50, Romans 10, and Colossians 1

Scripture: Jeremiah 39:9-10, Then Nebuzaradan, the captain of the guard, carried into exile to Babylon the rest of the people who were left in the city, those who had deserted to him, and the people who remained. Nebuzaradan, the captain of the guard, left in the land of Judah some of the poor people who owned nothing, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time.

Thoughts: We have our spiritual marching orders from God the Father, just as those who were being invaded by the Chaldeans. In this situation there were those who listened to God, and those who listened to the king. Those who listened to the king we killed and caused the city and temple to be burned, those who listened to God were ether taken to Babylon or were left to tend the vineyards. God has called each and every one of us to walk in his plan. Are we listening to God or are we letting the world influence us into fighting those whom we are called to serve. 

Prayer: Lord God almighty, you oh Lord are the banner I cling to, the banner that I run to where are others fail you stand firm. You are the Rock of all ages. I lay my life before you and walk in your ways. No matter is if is into service, or war I will follow you. I thank you for the provisions you are pouring out on us. I thank you that you are molding and refining me into the man and father you are calling me to. Lead me and guide me in all that I do. 

November 5 After the pit of dispair.

Reading: Jeremiah 34, 37-38 and Romans 9

Scripture: Jeremiah 38:13, Then they drew Jeremiah up with ropes and lifted him out of the cistern. And Jeremiah remained in the court of the guard.

Thoughts: Jeremiah was thrown in a cistern and left there to die in the mud because of what he was telling people that if they follow God’s will to be taken by Babylon that the city would not be burned. After being brought out hopping to get a different answer the king comes to him again. Standing firm on what God had told him he tells the king the same thing. We are moving one day at a time closer to the end of days, being that no one but the Father knows the time or day, we need to be prepared to share the gospel and not change the word of God to suit the situation bust because we were put into or drawn out of the pit. 

Prayer: Father God, Creator of all things, you are worthy of all praise and honor. Your Son is the only way to you. I thank you for sending your Son and the grace and mercy you pour out on us every day. I thank you for your provisions and blessings you share with us. I ask that you give us the strength to stand for you when no one else will and the we will not bend to the world’s view of You and your Son. Lead us and guide us, pour your Spirit on us and fill us each day. 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

November 4 Setting your mind????

Reading: Jeremiah 32-33 and Romans 8

Scripture: Romans 8:6, For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.

Thoughts: We all have fleshly desires, some are created by God for survival and procreation, others are tools that have been twisted into desires by the evil one. The most common one of these is money, it is a tool for commers, money allows us to convert the works of our hands and mind into other thing we need for survival. When we get to the point where we are seeking money for the sake of having more, or that old phrase “keeping up with the Jones.” Are we living to work or are we working to live? For me there was a time where I think I was living to work, in the fact I was working as many hours as I could to get as much money as I could to get more things, as well as living on credit. Today I am fighting to not work too much but needing to pay my bills and take care of a family I still work more then I would like and I’m tired when I am home. When I started focusing on God and looking at my spiritual life I started to see even in the tight budget and crazy world swirling around me I found all the provision and peace I needed. Our flesh is always going to want more and always change what it wants when we get what we thought we wanted, but the peace of God is always there always filling us we just need to learn to tap into it.

Prayer: Father God, you are the creator of all things, you are the great provider and you pour your peace over us. I thank you for all that you are doing in my life, the molding and refining to grow who you have called me to be, I thank you for the provision that you pour out upon us. Giving us what we need when we need it and even at times the things we want. I thank you that you are always with us pouring your love into your lives that we may pour it out to others. Help me to keep my focus on you and seek your spirit and turn from the fleshly desires that only fulfill for a time. 

November 3 Can a man bear a child?

Reading: Jeremiah 30-31 and Romans 7

Scripture: Jeremiah 30:6-7, Ask now, and see, can a man bear a child? Why then do I see every man with his hands on his stomach like a woman in labor? Why has every face turned pale? Alas! That day is so great there is none like it; it is a time of distress for Jacob; yet he shall be saved out of it.

Thoughts: Jeremiah 2500 years ago was writing about things we are dealing with today. When he was writing this and hearing this from God I doubt that he imagined that there would be such controversy over if a Man can be a Woman. Then going on to say that it is a distressful time for Jacob (Israel) but he will overcome. We are seeing crazy changes in what is being pursued and Israel was not a nation for a very long time to only be reestablished in the 1940s and their people we still holding fast to who they are. Are we holding fast to who we are in Christ and declaring the truth in an unbelieving world. 

Prayer: Lord God, you know the plans you have for us, you shine a light on the next step and lead us though the darkness. I thank you for all you are doing in my life, I thank you that even in the times of distress that you have declared victory and that as adopted heirs you have declared the will be saved. I ask for the boldness and strength to share the gospel where you have for me to share it. Lead me and guide me in all that we do. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

November 2 What did you say???

Reading: Jeremiah 28-29, Psalm 17, and Romans 6

Scripture: Jeremiah 29:10-11, For thus says the Lord: When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will visit you, and I will fulfill to you my promise and bring you back to this place. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. 

Thoughts: There is love and distain for this verse, in part because so many people us it at inappropriate times and situations. There are many people fall into these traps of using a verse that sounds good in someone’s time of distress. This passage can be a comfort for those walking with the Lord knowing there is a plan and a path to walk but it does not make the trial or the pain any easier to go through. Jeremiah had just been telling Israel that they are going to Babylon for 70 years so when they get there build houses, plant gardens, and have families, then tells them that God has a plan. In the ESV they use welfare but the Hebrew word shalowm can also be translated as completeness, soundness or peace. We can’t see God’s big picture this side of heaven, we may be given a glimpse into the next step or two. This verse may be a comfort to those who have overcome a trial or are on a mountain between valleys but when we are in the mist of a valley fighting to remain faithful, fighting to overcome something we don’t want to hear “He has a plan” we need to hear “Here is my shoulder I will walk with you.” This is why we need our community, Men gathering together to sharpen iron, Women gathering to hold each other up, and Families coming together to battle the influences of a world that does not want the Word of God to spread. Let us overcome together. 

Prayer: Father God, you are the Comforter and you give us the peace in the mist of the storm. You pour your joy into our lives and give us life. I thank you that you do have a plan and that you are working in our lives. I ask that you continue to mold me and refine me into the father you have called me to be. I ask that you help us to walk together in the trials and pains that are to come, there is a way though. Help us to come together to shine your glory into this world. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

November 1 Babylon and Newton's fist law

Reading: Jeremiah 21, 24&27, Psalm 33, and Romans 5

Scripture: Jeremiah 21:8-9, And to this people you shall say: “Thus says the Lord: Behold, I set before you the way of life and the way of death. He who stays in this city shall die by the sword, by famine, and by pestilence, but he who goes out and surrenders to the Chaldeans who are besieging you shall live and shall have his life as a prize of war.”

Thoughts: How many times have we been told what to do and we just don’t? Probably more times than we can count or can remember. Israel was the same way, God many times though his prophets would tell them do this or that or stay away for this or that. In this case Israel was told surrender to Babylon and go with them or they will die. Most of our trials are not nearly as dramatic as go into captivity or die but one day it may. Newton’s first law says, “An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.” That is the same with people, we don’t want to change or move from what we find comfortable, it is easy to just put up our feet and let the world move around us. God through Jeremiah was telling Israel to go into exile for a time. How many of us have been told to change something, knowing that after the hard work of the change that you would be better off. I’m sitting in that now. After getting surgery to fix my diaphragm, and after 2 months of not doing much, I went back to work, and it has been exhausting and I have increased my bad eating habits getting to the heaviest I have ever been. I now faced with overcoming the want to stay where I am. For me I need to get up and get going with my exercise and eating better for Israel it was go to Babylon. What is God or your health telling you that you need to do that is not a fun situation but will have great benefits later. 

Prayer: Father God, you know all and sell all and in that knowledges you still chose me and you still call and lead me. I ask that you help me to overcome the longing to stay where I am and overcome the stagnation with my body and my spirit. You are the one who created us and knows what we need to overcome the want to stay at rest, give us the fuel to get this object moving and to overcomer ourselves. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

October 31 Circumcision as a seal.

Reading: Jeremiah 48-49 and Romans 4

Scripture: Romans 4:11, He received the sign of circumcision as a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised. The purpose was to make him the father of all who believe without being circumcised, so that righteousness would be counted to them as well,

Thoughts: Paul when writing to the Romans is talking about how Abraham was counted as righteous before he was circumcised, that the righteousness could be counted to both circumcised and the uncircumcised. There are those put too much weight on other topics withing the church today. Thing that causes issues in the church today very from what kind of baptism and at what point do they get, to chairs vs pews, praise songs to hymns. It is not about all the different physical things that happen in and around the church it is about the heart and soul relationship with God that was opened to us by the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is not about the outward signs but the inward choices, We can easily look like the good little boys and girls yet be walking ourselves strait to hell. 

Prayer: Lord God you are the one who sent your Son to wash me and cleans me of my sin. I thank you that you did send him and that you offer a way to walk with you. I thank you that you are working in my life refining the righteousness in my life and removing the sinful desires that I hang onto. I ask that you open my heart and soul to the changes and growth you have for me, help me to walk the narrow path and seek you all the days of my life. 

October 30 Who needs rules???

Reading: Jeremiah 45-47, Psalm 86, Romans 3, and 2 Corinthians 13

Scripture: Romans 3:20, For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin.

Thoughts: In the course of Biblical history the amount of law varied, in the garden they had one rule to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, later Abraham made a covenant with God, then God gave Moses the ten commandments. Later the Jewish leaders developed hundreds of laws to keep them from getting close to breaking one of the commandments. Jesus later said all the law can be summed up in two Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. Even though the Law changes and is modified by man over the years Paul is telling us it is not about the law, we are not getting into heaven because we keep a list of rules, those rules are there to help us see that there is sin in our lives and that our wadges for that sin is death. We are not able to be in relationship with God on our own we need the connection that is made through the gift of forgiveness and adoption made when Jesus the one who did live a sinless life gave up his life to offer that connection.  

Prayer: Father God, I thank you that you did send your Son that we could have reconciliation with you and be able to walk with you. I know that there is nothing I can do to wash myself clean but thought the blood of your Son I am washed clean and redeemed. I thank you that you are working in my life, you are leading and guiding, molding, and refining my life. Help me to focus on you and your path you have laid before me. 

Sunday, October 31, 2021

October 29 Listen and obey

Reading: Jeremiah 26,35-36 and Romans 2

Scripture: Jeremiah 35:18-19, But to the house of the Rechabites Jeremiah said, “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Because you have obeyed the command of Jonadab your father and kept all his precepts and done all that he commanded you, therefore thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Jonadab the son of Rechab shall never lack a man to stand before me.”

Thoughts: As we come before God and offer ourselves to him as a living sacrifice, to let him lead us and give us directions for our day, week, or year, are we truly being open to obey all that Gad call us to? I know that I struggle with listening to all what God says, do I really want to go to that dirty homeless person and try to show God’s love or go to my coworkers and share my Father in heaven with them? Not really, but sometime I listen and obey, anyone with children know how hard it is to get them to do anything the first time we ask, we have some of the same attitude when it comes to many things God tells us to do. Because of the obedience of Jonadab God promised that he would not lack a man to stand before God. Are we living out the obedience we have been called to and showing the generation behind us what it looks like to be Men and Women of God and how to be obedient even when we are scared and don’t want to do it? Let us strive to be obedient to the point that out children and those around us want to be obedient as well because of the peace and joy you give us through that obedience. 

Prayer: Lord God, you are the one who calls us and askes us to walk in your ways. I ask that you help us to obey, help us to open our ears to hear your directions and open our eyes to see your path before us. Even though we may only see the next step help us to have the faith to take that step and keep moving forward. 

October 28 Calling all shepherds!!!

Reading: Jeremiah 23 & 25 and Romans 1

Scripture: Jeremiah 23:1-2, “Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!” declares the Lord. Therefore thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, concerning the shepherds who care for my people: “You have scattered my flock and have driven them away, and you have not attended to them. Behold, I will attend to you for your evil deeds, declares the Lord.”

Thoughts: As I was reading this passage, I thought about the different churches I have been to over the years, and they not just had different looks and feelings to them but there were also sight differences in teaching focuses. We all should be growing in our faith and sharing that faith with those in the world around us. As a parent I have a flock of 2 and my wife and I shepherd them the best we can. I also place these words into the world to help teach and open the eyes to God’s continual speaking through his Word. When I read this not only do I feel the burden of teaching and raising my children to know the father, but I also feel the burden to not lead any astray. I may not be a shepherd directly, but God will hold me accountable if I lead his sheep astray. What influence do you have in your life and are you using it to point to God and his glory? 

Prayer: Father God you are worthy of all praise and you are the creator of all things and give and take away authority in this world. I thank you that you are providing for all our needs and even bless us with things we did not dream. You are the way the truth and the life, I thank you that you are molding and refining me that I can be a pure vessel to glorify you. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Focus...Can you hear?

Reading: 2 Kings 24, Jeremiah 22, Psalm 43, Acts 28, and 2 Corinthians 12

Scripture: Acts 28:26-27, Go to this people, and say, “You will indeed hear but never understand, and you will indeed see but never perceive.” For this people’s heart has grown dull, and with their ears they can barely hear, and their eyes they have closed; lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them.

Thoughts: We have been given the opportunity to see and hear clearly, we may have been healed to as it says at the end of the passage. Unfortunately, we all tend to want to pick our old chains, return to our old ways, in doing so again our eyes will dim and our ears will quiet. When we take time to be in God’s word every day, seeking to deepen and strengthen our relationship with God, our eyes are cleared our ears are restored and we develop a mind that can understand and perceive. Let us set aside the distractions and focus on the father above. 

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, your word is alive and active, sharper than any two edged sword. I thank you that your word cuts me to the core and opens my heart to the things of you. I thank you for your provisions and blessings in my life. I thank you for the molding and refining you are continuing to do in my life. I ask that you help me to walk in your ways and lead my family in seeking you all their lives. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Reading: Jeremiah 19-20, Psalm 146, Acts 27, and 2 Corinthians 11

Scripture: Psalm 146:3-5, Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish. Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God,

Thoughts: Here in The United States, more and more trust and reliance in the political leaders has been building to the point that there are those who blindly follow different groups. The Psalmist started praising God then moved into a warning about following a political leader, at the time they were kings and princes, today we have presidents and other politicians who are calling to be followed. Are our leaders following God or their own ambitions? Are we following God or men who’s ambitions, and plans will die with them? Get in the Word and seek God’s plans that will not fail or die.

Prayer: Lord God, you are the way and the truth, you are the one who lead and guides us. I thank you that you are here with us. I thank you that you are molding and guiding me and refining me to reflect you more. I ask that you help me to have discernment and understanding of the situation around me and that I may point to you as my provider. 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Molding nations

Reading: Jeremiah 17-18, Acts 18, and 2 Corinthians 10

Scripture: Jeremiah 18:6, O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter has done? declares the Lord. Behold, like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.

Thoughts: Jeremiah just watched a potter working and reworking a lump of clay when God tells him that He (God) can do it with a nation. He does not tell us how he forms and reforms the nations. When we look at the history of Israel, how many times were they taken into captivity or nearly obliterated as a people. The nation of Israel was reestablished in 1948 after many conflicts. God’s hand had to be on this people nation who were able to retain their identity without a land to call their own. If God can mold nation like a potter molds clay, what can he do in your life if you let him? Open your heart to the change and molding He has for you.

Prayer: Father God, you are the potter and the refiner, you mold people and states and countries. I thank you that you are working ion my life, I thank you that you are leading and guiding your people. I thank you that you are molding and refining my life that I may walk in your ways. I ask that you open my heart and mind to the leading of your molding and that I may be your vessel. 

Friday, October 22, 2021

We are racing?

Reading: Jeremiah 11-12, Psalm 97, Acts 23, and 2 Corinthians 7


Scripture: Jeremiah 12:5, If you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses? And if in a safe land you are so trusting, what will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?


Thoughts: Over the last few years the divide between the left and the right has been getting so massive that instead of living together and living the the knowledge that there are other with different views on things, we are almost at war. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:26-27 “So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.” Paul is reminding us to train and work ourselves to be ready for the race where Jeremiah is telling we are going to have greater trials and if we are struggling with these how are we to overcome the bigger things God has before us. 


Prayer: Father God, you are my strength and my shield, you glory shine and declares you majesty. I thank you that you are always leading and guiding me, you are preparing me for the trials that I’m not yet in. I thank you for the molding and refining, for the provisions and blessing you pour out on us and lead me in. I ask that you help me to not be wearied but the men that I may run with the horses. 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Testing and refining.

Reading: Jeremiah 9-10, Psalm 100, Acts 22, and 2 Corinthians 6

Scripture: Jeremiah 9:7, Therefore thus says the Lord of hosts: “Behold, I will refine them and test them, for what else can I do, because of my people? 

Thoughts: As followers of Christ we have been adopted into His family and are God’s people. As his people we are called to a higher standard. The world only has the worlds rules and regulation to live by and there are those who can not even live up to that standard. Like gold and silver to get it pure it takes heat and time to bring the impurities to the surface to be removed. There are tests to determine how pure it is, and it can be determined what the impurities are there and can adjust how to continue with the refining. Jeremiah was telling Israel that they were going to be tested and refined, we need to be prepared for the same thing as God’s people he is calling us to be perfect and our entire life is a refining process that will end with us being raise into his perfection. In his refining in our life we will overcome things and become better reflections of God. 

Prayer: Father God you are the great refiner and the one who molds us. We that you that you use all things for the good of all who love you and you call yours. I thank you that you are leading and guiding me molding and refining me. I ask that you help me to walk out your calling and your will.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Those well-meaning friends.

Reading: Jeremiah 7-8 and Acts 21

Scripture: Acts 21:13-14, Then Paul answered, “What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be imprisoned but even to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.” And since he would not be persuaded, we ceased and said, “Let the will of the Lord be done.”

Thoughts: We all have had of still have that well-meaning friend that trying to convince you that you should not do something because it is dangerous or any other reason that applies to the situation. After this prophecy telling Paul that he was going to be bound and arrested, Paul told them in the words of Sponge Bob “I’m Ready” Paul knew God was doing something and that he was willing to walk it out to the point of death. My question to you is, who are you listening to? Are we letting the world tell us who we are and what we can or can’t do or are we standing on the promises of God found in his Word and walking boldly into the lion’s den that is before us because that is the way God pointed us? 

Prayer: Lord God, your plans and ways are sop much greater than mine, I thank you that you are leading and guiding me, I thank you that you are molding me and refining me that I can walk the path you have before me. Help me to overcome those who are trying to keep me from your plan. May the distractions of this world fade and the lamp that you give me light my way. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

I will not pay attention.

Reading: Jeremiah 5-6 and Acts 20

Scripture: Jeremiah 6:17-19, I set watchmen over you, saying, ‘Pay attention to the sound of the trumpet!’ But they said, ‘We will not pay attention.’ Therefore hear, O nations, and know, O congregation, what will happen to them. Hear, O earth; behold, I am bringing disaster upon this people, the fruit of their devices, because they have not paid attention to my words; and as for my law, they have rejected it.

Thoughts: Jeremiah may have been writing to Israel and pay attention to what is going on, and that there will be disaster if they did not listen to God. We are similarly warned, our disaster may not be other nations coming to take us over, but we are in a spiritual war, we are fighting against the influence of the evil one who is coming at us every day though the influences of the world around us. The world makes all sorts of entertaining and interesting thing that may not be evil, but cause is to lose focus or take our eyes off what the Lord has called us to. When we are continually looking at the next shiny thing, we may miss the enemy lurking at the gate or some of the beauty that God as created for us. Let us be diligent and discerning on what we put our time to and seek God’s will. 

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, your creation shouts of your glory and the beauty of this world points to you. I thank you that you are calling us and guiding us. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us and that you are molding me and refining me into the man you need me to be. I ask that you help me to cut out distractions of this world and pour myself into your will for my life. Lead me and guide me in your plans. 

Monday, October 18, 2021

Charged with rioting

Reading: Jeremiah 3-4 and Acts 19

Scripture: Acts 19:32&40, Now some cried out one thing, some another, for the assembly was in confusion, and most of them did not know why they had come together. 40 For we really are in danger of being charged with rioting today, since there is no cause that we can give to justify this commotion.

Thoughts: It has been interesting to see how over the last several years with the increase of protest and demonstrations around the country, that when the media is there covering it, that half the time if not more when they ask the participants what they are protesting, they will get several answers. What was going on back in Acts 19 was just the same way there was one person who was pouring so much unrest into the situation that it became a mob. As followers of Christ, we are not to create a mob of disorganized people shouting against the different things that we are against, We are called to share God’s Love and the Gospel that we have a way to get into right standing with God thought the reconciliation offered though His Son. Are we going to be a part of a mob screaming and yelling and not getting anything done other that possibly having collateral damage and pushing people further from a Father calling to them? 

Prayer: Lord God, you are the one in control, you lead us and guide us in all we do. You have offered us a way back into relationship with you. I thank you that you are molding and refining me that I may be a better reflection of you. Help me to get out of the crowd and stand for you in the ways you have called me to stand. You have a purpose of each of us and I ask that you help me to see that and walk in it. 

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Wild vines and soup

Reading: Jeremiah 1-2 and Acts 18

Scripture: Jeremiah 2:21-22, Yet I planted you a choice vine, wholly of pure seed. How then have you turned degenerate and become a wild vine? Though you wash yourself with lye and use much soap, the stain of your guilt is still before me, declares the Lord God.

Thoughts: I grew up in a Christian family, going to church, then as I got the freedom of getting out of my parent’s house, I found myself chasing after the things and pleasures that comes with that freedom. After two divorces and about twelve years of putting God on the furthest burner I could he called me again. I was planted in good soil and had every opportunity to be a choice vine, of pure seed. Instead of abiding in God and seeking him a ran after the fleeting joy of the here and now instead of the eternal Joy that God offers. As I started feeling that call back to God I tried washing myself but nothing but the true repentance and acceptance of what Jesus did for me was able to remove the chains and weights that I was carrying. I have seen so many people who grew up in the church and then become the wild vine producing the things of this world. Let us seek the Lord and allow his love to wash over us and call us to leave behind the things of this world. 

Prayer: Lord God, your peace and joy overwhelm me, you are calling us to seek you and walk with you. I thank you that you are calling and that you are leading. I thankyou that you hare molding and refining me into the man you have called. I ask that you help me to release the chains and weights I still hold onto. 

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Have you heard this...

Reading: 2 Kings 23, 2 Chronicles 35, and Acts 15

Scripture: 2 Kings 23:2, And the king went up to the house of the Lord, and with him all the men of Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the priests and the prophets, all the people, both small and great. And he read in their hearing all the words of the Book of the Covenant that had been found in the house of the Lord.

Thoughts: King Josiah after having the Scriptures brought to him when they were found and realizing what he had he took it to the temple and read it to all who would listen. We have the Word of God available to us at the tips of our fingers, yet do we pour over it, study it and seek the truths within, or have we let it sit on the shelf and collect dust until it is time to take it out again. Are we living out what we are reading and sharing the good news to all those around us? Let us be like King Josiah and share the word with those around us. 

Prayer: Father God, you are the creator of all things and the author of the victory. I thank you that you have called me, and you know me. I thank you for your forgiveness as I have fallen. I thank you that you are working in my life and that you are molding and refining me every day. I ask that you help me to stand for what you stand for, help me to walk the path you have for me and in the boldness that you have called me to. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Where is my...

Reading: 2 Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 34, and Acts 14

Scripture: 2 Kings 22:8, And Hilkiah the high priest said to Shaphan the secretary, “I have found the Book of the Law in the house of the Lord.” And Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan, and he read it.

Thoughts: How many of us only access to God’s word through an app on our phones or by searching it on the internet. There have been times in my life that I could not have told you where my Bible was. I have lost them and even had one stolen out of my car. There may be a day where things get so censored that the Word of God will be removed from the convenient places. Isaiah warns us say “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil” there is a time coming where Followers of Christ will be seen as evil and we are going to be blocked and tracked so keep us from sharing the Good News. We need to have the good news written on our heart and minds, it also would not heart having a physical copy of the Word of God that nobody can edit it or just make it disappear. When the book of the law was found one of the first things they did was to sit down and read it. Let us set aside time to read God’s word every day.

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, you made all things and your glory shines about this place and speaks of your glory. I thank you that you have given us your word and the ability to abide in it and you. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you are pouring out on us and the molding and refining you are working in our lives. Help us to desire to be in your Word more and write it on our hearts. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Lighting bolts from heaven.

Reading: Nahum 1-3 and Acts 13

Scripture: Nahum 1:2-3, The Lord is a jealous and avenging God; the Lord is avenging and wrathful; the Lord takes vengeance on his adversaries and keeps wrath for his enemies. The Lord is slow to anger and great in power, and the Lord will by no means clear the guilty. His way is in whirlwind and storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.

Thoughts:  So many people have the image of God being a spiteful and vengeful God that is just sitting in heaven like Zeus waiting to throw a lighting bolt at us every time we mess up or something. The seconds half of this passage got me seeing one of the early scenes in the movie Thor where Thor’s arrival on earth looks like a dust storm. When you are at enmity with God it is easy to focus on the wrath that was poured out in different places in the Old Testament from kicking Adam and Eve out or Eden, Flooding the entire world, to pelting Sodom and Gomorrah with sulfur and fire. We seem to be shown lots of jealousy from God. God is just meaning that we have to look at what we deserve, according to romans 6:23 we deserve death because of sin, not because you did good, not that your good outweighs your bad but the wages of sin is death. Now that we know what we deserve in the same verse he gives us a way out, the gift of eternal life. To get this life is the belief and trust in the Son, Jesus the Christ. Depending on what side of the relationship with Jesus and God will determine if you are getting your wages or a Gift. 

Prayer: Lord God, you are so awesome and your power and majesty leave me on my knees mute and unmoving. You know all I have done and all I have thought and you still call me and draw me to you. I thank you that you are calling me, you call me to grow and learn. I thank you that you are molding me and refining me into the man you are calling me to be. I thank you that you are lighting the path and I ask that you help me to see the next step that you are placing before me and calling me to walk out. 

Monday, October 11, 2021

We also believe, and so we also speak?

Reading: 2 Kings 21, 2 Chronicles 33, Psalm 75, Acts 12, and 2 Corinthians 4

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:13-14, Since we have the same spirit of faith according to what has been written, “I believed, and so I spoke,” we also believe, and so we also speak, knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence.

Thoughts: Paul when he said “I believed, and so I spoke: was referring to Psalm 116, talking about being greatly afflicted when they believe and speak. When we truly believe and seek God with all our heart we are called to speak, no matter the consequences. We know our Lord Jesus who has risen will raise us into his presence. We are to stand for God and his truth no matter what happens to this body. The world is being influenced by the evil one who is only here to steal, kill, and destroy. Let us stand up and proclaim the Gospel, the Good News to the world. 

Prayer: You are the way, the truth, and the life, there is no way to the Father except through you. I thank you that you are working in my life. I ask that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us. I thank you for the molding and refining you are doing in our lives. Lead me and guide me. Help me to be more bold, and shine as your light in the dark world. 

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Creator or creation

Reading: Isaiah 46-47, Psalm 35, Acts 3, and 1 Corinthians 13

Scripture: Isaiah 46:6-7, Those who lavish gold from the purse, and weigh out silver in the scales, hire a goldsmith, and he makes it into a god; then they fall down and worship! They lift it to their shoulders, they carry it, they set it in its place, and it stands there; it cannot move from its place. If one cries to it, it does not answer or save him from his trouble.

Thoughts: Here again Isaiah is writing about something being turned into a god, we have had wood and now gold and sliver being taken to be sculpted into gods. Then he goes on to say how these gods are needing to be picked up and lifted into place, where they can not move and in the end when you cry out, it does not move, it does not answer, and it does not save you from anything. What are we following, the Science or the one who created the science, are we holding tight to the creator or the created? 

Prayer: Lord God, you are the creator of all things, you are deserving of all honor and praise and worship. I lay my life before you, take it and let it be a light shining in a dark world. Help me to grow that I may point to you better to reflect you. 

Friday, October 1, 2021

Wood gods

Reading: Isaiah 44-45 and Acts 2

Scripture: Isaiah 44:16-17, Half of it he burns in the fire. Over the half he eats meat; he roasts it and is satisfied. Also he warms himself and says, “Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire!” And the rest of it he makes into a god, his idol, and falls down to it and worships it. He prays to it and says, “Deliver me, for you are my god!”

Thoughts: The things we use every day and maybe even take for granted that we have, can be easily develop into in idol. Just as Isaiah was talking about the wood being used as fire to cook on, or taking it further to make a shelter from then also gets turned into an idol bowing down and worshipping it that it kept you warm and sheltered and fed. We could do the same with money or work or even the enjoyment from social media. All these things can be good, allowing us to get what is needed to survive or stay in contact with friends and family, but when these things start surpassing the importance of God and spending time in his word, we start making them idol. I need to work more, to make more, so I can get more so, I can do more with my friends and family. Where will it end? We need to be content with that we have and also be good stewards of the thing that God places in our care. Yes, I have to work to steward my family properly. Let us seek God in all we do that we may steward well those things we are given. 

Prayer: Father God, you created all things, and you own all things, the cattle on a thousand hills our yours. I thank you that you allow us the opportunity to steward some and use it for your glory. I ask you for the wisdom and the ability to steward well. Lead me and guide me in all I do. 

Battle Cries

Reading: Isaiah 42-43, Psalm 82, Acts 1, and 1 Corinthians 12

Scripture: Isaiah 42:12-13, Let them give glory to the Lord, and declare his praise in the coastlands. The Lord goes out like a mighty man, like a man of war he stirs up his zeal; he cries out, he shouts aloud, he shows himself mighty against his foes.

Thoughts: This is how I fight my battles, worship and praise are some of the greatest weapons of our warfare. The first battle that God gave to Joshua and Israel was give to them by a shout of praise after seven days of marching around the city. What victories are we not claiming because we are not praising and worshipping?

Prayer: Father God, you are wo good, your grace and mercy pour over us. We worship you in out battles we worship, you in our trials, and we worship you in the victories we are yet to win. I thank you fort all you are doing in my life. I ask that you fill me with your spirit, give me the joy to praise you in the storms, give me the wisdom to discern the truth, and the strength to walk it out. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The grass withers.

Reading: Isaiah 40-41, John 21, and 1 Corinthians 11

Scripture: Isaiah 40:6-8, A voice says, “Cry!” And I said, “What shall I cry?” All flesh is grass, and all its beauty is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades when the breath of the Lord blows on it; surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.

Thoughts: We have all seen the season change, watching the grass grow and the flowers come up and bloom in the spring and summer then at the end of summer and going into fall we watch everything wither and die back. Each person’s life is just a blip on the timeline of eternity, even the oldest people one hundred plus years old, are still seen as just grass and flowers, but God’s Word has endured, the Old Testament, the books of the law and the books of the prophets are all far older than the writings of the apostles, who’s writings are now about 2000 years old and largely unchanged other then being translated into new languages. Isaiah was crying out that even though we are all going to pass the one thing that will not change is the Word of God. Let us dive into is and chew on it that we may know God better through his words. 

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, your word speaks anew every day, it is alive and sharper than any two-edged sword. Your word leads us and guides us in all we do. I thank you for the refining and molding you are doing in me, I ask that you speak to me though your word, lead me and guide me in what you have for me this day. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

What is your legacy?

Reading: 2 Kings 20, Isaiah 38-39, Psalm 134, John 20, and 1 Corinthians 10

Scripture: Isaiah 39:8, Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “The word of the Lord that you have spoken is good.” For he thought, “There will be peace and security in my days.”

Thoughts: After being told he was going to die, then after lamenting to God and being told he will have fifteen more years, He shows some people from Babylon everything he had. Now God tells him that everything including his sons will be taken captive into Babylon, and he says “Sounds good as long as I’m good.” This seems to be the mentality to much of the world today, As long as I get what I want and get to have the fun I want who cares what comes after me. Are we living to leave a legacy? We are called to spread the gospel, to praise and worship God. Are we sharing what God did for us, are we teaching the next generation what it means to walk with the lord? Are we seeking a legacy of lasting peace with God or do we only care that we have piece as long as we are here on earth?

Prayer: Father God, you are the all mighty and everlasting God above all things. You pour out your piece and love on us and call us to legacy building. I thank you for your calling and your provisions and blessings. I ask that you help me to focus on you plan and growing the legacy that you are creating. Lead me and guide me in all that I do. 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Battle commands and missinformation.

Reading: 2 Kings 19, 2 Chronicles 32, and John 19

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 32:15, Now, therefore, do not let Hezekiah deceive you or mislead you in this fashion, and do not believe him, for no god of any nation or kingdom has been able to deliver his people from my hand or from the hand of my fathers. How much less will your God deliver you out of my hand!

Thoughts: It is easy to get into a battle and loose track of the one we are to be listening to, to combat this the romans had their centurions who had this large red plum on their helmet so that the 100 they were over could follow them into battle. Over the centuries the way it is done has changed but the concept is still the same we are to follow the commands of the one above us. The evil one will use everything in his power to disrupt the communication or cause you to doubt it. This king of Assyria was crying out to get Judah to doubt God and just give up, as Hezekiah was encouraging Judah telling them that God and His army is with them. When we are in battle fighting side by side with those we trust, who are we listening to the loud voices of the enemy telling us we are going to fail or are we listening to the commander who we know already has won the war even though we are in the middle of a battle. This battle belongs to the Lord let us not listen to those who oppose Him.

Prayer: Lord God, your victory is absolute, your glory and honor abounds, and your creation shouts your name. I thank you that the battle is yours and that you have a place that I can serve. I thank you for your provisions and blessings that you pour out on us, the strength and boldness to continue in the face of an enemy who says you don’t exist or that their god is stronger. I ask that you help us to discern the truth and walk in your ways. I ask that you continue to mold me and refine me, cleans me and create in me a clean heart that I may honor you more. 

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Battle plans and sailence.

Reading: Isaiah 36-37 and John 18

Scripture: Isaiah 36:21, But they were silent and answered him not a word, for the king’s command was, “Do not answer him.”

Thoughts: In a world of witty retorts, quick words, and twitter wars, we are not good at being quiet. Be it going to a quiet place and spending time with God in the Word and prayer, or if is it like these men who were told to not answer. Every battel we are in will take different tactic, there are battle where we are to rush in guns blazing and battels where we are to hunker down in our foxhole and let them run out of ammo. We need the discernment to know what sort of battle we are going into and what commands are coming down from above. There are times where we are told to run in like when I was told to pray for my aunts cancer, and times to sit in our foxhole like in some work situations where we can show our faith by little actions and being quiet about situation that may be slandering people. We need to listen to the orders and plan that we are being given from above. 

Prayer: Lord God, your plans are better than our plans your strategies and better than ours and are so much more effective. You give us the strength to stand firm or to race in, you give us the ammo needed and the armor to withstand the attacks. I ask that you help me to see the plan for each day, help me to walk out the orders that you lay before me. May our battles be your victories.

Break down the Altars!!!

Reading: 2 Chronicles 30-31, John 17, and 1 Corinthians 9 

Scripture: 2 Chroniclers 31:1, Now when all this was finished, all Israel who were present went out to the cities of Judah and broke in pieces the pillars and cut down the Asherim and broke down the high places and the altars throughout all Judah and Benjamin, and in Ephraim and Manasseh, until they had destroyed them all. Then all the people of Israel returned to their cities, every man to his possession.

Thoughts: There are groups that call themselves Christians, there are people who say they are Christian because their parents or grandparents were. We are not a religion that is passed down from parent to child just by being born. We are called to a personal relationship and to follow Christ. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, Are we going to just assimilate into the world and look and act just like the world or are we going to be like Israel and go out to tear down the alters that the world worship at. Those alters take many forms, lust, sexual immorality, money, and selfishness. Are we tearing down those alters in our lives and helping others to identify and tear down their own? We need to our foxhole, those who are fighting by your side to overcome the strongholds and chains that are holding us back.

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, your creation shouts of your glory all the earth sings in worship of who you are. I thank you that you are taking care of us, you are leading us and guiding us. I thank you for your provisions and blessings that you pour out on us. I thankyou for your refining and molding you are doing in my life. I ask that you help me to overcome my stronghold and alters that I put up in my life and to be the encouragement for others. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Bringing out the uncleannes.

Reading: 2 Kings 18, 2 Chronicles 29, and John 16

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 29:16, The priests went into the inner part of the house of the Lord to cleanse it, and they brought out all the uncleanness that they found in the temple of the Lord into the court of the house of the Lord. And the Levites took it and carried it out to the brook Kidron.

Thoughts: In 1 Corinthians 3:16 we are reminded by Paul that we are the temple of God and Holy Spirit dwells in us. I know that I have uncleanness in me and that I need that cleaning from time to time. It is not enough to just scrub the outside and not clean the inside. King Hezekiah began to reign in the first month he opened the temple and gathered the priest and Levites to get the temple cleaned out that the Lord may dwell there. It says that the priest brought the uncleanness to the court and the Levites took it to the book Kidron. There may be uncleanness that God will just take and clean up but it has been my experience that Jesus our High Priest will bring it onto the court where we have to do our part and take it the rest of the way to the brook to toss it in and be rid of it. All too often we let that uncleanness sit in the court of our heart and continue to defile the entire temple. Let us band together and exhort one another with love and grace to get that court cleaned, our high priest has done the hard part let us take the steps to do our part in that cleaning. 

Prayer: Father God, you are so good, you are cleaning out temple, you are helping us to find the uncleanness in our lives that we can get it moved out of our lives and out of your temple. I thank you for your provisions and blessings that you are pouring out on us. I thank you that you are cleaning me, refining me and molding me. I ask that you help us to see and do our part in removing the uncleanness from our lives, give us people in our lives that will help call us on that uncleanness and encourage us to keep going as we can encourage them to do the same. 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Grafting and pruning

Reading: 2 Kings 17, Isaiah 35, Psalm 8, John 15, and 1 Corinthians 8

Scripture: John 15:2, Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.

Thoughts: We are always producing something, be it the good fruit that Jesus is calling us to here in John, or if it is rotten fruit, or unrepented hard nasty fruit, or even just leaves like the fig tree that was cursed. Are we allowing God to work in our lives to prune out the things that are not effective and producing in a way that is not healthy? We are all called to bear fruit, sure my fruit will look different than yours but that fruit all should do the same thing, draw people to want a relationship with God. Recently I came across a bunch of videos of people grafting plants together, made me think about a pear tree that my parents got a few years back and it had three of four varieties grafted together so this portion produces this variety of pear, and that side does another and so on. That is exactly what God is doing with us. In Romans 11:19 talks about those branches broken off that we could be grafted in. We are all to be getting our nutrients and what we need from God our root and we get that from Jesus the vine that he refers to himself as in the next few verses. Like the tree in my parents backyard there is one root system one main trunk of the tree but many are grafted in and give a variety of fruit. What fruit are you producing? Are there things that need cutting out because it is making rotten fruit, are there branches that only have leaves on it taking nutrients from the branches trying to make the good fruit? Ask the gardener who knows you better than you know yourself for help pruning and cutting out of those branches that are not pointing to Him through your fruit.

Prayer: Lord God, creator of all things, you know me and you know the rotten fruit that I can produce. I lay my life before you and ask that you help me prune and remove those things in my life that do not point to you. I thank you for the molding and refining that you have been doing that that you continue to do in my life. Help me to produce the fruit that you have called me to, and my it glorify you. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

They were the ruin of him.

Reading: 2 Kings 16, 2 Chronicles 28, Psalm 113, John 14, and 1 Corinthians 7

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 28:23, For he sacrificed to the gods of Damascus that had defeated him and said, “Because the gods of the kings of Syria helped them, I will sacrifice to them that they may help me.” But they were the ruin of him and of all Israel.

Thoughts: In todays Western society we do not have alters and gods the way they did back when this was written. There is not a god that is over each of the nations or people groups that we believe strengthened one nation over another. Our gods are more steeped into our culture and hidden in the selfish nature of the world. Just as chasing after the other gods ruined King Ahaz and continued the destruction of Israel in that time. The gods of our day and age will cause the same to use. Today many of the gods that are followed are things like the lust for money, things, fame, and notoriety. None of these are inherently sinful or bad but when we let then become more important than our relationship with God and spreading his Word, we start bowing down at the alter selfishness. Are we seeking God first, seeking his place for us in in plan? Let us seek after him and set aside our desires, as we seek him earnestly our desires may change or be fulfilled in a way we did not expect.  

Prayer: Lord God, your wonders never cease to amaze, from the rising of the sun to the birds of the air, you have made all things to point to your glory. I thank you for all you are doing in my life, I thank you for your provisions and blessings that I get to steward, I thank you that you are working in me, molding, and refining who I am that I can reflect you better. I ask that you help me to seek you and your desires for my life, help me to discern the next steps that I am honor you in all that I do. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Devoted to distruction

Reading: Isaiah 33-34, Psalm 4, John 13 and 1 Corinthians 6

Scripture: Isaiah 34:2, For the Lord is enraged against all the nations, and furious against all their host; he has devoted them to destruction, has given them over for slaughter.

Thoughts: Each day as we move closer to the unknown end, we see more and more of the things that Jesus said we would see in the end times, earthquakes, famines, wars, and rumors of wars. When this passage was written it was being written to Israel and the surrounding lands as a warning. I feel that that waning is just as applicable today as it was nearly 3000 years ago. One day the Lord’s judgment will fall on all nations. We are called to spread the Gospel the good news that God loves us so much that he sent his Son to fulfill the Law that we could be adopted into his family. When we were not of the Family we were of the world and part of the nations that were devoted to destruction. As a parent I would do anything to protect my children from harm, but I also want them to make choices. We are to share God’s love and offer the opportunity to become part of the family, but we cannot make the choice for them. Are we sharing what we have, the adoption through the death and resurrection of Jesus, or are we just letting the world follow after it’s own desires? Let us share what God has done for us. 

Prayer: Lord God, your grace and mercy abound, you call us to you. Your glory abounds in all I see. I thank you for all you are doing in my life, the provision and blessings you pour out on us, the molding and refining you are doing in my life. I ask that you help me to grow deeper in my relationship with you and have the boldness to step out in your name when called. You lead and guide me every day. 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Purge them!

Reading: Isaiah 31-32, Psalm 138, John 12, and 1 Corinthians 5

Scripture:  Corinthians 5:12-13, For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges judge those outside. “Purge the evil person from among you.”

Thoughts: I can’t count the number of times I have heard from Matthew 7 “do not judge, or you will be judged” Here we are told that we are to hold accountable those in the church, Those who call themselves our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are not to judge the world because it is not our place, our place it to share the Gospel to the fallen world that they may come to God and have the opportunity to repent of the sins in their lives. Once they have that relationship with God and us as that family with love we can help them to overcome the sins in their life. But Paul is saying here that if someone who claims to be apart of the family yet still revels in unrepentant sin they are to be purged and treated as an unbeliever. Let us grow in our love and grace and have that group of people in your church family who will call you on your garbage as well as you being willing to call them on theirs. 

Prayer: Father God, you know the things we hide in our hearts and the place we try to keep secret from those around us. You know the hairs on our heads and the number of our days. I thank you that you are still working on me, you are refining me and molding me in to the vessel you need me to be, Create in me a clean heart and take not your Holy Spirit from me. I ask that you help those around me to have the discernment to come to me and call me on sins that I don’t see in my life and help me to be a help to those who need me to do the same. Open our hearts and minds to your directions. 

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Smooth speaking illusions.

Reading: Isaiah 29-30 and John 11

Scripture: Isaiah 30:9-10, For they are a rebellious people, lying children, children unwilling to hear the instruction of the Lord; who say to the seers, “Do not see,” and to the prophets, “Do not prophesy to us what is right; speak to us smooth things, prophesy illusions,

Thoughts: When we walk out our lives, the influences of the world are all around us. The world is telling us to look here, look there, and oh look something shiny and new. Within all the looky looky being cried out, I also hear lots of tell me you accept me and that you affirm everything about me. Those people not willing to listen to instruction and telling us just talk nice to us tell us pretty things about ourselves. We are to stand in the gap, we care called to be peacemakers and to be that peacemaker we are to being the gospel to people that they can have reconciliation with God thus making peace between God that that person. When there is unrepentant sin in someone’s life there is a division between them and God bringing enmity. Are we telling people to affirm my sin, tell me it is ok that I am doing this or that, or are we seeking God with all we have? 

Prayer: Lord God, you know our hearts and our minds, you know the days of our life and the hairs on our heads. I ask that you help me to turn from those things trip me up. Help me to speak truth and love into the lives of those around me and grow deeper in my relationship with you. I ask that you break the smooth speaking of illusions that the evil one brings to us. Help us to discern the truth and walk in your ways. 

What are you looking for?

Reading: Isaiah 26-28 and John 10

Scripture: Isaiah 26:9, My soul yearns for you in the night; my spirit within me earnestly seeks you. For when your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness.

Thoughts: What are we longing for? What is the yearning of your heart? When you can’t sleep and you are tossing and turning, what is that thing that is always there in your mind? Isaiah is talking about that longing got God and that waking up to the I need more of you in my life God. But he also says that when God’s judgment is on the earth that the inhabitants would learn righteousness. There are judgments going on all the time, be it the kind where we are given over to sinful desires as shown in Romans 1:24, or like when there were judgments against Israel or other nations and God brought in other nations to capture them. During these times of judgment, we are to learn and grow. When we are seeking God there will be opposition, The evil one does not want us to dive deeper and get emboldened to spread the gospel. He wants us to become complacent to the point of sitting back and watching the show.

Prayer: Father, you are the one who can work all things for the good of those who follow you. The trials and tribulation will not overcome us and there is no temptation that you can’t help us through. I thank you that you are working in my heart, that you are molding me and refining me into that man you call me to be. 

Friday, September 17, 2021

God listens to him.

Reading: Isaiah 24-25, Psalm 42, John 9, and 1 Corinthians 4

Scripture: John 9:30-31, The man answered, “Why, this is an amazing thing! You do not know where he comes from, and yet he opened my eyes. We know that God does not listen to sinners, but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his will, God listens to him.”

Thoughts: I love how this man was brought before the leaders and questioned, and after giving them his testimony, his story about what God did for him, he had the boldness and the faith to poke fun at these religious leaders. We all have a story to tell, besides the God above who knows your story better than you. We are called to share the gospel through our story and what God has done in our lives and to have a boldness to stand up and give account. The Definition of Apostle from the Greek is emissary or one who is sent. As Christ Followers, in Matthew 28:19, we are sent into all the world we are the emissary to this world for God. Are we being bold and sharing our story of how God changed our lives. 

Prayer: Lord God you are the one who knows our story and is working all aspects of it for your glory and our good. I thank you that you are with me and have sent me. I thank you that you are always providing and guiding me. I ask that you help me to have the boldness and the willingness to walk our the calling you place before me. Help me to find the words I need in conversations with those around me each day. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Are you free?

Reading: Isaiah 22-23 and John 8

Scripture: John 8:33, They answered him, “We are offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. How is it that you say, ‘You will become free’?”

Thoughts: The United States of America even with the history that it has had is still one of the freest countries in the world. Even though there were several generations of slavery in Egypt, and many times of being taking into captivity after they claimed the promised land these descendants of Abraham claimed their freedom even though they were a slaves to the laws of Moses and the sacrificial system. We have the opportunity to accept the freedom that Jesus offered us. Are we walking in the freedom of the world or the freedom that comes from the Father above? 

Prayer: Lord God, you are the redeemer of all things, you redeem our stories, and our lives. All your creation shouts of your glory. I thank you that you have redeemed me, I thank you that you are working in my life to help me to be a mirror reflection your glory to this dark world. I ask that you continue to fill us and guide us in all we do. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Are you seeing this?

Reading: Isaiah 20-21, Psalm 32, John 7, and 1 Corinthians 3

Scripture: Isaiah 21:6, For thus the Lord said to me: “Go, set a watchman; let him announce what he sees.”

Thoughts: If you have been in the Church for almost any about of time you have heard someone say, “we are to be in the world not of the world.” This is a paraphrase of much of what John recorded Jesus saying in John 17. As I read in Isaiah this morning that saying came to mind after seeing where God told Isaiah to set up a watchman. We are in this world but not of it made me think of the ancient walled cities having watchmen posted around the city to want for danger, or at least the state of the surrounding world. In a way we are a walled city and if we cut ourselves off from everything outside our city, how are we going to spread the Gospel as we are told to do? Also without watchmen looking out into the world our enemy may find a hole in our wall and defenses. Each and every day we move one day closer to when Christ will return, if we don’t have watchmen looking to the horizons and interpreting the signs of the time, we may be caught not doing the will of the Lord. I want to be taken up going what I have been called to do or running on fumes because I gave Him everything. 

Prayer: Father God, you are in control, you have created all things and you know when you will send your Son back to collect those whom you call yours. I thank you that you have a plan and that I can be apart of it. I thank you that you are still refining me and molding me to be more affective in that which you call me. I ask that you help me to be a watchman and seek your will for each day. lead me and guide me