Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Would I had died instead of you!!!!

Reading: 2 Samuel 16-18, Psalm 7 & 41, and Titus 1

Scripture: 2 Samuel 18:33, And the king was deeply moved and went up to the chamber over the gate and wept. And as he went, he said, “O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom! Would I had died instead of you, O Absalom, my son, my son!”

Thoughts: Reading this in different stages of my life I have seen different things, younger I confused by Absalom and how he could fight his father for the kingdom instead of fighting a brother later. Then as a father I read this understanding the I would have rather died than have my son taken from me (even when he is being bad). Today I saw it with God’s heart, David was called a man after God’s of heart, God sent his son to come and die and pay the ultimate price so that we could be redeemed and have access to the Father. Maybe it was just a lament of a father whose son died before him, but it is also a picture of the love our Heavenly Father, that being three in one, God (Jesus, the Son) died for us that we could be with him. 

Prayer: Father, your hart longs for a relationship with us, you call and reach out to us even when we do not listen. I thank you that you never stopped calling, that you redeemed me from the life I once led. I thank you that you are still refining and molding me. I thank you that you give discernment and understanding that we may grow in our understanding of you and get deeper insight into your love and your word. Open our hearts to better know you. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

What are you preaching???

Reading: 2 Samuel 15, Psalm 3 & 89, and 2 Timothy 4

Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:2, preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.

Thoughts: When I hear the word preach I almost always think of someone getting up in front of a church and giving a well crafted message. The Greek word that was used in this passage was kerysso, this word has several meaning, being a herald, openly publish and public proclamation. When we get on our soapboxes and speak about something with some air of authority we are preaching whatever gospel we are getting on a soapbox for. We are all called to preach in one way or another. Is your preaching advancing the Kingdom or are you taking the focus for God and the gift he gave us. 

Prayer: Father God, you are worthy of all praise, you are worthy of all the words we have to preach. I thank you that you are leading and guiding us. I thank you that you give us opportunities to love those around us and build the kingdom. I thank you that you are growing and stretching me. I ask that you pour your boldness into me and help me to speak your word, and your praise. 

Monday, June 28, 2021

Get out!!!

Reading: 2 Samuel 13-14, 2 Timothy 3, and Luke 2

Scripture: 2 Samuel 13:15, Then Amnon hated her with very great hatred, so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her. And Amnon said to her, “Get up! Go!”

Thoughts: We have all wanted something so bad that we begged and pleaded for it and once we got it, we used it or played with it for a time, then it slowly or sometimes not so slowly it moved to the back of the closet and only occasionally gets taken out. Amnon did that with Tamar and society is encouraging this sort of behaver, try it before you buy it mentality. This is also an example of the seeds sown into the rocky soil in Matthew 13:20-21. Are we being rocky soil? Do we let the things of the world have a large influence on us yet our faith and relationship with God is in the closet waiting to come out when we go to church? 

Prayer: Father God, your wonders never stop amazing me, the beauty of a summer day or the silence after a snow. I thank you for the call on my life and the peace and joy that you pour out on us every day. I thank you that you are continually working on me and molding me into the man you are calling. I ask that you help us to keep our relationship with you in the forefront of our lives and not just what we do on the weekends or on holidays. Lead us and guide us in all we do. 

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Blot out my transgressions

Reading: 2 Samuel 11-12, Psalm 51, and 2 Timothy 2


Scripture: Psalm 51:1-2, Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!


Thoughts: I grew up singing the he song “Creat in me a clean heart” a song that focuses on the middle portion of this Psalm and restoration that Davis was seeking. God is just, and in the justification David and even us should be sentenced to death and eternal separation from God. Through Jesus God created a way to pay for those sins all the way back to Adam and forward until His return. God loves each of us that he sent his Son to be the payment for our sins that He could blot them out and was us clean. Are we walking in the cleansing or are we using it as fire insurance. 


Prayer: Father God you are so wonderful, you take are sins as fare and the east is from the west, you choose not to remember our iniquities. I ask that you help me to walk in the gift you have given me and seek to shine your light and reflect you love and mercy on the world around me. Help me to find my place in your plans oh Lord.  

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Soapbox stories

Reading: 2 Samuel 10, 1 Chronicles 19-20, Psalm 107, and 2 Timothy 1

Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:8-9, Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began,

Thoughts: As I read this today, I had the thought about how so many people do not share their story or things that they have experienced. I spent many years not talking about my faith let alone encounters with spiritual things in my life. We typically will get up on a soapbox and talk about movies, books, podcasts, and other entertainment that we have been consuming, but are we ashamed of our story. We think it is not good enough, it will not have the effect that we think it should, or sometime we do not think we have one. Look at your life and ask God to help you see his hands working and developing your story. With that story you will be able to reach a unique person or group that nobody else can, that is the podium that God has created for you. What is the Soapbox you need to get off? What podiums have God placed before you that have not been stepped up to yet? 

Prayer: Lord God, you are so wonderful, you lead us and guide us, you prepare the hearts of those whom you place in are path. Help me to recognize the podiums that you place before me and the soapboxes that I like to jump on. Help me to speak your truth and your love to the world around me that none may be lost. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

Caught in the crossfire.

Reading: 2 Samuel 8-9, 1 Chronicles 18, Psalm 60, and 1 Timothy 6

Scripture: 2 Samuel 9:1, And David said, “Is there still anyone left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” 

Thoughts: We have all been hurt by family or friends at some point or another, David had been hurt by someone who was family and king. Most of us who would have been in David’s situation would have written off that entire family thinking, “I’m sorry my friend died but that family got what was coming to it.” David showed God’s love toward Saul’s entire family because of the friendship he had with Jonathan. I have been through break ups where friends choose sides and family issues where because of the actions of one person there is an entire group of people who have distain for who I am. We are called to love as God loves and David exemplifies this by restoring to Mephibosheth his grandfathers land and gave him servants to work it. How can we show love to those who have wronged us and those caught in the crossfire? 

Prayer: Father God you are the one who makes all things, who owns all things and gives to us all we need. you pour your love upon us all and ask us to pour it out on those around us. I ask that you help me to pour your love on the world around us. I thank you that you are still working in my life leading and guiding me every day. 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Your Rod and your Staff

Reading: 2 Samuel 7, 1 Chronicles 17, Psalm 23, 1 Timothy 5

Scripture: Psalm 23:4, Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Thoughts: In reading this today I was thinking about the rod and the staff, when looking into the Hebrew for those the staff (mašʿēnâ) was a support come thing to hold onto and keep you sure footed. The Rod (šēḇeṭ) holds multiple meaning the most obvious here it the shepherd’s tool to direct and protect the sheep, but also is the scepter a symbol of authority. Finally, rod also has the meaning of clan or tribe. It is interesting to look at this passage with the full meanings that the Hebrew language brings, we are comforted in these trials because we are directed and protected, by the true authority and His clan, that clan I feel today is His church. We are also comforted by the staff the support that we need, be it a hand hold or an encouraging word. 

Prayer: Father God, you are the comfort, you lead and guide us, you protect us and give us a clan to belong to and together we support one another with your help. I thank you that you are with me and that you have the rod to keep me on track.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Marriage and Contracts

Reading: 1 Chronicles 16, Psalm 105, and 1 Timothy 4

Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:1-3, Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.

Thoughts: When reading this passage about people being lead astray to the point of forbidding marriage, my mind went to in growing up marriage was a man and a woman. In the Bible marriage was a man and a woman but it was also a covenant with God, that is why God did not want divorce to be a thing. When the no fault divorce was created marriage became just a contract. President Obama added to that contract that people of the same gender could use that contract. There are pushes from many activist groups to break the family up. Between marriage not being what it used to be and the groups actively fighting against good family values, we appear to be on the verge of a forbidden marriage.

Prayer: Lord God, you created marriage from the beginning, calling it good, you brought the husband and wife together to be fruitful and multi. You have made a covenant with us when we get married, I ask that you help us to walk in that covalent and impart your truth to the next generation. Help us to stand against those who want to tear down your statutes. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

A fool for you

Reading: 2 Samuel 6, 1 Chronicles 15, Psalm 122, and 1 Timothy 2-3

Scripture: 2 Samuel 6:21, And David said to Michal, “It was before the Lord, who chose me above your father and above all his house, to appoint me as prince over Israel, the people of the Lord—and I will celebrate before the Lord. 

Thoughts: We all make fools of ourselves from time to time. Sometimes it is because we are trying to impress someone, sometimes we are just getting ahead of ourselves and do something silly or stupid. Just like Michal we can even assume that the foolish this someone else is doing is self-serving or on the silly stupid spectrum. Growing up in a church where you stood or sat to sing a few songs and maybe you would clap on time with the song was how you worshiped, the first time I attended a church that worshiped unabandoned it was odd, and I thought back to stories I had heard about those weird churches that danced and stuff. Are we worshiping God unabandoned? 

Prayer: Lord God you are worthy of all praise, you are worthy of all love and worship. I thank you that you give us the ability to praise you in so many ways. I thank you that even when we look a fool it can still be praise and worship to you. I thank you that you are leading and guiding us. I thank you for your molding and refining that you lead us through growing us, strengthening us, and helping us to reflect more of you in our lives. 

Monday, June 21, 2021

Teaching without understanding

Reading: 2 Samuel 5, 1 Chronicles 13-14, Psalm 30, 1 Timothy 1, and Luke 1

Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:6-7, Certain persons, by swerving from these, have wandered away into vain discussion, desiring to be teachers of the law, without understanding either what they are saying or the things about which they make confident assertions.

Thoughts: We all know that person who thinks they are an expert on everything even without study. There are even those in the church who try to teach or be involved in leadership who are not equipped to do so. We need to watch for those who are overstepping and teaching soothing that is off. We also need to be aware if we are the one overstepping our equipping. It is good to learn and to want to pass that information on to others but when we gain knowledge but not understanding and wisdom then we can easily use that knowledge to justify a move in the wrong direction or lead someone astray without knowing. In Romans 14 Paul talks about being a stumbling block to someone because you know that all things are clean but others still have beliefs that it is unclean. If we do not have enough understanding to teach something we should point others to whose who do. 

Prayer: Father God, you give us understanding, discernment and wisdom. You are the one from whom all knowledge and understanding flow. I thank you for entrusting me with what you give me and the ability to see and understand when others are teaching from a place of partial understanding. I ask that you help me to see more, grow more, and seek more of your wisdom and understanding, that I may impart to others. 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

What are your desires?

Reading: 1 Chronicles 12, Psalm 37, and Matthew 28


Scripture: Psalm 37:3-7, Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. 


Thoughts: Just the other day I heard someone trying to teach men to strive for greatness, physically, mentally, and financially it you want to get a woman and keep her. This man was a vey secular man and then this morning reading through this Psalm, it hit me. As men we are called to protect our families and to provide for them but our primary calling in our family is to be the spiritual leader, we are to be seeking God with all we are and working on emulating him. Loving our wife and children pouring God’s love into them every day. When a husband and wife can seek God together everything else will work 


Prayer: Father, I trust in you with all my heart, with all my mind, and with all my soul. You lead me and guide me. You are the one I seek after and long for. Your love overflows my heart and pours into those around me. Lead me and guide me in the relationships and help me to pour into those around me. 


Motives matter

Reading: 2 Samuel 4, Psalm 22, and Matthew 27


Scripture: Matthew 27:3-4,Then when Judas, his betrayer, saw that Jesus was condemned, he changed his mind and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders, saying, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” They said, “What is that to us? See to it yourself.”


Thoughts: There have been lots of things going on lately that have been described with motivations that may not have been true without being in the head of the person doing these acts or they explicitly say this was my motive it is only a speculation and conjecture on what that motive was. With Judas I remember being taught that because the Bible says he was a thief and he regularly took from the money bag, that he had to be evil and that is why he betrayed Jesus. What if his motivation was to try to have Jesus stand up to Rome and the ruling class to restore God’s kingdom on earth. Most of the Jews at the time were under the teaching that the Messiah was coming to kick Rome out and restore Israel. So when he threw the money back at the leaders he was seeing his mistake still not seeing or understanding the big picture. Where are we assigning motives that are not for us to assign. 


Prayer: Lord God, you know our motives and our plans, you know when we seek you or try to force a plan. You have a plan that I fit into. Even the plans you have made known to me I still need to wait on your timing and your leading. Help me not to push your with my own motives

Clouded judgment

Reading: 2 Samuel 3 and Matthew 26


Scripture: 2 Samuel 3:25, You know that Abner the son of Ner came to deceive you and to know your going out and your coming in, and to know all that you are doing.


Thoughts: Joab had such anger and hate toward Abner that he was not willing to accept that he was doing anything good or that he could be trustworthy. Not only was there a distrust but the anger and hatred was to the point of murder, the biggest majority of us are not capable of killing someone but are we creating mistrust or a division because of our selfish desires and personal feelings toward some. 


Prayer: Lord God you know our harts and you the hearts of those around us. You are working in us all refining and molding us to be more like you. Help us to release the hurt and the pain, to work through is and forgive others as you for give us.


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Pursuing unto Death

Reading: 2 Samuel 2, 1 Chronicles 11, and Matthew 25

Scripture: 2 Samuel 2:23, But he refused to turn aside. Therefore Abner struck him in the stomach with the butt of his spear, so that the spear came out at his back. And he fell there and died where he was. And all who came to the place where Asahel had fallen and died, stood still.

Thoughts: Asahel had his one goal, as one of David’s top men he was trying to take out Abner. Even with the warning that Abner gave Asahel, he pursued him. Are we pursuing God in that way? Are we pursing God to the point of death? Asahel was going after his goal so hard that when Abner used the butt of the spear the dull side it still went all the way through him and out the back. It takes a lot of force to push a sharpened stick through meat not to mention any armor or clothing he would have had on. We need to be seeking and pursuing God in that same way, driving so hard after that relationship with Him that no matter what comes at us or attacks us there is no stopping us. We are in a battle for the souls of the world. We are called to spread the Gospel, the evil one will do everything he can to stop us. 

Prayer: Father God, you are the power and authority, we have nothing without you. I thank you for all you have done in my life and all you are doing, the molding and refining. You are the great commander of your armies. Help me to walk out your plan and pursue you and your goals. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Restoration or remnant

Reading: 2 Samuel 1, Psalm 85, and Matthew 24


Scripture: Psalm 85:4,Restore us again, O God of our salvation, and put away your indignation toward us!


Thoughts: In this Psalm the writer was talking about getting in God’s favor again. The entire book of Judges was about times that God used different judges to strike down enemies and point Israel back to God. Israel when coming out of Egypt was about 2 million people only a quarter of them were counted because they were the fighting men. When Israel was going astray it almost always talked about how there was just a remnant faithful. Israel was letting the world into their views. Are we crying out for restoration, are we the remnant, or are we still running from God’s love.


Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, you lead us and guide us. You give us the opportunity and ability to return to you when we fall. I thank you are molding and refining me. Lord help me to seek you always and help me to return to you when I loos my way. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Biblical Influencers

Reading: 1 Chronicles 9-10, 1 Samuel 31, and Matthew 23

Scripture: Matthew 23:5-7, They do all their deeds to be seen by others. For they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long, and they love the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces and being called rabbi by others. 

Thoughts: In a world of influencers, tictoc, YouTube, and Instagram, we are drawn to wanting the pleasure hit of likes and going viral. The religious leaders of that day got that high from the greetings and honor at feasts and around town. As much as Jesus was berating these leaders for all the little things they did I feel like this was also a warning to us about seeking fame. We are to use every tool we have at our disposal to spread to gospel and fame can be a tool but we are not to seek it as those leaders did because it becomes all encompassing. 

Prayer: Lord God, you are above all, you are the beginning and the end and I thank you that you think of me and lead me and guide me. I thank you that you are working in my life. I ask that you help us to see our true motivations and not seek glory that belongs to you. 

Monday, June 14, 2021

Tunnel vision!!!

Reading: 1 Chronicles 8, 1 Samuel 30, and Matthew 22

Scripture: 1 Samuel 30:11-12, They found an Egyptian in the open country and brought him to David. And they gave him bread and he ate. They gave him water to drink, and they gave him a piece of a cake of figs and two clusters of raisins. And when he had eaten, his spirit revived, for he had not eaten bread or drunk water for three days and three nights.

Thoughts: When we have a mission, or a project how tunnel vision do we get? It is easy to get so focused on the task at hand that all other things are forgot. I admit that it is incredibly easy to do when it comes to video games and entertainment. I have ignored my children fighting in the other room until one of them comes running in crying. David was focused on finding the people who took his family and things that it would have been easy to just continue past this Egyptian man, but David stopped and took care of him. Are we willing to stop what we are doing and pour into someone else, be it taking care of physical, emotional, or spiritual needs? Are we too focused to even see the broken world around us? 

Prayer: Lord God you are leading and guiding us, you are opening and closing doors. You are molding and refining me every day. I ask that you help me to get out of my tunnel, to pull my head out of the sand and see the hurt and the harvest. 

What sort of tenants are we?

Reading: 1 Samuel 29, 1 Chronicles 7, and Matthew 21

Scripture: Matthew 21:41-42, They said to him, “He will put those wretches to a miserable death and let out the vineyard to other tenants who will give him the fruits in their seasons.” Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: “‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’?

Thoughts: As I was reading these passages I saw an interesting juxtaposition, as these teachers, priests and elders was answering Jesus about tossing out the bad tenants and setting up new ones that will respect the owner, Jesus brings up the stone that gets rejected. If we look at the vineyard as the church the old system is being tossed out because it was not working and the stone that they rejected is the new tenant. This also applies in our lives, when we are not seeking God and chasing after things of the world we stop giving the owner of our lives the fruit of our lives. We need to toss out whatever tenant that we have allowed into our lives and start seeking God. 

Prayer: Father God, you have placed us in a place that has a harvest ready for us, you call us to be obedient and walk in your ways. I ask that you help us to put out the spirit of complacency, of fear, and of selfishness and work the fields that you have placed us in. Open our eye to your harvest and the desire to work. 

Are you serving?

Reading: 1 Chronicles 6 and Matthew 20

Scripture: Matthew 20:25-26, But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles Lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,

Thoughts: Most everyone prefers to be served, and if we could have someone to do all the cooking and cleaning and chores around the how we would. In those days servants were property, human tools, and Jesus after the disciples were talking about who would be greater in heaven drops the bomb on them if you want to be great be a servant. We are all given authority, are we using it to lord it over others or are we serving? The best management in business are ones who serve their employees. 

Prayer: Father God you are the greatest servant of all, you are looking out for our good and taking care of all we need. In your authority you pour your love over us and lead us and guide us in all we do. Open our hearts and minds to receive that leading and the joy you have for us. 

Friday, June 11, 2021

Living behind enemy lines.

Reading: 1 Samuel 27-28, 1 Chronicles 5, and Matthew 19


Scripture: 1 Samuel 27:3-4, And David lived with Achish at Gath, he and his men, every man with his household, and David with his two wives, Ahinoam of Jezreel, and Abigail of Carmel, Nabal’s widow. And when it was told Saul that David had fled to Gath, he no longer sought him.


Thoughts: When David and his men when to live among the Philistines not only was it him and his men getting beyond Sauls reach, they all took their families. As the head of the house the husband is called to be the leader of the house but also that their families could not be used as leverage against David. We all have enemies, some we have to live among and to escape the bigger threat. David took this time of escape to cause damage within the enemy’s house as he used them to be his shield against Saul. Are we taking land where we can or just protecting what we see as ours? 


Prayer: Father God, you are the head, you lead us and guide us, you open our eyes to how to live behind enemy lines. Mold me and refine me into whom you want me to be, give me discernment and wisdom to overcome the attack that will come. 


Thursday, June 10, 2021

They went their own ways

Reading: 1 Samuel 26, 1 Chronicles 4, and Matthew 18

Scripture: 1 Samuel 26:25, Then Saul said to David, “Blessed be you, my son David! You will do many things and will succeed in them.” So David went his way, and Saul returned to his place.

Thoughts: Saul had been hunting David, after confronting Saul, David was blessed by Saul and they each went their own way. Forgiving those who have wronged you does not mean you forget what they did and go back to they way things were before. David had come to the point that he knew that he could not do anything to God’s anointed, and after confronting Saul showing I could have taken you out Saul stopped pursuing David. But even after Saul admitted he sinned and blessed David they did not retune to how it was before. We can forgive and release any bitterness and resentment, but we are also to learn from our experiences. Let us overcome the hurt and pain, to forgive and release things but use discernment to how to interact with those who hurt us. 

Prayer: Father God, I thank you that you have sown us how to forgive, you are the example of how even when relationships are broken, it is possible to restore it. Restored relationships will never be the same as it was before but it can still grow. I thank you that you are growing me, that you are molding and refining me. lead me to a place where I can forgive as you forgive. Help me to see here I have failed and reconcile with those whom I have hurt. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Jumping headfirst into a puddle

Reading: 1 Samuel 25, 1 Chronicles 3, and Matthew 17

Scripture: Matthew 17:4, And Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good that we are here. If you wish, I will make three tents here, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.”

Thoughts: I feel like I would have lots in common with Peter, we work with our hands and we both have this annoying tendency to say or do things without thinking. I have gotten better about it but sometime I still jump in headfirst into a puddle. The only thing recorded that Peter said during this transfiguration was “let’s build tents.” Peter, in seeing Moses, Elijah, and the transfigured Jesus, was like we can make you a place to be just like we did for God when Moses brought us out of Egypt. As good intentioned as Peter was, he was blundering into something. Are we listening to God and seeking Holy Spirit’s guidance going into a situation or are we charging in like a bull hopping to hit the mark? Let us tame the bull inside us and walk in the peace and joy that God has for us. 

Prayer: Father God, you are the beginning and the end, you own the cattle on a thousand hills, you lead us and guide us. I thank you for the molding and refining you are working in our lives. I ask that you help me to walk in your ways, and seek you instead of charging in like a bull and causing mayhem when peace is needed. Lead me and guide me, open my heart to you leading.  

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Are we being filled with hot air???

Reading: 1 Chronicles 2, Psalm 87, and Matthew 16

Scripture: Matthew 16:12, Then they understood that he did not tell them to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

Thoughts: These two groups having a monopoly on Jewish traditions and laws, had found ways to give them more power and authority than what God had given to them when setting up the priesthood. With that creeped all sorts of false teachings. As the disciples realized they must be aware that there are things that these teachers are teaching that are not true. We have the same challenge today, there are thousands of churches and pastors out there, and it is possible that someone has been influenced or developed a false teaching. We need to have discernment and be in the word that we may know if something is off. May Holy Spirit help us to discern if we are listening to and propagating leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees. 

Prayer: Father God, you know all, you see all, and you can do all things. May all honor and praise be to you. You give us the ability to learn and grow yet some take to spreading false information. We seek you and ask you to help us to see to truth and cast out the lies and deception from our homes, from our churches, from our cities, states, and country. You are the authority from whom all authority comes. We have no power or authority without you giving it. 

Monday, June 7, 2021

Are you going that right???

Reading: 1 Chronicles 1 and Matthew 15

Scripture: Matthew 15:1-2, Then Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said, “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat.”

Thoughts: The Pharisees not only had traditions on when to wash but also how to wash, so these men were not worried about if the hands of the disciples were clean, they were worried that they were not cleaned in the right way. There are preferences when choosing a church like hymns verses modern worship songs, and chairs verses pews. When things become so ingrained in how “church” is done that it causes divisions in the church and non-salvation issues are treated as if they were. These Pharisees were doing just that, and it is easy to fall into those things. We need to be carful to not let our preferences become salvation issue. 

Prayers: Father God, you are so wonderful, and your love overwhelms me. I thank you that you are leading and guiding us every day. I ask that you help me to see if I am putting too much faith into something that I should not. Open my eyes to the things that should be held looser and what can be dropped in my life. 

Jumping in with both feet!!!

Reading: 1 Samuel 23-24, Psalm 45, and Matthew 14

Scripture: Matthew 14:29, He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus.

Thoughts: Almost every time I have heard the narrative of Peter walking on the water the focus is on that Peter started to sink. These men had seen what they thought was a ghost coming across the water to them, then Peter asks, “If it’s really you call me out there.” After being told to come Peter had to step out of the boat. I do not know about you but even knowing how to swim I really would not want to get out of a perfectly good boat in the middle of a lake in the middle of a storm. I have heard that when Jesus said, “you of little faith” that it was more accusatory like “look what happen why did you not make it.” But to me that does not fit with who Jesus is. When you read it with compassion you hear that line a little different. Peter the Rock actually had the courage and faith to get out of the boat and try. Are we willing to make a leap of faith and step out on whatever lake or sea of uncertainty that we are in and walk to our savior? 

Prayer: Lord, you all and I know that I do not always have the courage and faith to step out of the boat where I have become comfortable. I thank you that you continue to call and I have the opportunities to step out. I thank you that you are molding and refining me. I ask that you help me to see the opportunities and step out onto the turbulent seas as the come. 

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Longing or Seeing?

Reading: 1 Samuel 22, Psalm 52, 57, 63 & 142, and Matthew 13

Scripture: Matthew 13:17, For truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.

Thoughts: In the middle of telling the parable of the seeds and explaining it Jesus tells his disciples that there will be high ups in the church that will be seeking what we have had the opportunity to experience. In Matthew 7:21 Jesus warned that there will be people who claim him but will not enter into the Kingdom. We need to be open and honest with ourselves and God. Are we seeking the relationship with God though the death and resurrection, or do we just have religion? Are we playing the Sunday morning Christion or worse thinking we can skate in on our parent’s or grandparent’s faith? 

Prayer: Father God, I thank you for all you have done, I thank you that you have opened the opportunity for our adoption into your family. I thank you that you pour out your love on us in so many ways. I thank you that you are refining me and molding me. Help me to overcome places in my life where I am still only religious and grow me in my relationship with you. Pour your spirit out upon me and lead me in your ways . 

Friday, June 4, 2021

We wish to see signs!!!

Reading: 1 Samuel 21, Psalm 34&56, and Matthew 12

Scripture: Matthew 12:38, Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered him, saying, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.”

Thoughts: There are times that I feel like the scribes and and Pharisees, asking for signs and wonders. God has been with us all our lives, he has protected us and provided for us in different ways throughout our lives. We need to open our eyes to the signs and wonders that he has already done, write them down keep a record of the answered prayers and the wonders that you have had the opportunity to see and walk through. Also do not forget to open your eyes to wonders that are not what you were expecting. 

Prayer: Father God, your creation shouts of your glory, the wonders of each day point to you. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you give us every day. You have paid the unpayable, you have redeemed the unredeemable. The signs and wonders may not be what we expect or what we are looking for, but you are shining in our lives every day. I thank you for those wonders we do see and ask that you help us to focus that we may see you more. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Uproars and raised heads

Reading: 1 Samuel 20, Psalm 83, and Matthew 11

Scripture: Psalm 83:1-2, O God, do not keep silence; do not hold your peace or be still, O God! For behold, your enemies make an uproar; those who hate you have raised their heads.

Thoughts: When this was written Israel was under attack, as God’s people have been under attack sense God separated them and gave them the promised land. Today after Israel had been destroyed and have become a nation again, Israel is still under attack. Being that we have been grafted into God’s family we have been made sons and daughters of God, we are under attack as well. Over the last 10-20 years that I have been aware of the attacks on the church things have escalated from fights within churches to mass shootings in churches. God’s adopted children are being attacked, those who hate us are making an uproar and calling others to hate us too. Stand up for what you believe and do not let the hate of this world cause you to question that belief. 

Prayer: Lord God, you are the beginning and the end, you know the schemes of the evil one. I thank you that you are with us, that you give us the strength and ability to overcome those schemes. I thank you that you work all things for good even when we do not understand. I thank you that your training is preparing us for the battles to come and ask that you help us to discern what is coming. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Who got more?

Reading: 1 Samuel 18-19, Psalm 59, and Matthew 10

Scripture: 1 Samuel 18:8-9, And Saul was very angry, and this saying displeased him. He said, “They have ascribed to David ten thousands, and to me they have ascribed thousands, and what more can he have but the kingdom?” And Saul eyed David from that day on.

Thoughts: We all have people whom we look up to and would like to be more like. When we are trying to emulate someone, it is easy to be just look at the accomplishments, take Benjamin Franklin for example he is know as an inventor discovering electricity and creating bifocals, but in looking at things he was also a satirical joker. We need to be careful that how people see us is not what drives us, Saul’s approval rating seemed to be everything to him and when someone else’s was going higher than his he flipped. In a world of hyper connection because of the internet and social media we can seek those approvals faster and from more people. We are not created for this much dopamine; it has become an addiction for a massive amount of people. Are we looking to what God says about us and about who he says we are, or are we looking to see how may like and share we have when we make a post? 

Prayer: Father, your love is sufficient, your grace over flows, your joy bubbles over, and you pour them out on us. I thank you for all you are going in our lives, the molding and refining, the teaching and training you are calling us to walk through. I thank you that you know me better than I know myself and you still love me. Help us to have a healthy view of ourselves and look to you and those we trust. Let us hear and accept the truth and let those hurtful things to roll off out backs and not carry them into our lives. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The trial of training.

Reading: 1 Samuel 17, Psalm 144, and Matthew 9

Scripture: Psalm 144:1, Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle

Thoughts: In 1 Samuel when David was asked about why he would be able to defeat Goliath, he said that he learned by being a shepherd needing to kill both bear and lion. Then here in Psalm he blesses God for training him. As followers of Christ every trial and tribulation is an opportunity to learn and be trained by God. Working under a difficult boss can be training to leaning into God more like Danial. Working through loss of some sort where God is your comfort, we are being trained to comfort others. No matter the situation and the trial there is an opportunity to be trained by God, the question is are we seeking the training that God has for us. God is not making these bad things happen but he will use them to train you for the battle you are not yet in. 

Prayer: God, you are so wonderful, I thank you for all that you are doing, the training you have for us and the strength to overcome. I thank you for your refining and molding you are doing in my life. I ask that you help us to accept the training and lean into it that we may be come those whom you have called us to be.