Sunday, November 4, 2018

November 4 Kryptonite 18

Reading: Jeremiah 32-33, Romans 8, Killing Kryptonite Chapter 18

Thoughts: In my last post I talked about churches that were not teaching all of the word and allowing known sin to remain among them. This is similar, like when Israel had Aaron build a golden calf and called it Yahweh, the name God gave Moses as his name. When we start watering down God’s word because the world around us is jaded and put off because we look no different then they do we are creating a false Jesus. We are to be in the world bu not of the world, when we worship this false or counterfeit Jesus we are becoming part of the world saying all these thing we are doing are fine because we are covered or however we justify that what is written is not what is meant. We need to be in the word and fully committed to the true Yahweh and not this counterfeit god that we build up.

Prayer: Father, you are God the Farther, Yahweh, King of kings. I thank you for being us into your family and sharing your name. I thank you for your provisions and blessings each day. I ask you help me to discern your word and your body. Help me to see if there is something amiss in your body. 

November 3 Kryptonite 17

Reading: Jeremiah 30-31, Romans 7, and Killing Kryptonite chapter 17

Thoughts: Are you being exhorted and brought up in the Word or is your paster just given to making their flock feel good. I am blessed by being a part of a congregation where we don’t skip the hard parts or the things that we don’t want to hear. There are churches out there that teach a Jesus but leave out some of the things God commands. Not only do we need the truth of what God did through the Son but we need to hear that if we are giving ourselves over to sin and allowing known sin to be apart of our church we will loose out on the power and just as Paul said to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 11:30, “That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died.” We need to be willing to call out in love when there is know sin in our church. We are one body in Christ and when one part of the body is hurt or is sick the entire body feels is and is affected. This is why Paul tells us to cast out those who will not repent and turn from their sin. Those who don’t repent need to be treated as unbelievers. We need to love them and help them to know the love of God but they are not to be apart of the Body of Christ if they are given to sin, not if the fall into sin because we all do that but have given themselves over to it. 

Prayer: Father, we thank you for bring us into your family and making us joint heirs with your Son. I thank you for your blessings and provisions that you pour out each day. I ask that you help me to be like Micaiah and only speak what you speak. Let your word and your love pour to overflowing in my life so that I share your love to all around me. 

November 2 Kryptonite 16

Reading: Jeremiah 28-29, Psalm 17, Romans 6, and Killing Kryptonite chapter 16

Thoughts: There have been times that my desires did not aline with God’s, like I mentioned before it was not a big turn from God but a let us aim a little off center. After complaining to God or just not listening to him long enough I would think I heard him so go ahead and do it. Just as God did with Israel and other individuals throughout the Old Testament. God will not tell us to do anything that is contrary to his Word but he will give us over to our sinful desires. Meditating on God’s Word will give us insight into who God is, What his voice sounds like and what his desires are. 

Prayer: Father, your ways are hight than mine, your thoughts are higher than mine. I thank you that we have the ability to tap into your will, thoughts and ways through your Son. I ask you to help me to know you and your voice and your will that I may follow you more closely. 

November 1 Kryptonite 15

Reading: Jeremiah 21, 24, 27, Psalm 33, Romans 5, and Killing Kryptonite Chapter 15

Thoughts:  "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Jesus (John 8:31b-31a) Through God’s gift and love shown in the death and resurrection of his Son we have been set free. The ability to get to heaven is a perk in comparison to the freedom that God granted us. In our power we can not over come any of our sins. The sins deceive us and convince us that what we are doing is ok. For me is was not here go this other direction completely it was its ok that you aim is a little off don’t focus on it. Over time I found myself doing things I would have never done if I was presented with that option right off. I have been set free and I walk in that freedom. There are times that the consciences of what I did come back to me and cause me to stumble but we are free. When we abide and meditate on the Word we will be set free. Meditation has been given such a bad connotation over the years with the new age way of centering and grounding one self. The best way I have seen meditation is when it is explained by with a visual. Mediating on the Word is like a cow, goat, or more Biblical a sheep chewing the cud. Chewing the cud is when an animal will sit and chew on the same food for a long, long time, that is how we are to be with the Word. We are to chew on it go over it get every bit of nutrition out of it then go over it again. In that kind of meditation on the right things the things of this world, will fall behind us. Just as if we look at the sun we see no shadows, if we keep our eyes on the Son the shadows of this life will not be seen.  

Prayer: Father, You are so wonderful. I thank you for sending your Son so that I can have the opportunity to know you and come into your love. I thank you for the provision we get from you each day and the blessing that you have for us. I thank you for your guidance and the plan you have for me and my family. I ask that you help me to walk in your freedom and your strength. 

Saturday, November 3, 2018

October 31st Kryptonite 14

Reading: Jeremiah 48-49, Romans 4, and Killing Kryptonite chapter 14

Thoughts: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. That thief is also our kryptonite when sin deceives us and we start slowly making our way to where the Good is seen as evil and the wrong is need as good (as in America today) we are unable to grasp or see What God has for us. I know that I struggle with lust and anger, I know that it is easy to covet things others have or are doing. I see friends going places I have only dreamed of going and doing things I want to do or having nicer cars. But then God reminds me of the things he is giving me and the blessings we have. I have a family of 4, we own a house with some land, we have two cars  and a motor cycle that work and have no payment on, we always have food and the things we need, yet I still want what others are doing and have. 

Prayer: Father you provide all and give us our hearts desires. I thank you for what you give us and I ask that your contentment grown within me.  Help me to be content with your will and direction for me and not long for what you are going other. 

October 30th Kryptonite 13

Reading: Jeremiah 45-47, Psalm 86, Romans 3, and Killing Kryptonite Chapter 13

Thoughts: In this chapter of Killing Kryptonite we see that the Kryptonite is known sin and willful disobedience. John also helps us to see that to worship God is to obey. It was pointed out that the first time Worship was used in the Bible was when Abraham said, "Stay here with the donkey; I and the boy will go over there and worship and come again to you.” That worship was not praise, singing, or bowing it was obedience. I know I struggle with listening to God’s voice at times but I have also seen miracles happen because I listened to what he said. When it comes to silence and listening to or for God’s voice I struggle, I want to fill the silence I want to move on to the next thing or bounce from thing to thing. Maybe its a learning disorder or the way I was raised or any other excuse you or I could come up with but that is also part of the reasoning for the title to this blog, God most of the time speak through the breeze and that still small voice deep down inside of us, but sometimes he takes out that 2x4 and will smack you upside the head to get your attention. One of the things I have to be carful of is the other voices I start letting in. In my job I am on the road a lot and because of going all over the state I have a hard time finding radio stations so I listen to podcast about many different things and interests, Geeky things, pop culture, movies and even sermons but are they beneficial. Like Paul said, “All things a permissible but not all things are beneficial.” I am looking at is my entertainment hindering my hearing from God. 

Pray: Father, you are so awesome, you provide all that we need and all that we could ever want. I thank you for all the blessings and provisions you give us each day. Help me to quiet myself and cut out the things that take me away from you. I want to know you and hear you more, in hearing help me to obey more as well in proper worship to you.