Sunday, February 28, 2021

Pierced to serve

Reading: Exodus 21, Psalm 119:49-96, and Romans 7

Scripture: Exodus 21:5-6, But if the slave plainly says, ‘I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free,’ then his master shall bring him to God, and he shall bring him to the door or the doorpost. And his master shall bore his ear through with an awl, and he shall be his slave forever.

Thoughts: I have had my ear pierced for about 25 years; I have never really thought about what the Bible said about it. With the difference in cultures and about 2 thousand years change, what could the Bible say about this? As I was reading this morning the passage about a slave choosing to remain in the service of his master after seven years and getting his ear pierced stuck out. Even though this is not common practice here in the USA and not anything I thought about when I got my ear pierced. I was thinking that as I have Chosen to serve God, and Christ was pierced for my transgressions, how much pain and discomfort are we willing to endure for the Gospel? I am a servant of God and He adopted me as His son. 

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful. You take care of all our needs and lead us to walk in your ways. I thank you for your Son and adopting us through the gift if His death and resurrection. I ask that you help me to walk in your statutes and seek your glory. I ask that you help me walk in your service forever. 

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Clinging to dust bunnies!!!

Reading: Exodus 20, Psalm 119:1-48, Romans 6, and Matthew 26

Scripture: Psalm 119:25-26, My soul clings to the dust; give me life according to your word! When I told of my ways, you answered me; teach me your statutes!

Thoughts: This passage resonated with me today, I am preparing for a surgery in the near future. The doctors asked me to go onto a special diet for a minimum of two weeks before. When waiting for the scheduling department to contact us. To keep open as many options as possible I am starting this diet today. So, the idea of my soil clinging to the dust is very real to me as I start this journey. My family and I went to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants as the last hurrah before starting this. I am clinging to the dust of food, this time of sacrifice will result in the blessings of the surgery the restoration of my body. What are we holding onto in our spiritual life that we need to let go and seek the life-giving word of God in, and what statures are we needing to be taught or in many cases retaught? 

Prayer: Father, you are so wonderful, you know the hairs on my head and the state of my body, and you guide the hands and minds of the doctors of this world. I ask that you help us to release the dust of this world and cling to your word and lean on your statutes. 

Friday, February 26, 2021

The simple Gospel

Reading: Exodus 18-19, Psalm 19, Romans 5, and Matthew 25


Scripture: Psalm 19:7, The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple


Thoughts: In school I remember being taught the acronym KISS (keep it simple…), the Gospel is simple yet we have a tendency to add to and make it complicated. Davis wrote about how God’s testimony makes wise the simple. The Jewish laws were numerous and complicated and would not actually forgive sin, where the Gospel was simple, believe and trust in the death and resurrection of Christ for the forgiveness of sin. The walking in the forgiveness and calling may be hard work but the faith in the Son is simple. 


Prayer: Father God, I thank you that you have made it simple, that you have made it that all who are willing to accept can understand and believe in your forgiveness. I ask that you help us to be more free with sharing your Gospel and your love. Lead us and guide us. 

Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Battle Standard.

Reading: Exodus 16-17, Psalm 24, Romans 4, and Matthew 24

Scripture: Exodus 17:15, And Moses built an altar and called the name of it, The Lord Is My Banner. Matthew 24:6-7, And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

Thoughts: The Lord is Banner, Jehovah Nec, I love this name for God. Many people hear banner and this of a sign hung up to announce something, in Hebrew it was more of a military term. The gathering point the pole or flag that gave direction to the troops. With God as our rally point we have a common direction and a common thing that brings us together. In Matthew Jesus was talking about what would be coming in the end and referring to the prophecies of Daniel. When nation comes against nation and the wars of this world are raging around us are we going to know what to look for, will we recognize the banner and follow after it, for direction, to regroup, and ready ourselves to continue?

Prayer: Father God, you are our provider, you are our rally point to regroup and send us out. Your ways are higher than ours. I thank you for giving us a rally point, a place to come and prepare for battel. I ask that you help us to open our eyes and ears to your leading and your directions. Lead us and guide us in all we do. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Division verses wisdom

Reading: Exodus 14-15, Romans 3, and Matthew 23

Scripture: Romans 3:14-18, “Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.” “Their feet are swift to shed blood; in their paths are ruin and misery, and the way of peace they have not known.” “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

Thoughts: As I have been inundated by politics over the course of the last year, I became aware of the widening divide that is developing around me. This divide is not just in politics but trickles down into churches and families. It is not the difference of opinion that is the issue, that is one of the things that causes people to investigate things, educate themselves and when we come together grow. What is happening is just as Paul was talking about in Romans 3 people, from the top down, are coming together with swards drawn and most of the time without truly knowing and understanding either side of the debate. When we come to attack and fight instead of learning from one another we create a world where division is the goal even when our words say “unite.”  Are our mouths full of venom or love, are we quick to attack, do we fear God more than what man can do to us?

Prayer: Father you are the beginning and the end, you created all things, and there is nothing you do not see. I thank you for sending your Son to pay the price for our sins and I thank you for you Holy Spirit who lives in my leading me and guiding me. I ask that you help us to walk in your love and grown in your wisdom. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Remember, Remember....

Reading: Exodus 12-13 and Romans 2

Scripture: Exodus 13:8-9, You shall tell your son on that day, ‘It is because of what the Lord did for me when I came out of Egypt.’ And it shall be to you as a sign on your hand and as a memorial between your eyes, that the law of the Lord may be in your mouth. For with a strong hand the Lord has brought you out of Egypt.

Thoughts: I feel like I have this horrible ability to forget the good and remember the bad. Remembering the joy of holding my babies for the first time is harder to recall than the torment of the loss of my twins before I even got to meet them. God as he was putting in place the Passover Feast told them not to forget, use this yearly reminder of what he did for them to keep fresh the history and blessings that God did and is still doing. We are all called to remember what God has done for us. What narrative are we sharing and writing on our hearts as well as the hearts of our children? God is always working to bring good out of every situation, are we focusing on Him and what he is doing or just on the pain of the trial that we are in? 

Prayer: Father, you are so good, your ways are higher than our ways. I thank you that you do take what the enemy has meant for evil and you lead us closer to you if we follow. I ask that you help us to recognize when your hand moves and remember your faithfulness in it. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Doing and giving approval

Reading: Exodus 10-11, Psalm 31, Romans 1, and Matthew 22

Scripture: Romans 1:32, Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.

Thoughts: God laid out many laws that we are to talk in. The greatest is to love God and the second is to love others. Without these how could we expect to live out the others? In the world there are many who claim to know God and be one of his, thus claiming they know his commandments, yet they walk in contradiction to that. Are there laws or commandments that we are walking in opposition to? Do we hear God’s voice through his word yet choose to accept and chase after those things that are wrong, by approving or even participation in those things that God has said are wrong? 

Prayer: Father God, I lay my complacency and apathy at your feet. You gave us your laws and commands to us through the prophets, teachers and disciples who know you. I ask for forgiveness for not walking in all your precepts and ask that you place upon my heart all your commandments and give me the strength to strive after them every day. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Growing with God's skills.

Reading: Exodus 8-9, Acts 28, and Matthew 21

Scripture: Exodus 8:20, Then the Lord said to Moses, “Rise up early in the morning and present yourself to Pharaoh, as he goes out to the water, and say to him, ‘Thus says the Lord, “Let my people go, that they may serve me.

Thoughts: Previously Moses had been telling God that he could not speak, and God let him use Aaron like his prophet and had him (Moses) tell Aaron what to say. Then at the fourth plague God tells Moses to go to Pharaoh. Even when Moses made excuses and was using Aaron as a mouthpiece, God was still working and equipping Moses for his work. What are we making excuses about? Has God made accommodations for your excuses yet still working on your heart to overcome what you claimed was a problem? 

Prayer: Lord you are in control of all things, you lead us and guide us and train us to walk in your ways. I thank you for the training and building you have done in my life and that you have a place for me in you plan. I ask that you continue to refine me and grow the skills I need to overcome all the obstacles before me. 

Speaking through failure and pride

Reading: Exodus 6-7, Acts 27, and Matthew 20

Scripture: Acts 27:21-22, Since they had been without food for a long time, Paul stood up among them and said, “Men, you should have listened to me and not have set sail from Crete and incurred this injury and loss. Yet now I urge you to take heart, for there will be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship.

Thoughts: There are so many things that remind me that the Word, this collection of 66 books that are a collection of history, prophecy, and poetry, not only works together to show the sovereignty of God but the humanity of those in that time. David was recorded as committing murder and adultery. Paul was a murderer and here as they are preparing for the ship to wreck Paul pulls out the “I told you so” card, at other places it talks about one apostle outrunning another. These little things that bring the humanity into the Word makes it so much more alive and true to me, God speaks not only through our success, but also our failure and pride. 

Prayer: Father God, I thank you for your Word, I thank you that you inspired them to write. I thank you that the truth, the Good, the bad and the ugly are all there and you used them all got your glory and to point to you. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

What are you doing God?????

Reading: Exodus 4-5, Acts 26, and Matthew 19


Scripture: Exodus 5:22-24, Then Moses turned to the Lord and said, “O Lord, why have you done evil to this people? Why did you ever send me? For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in your name, he has done evil to this people, and you have not delivered your people at all.”


Thoughts: This morning after reading where God tells Moses that he will harden the heart of Pharaoh, Moses then sees things getting worse for God’s people. There is always opposition when we step out to do God’s. Are we going to be like Moses first trying to come up with excuses to get out of our callings or begrudgingly accept the call but when things go not according to your plans or you timing, blame God for it not looking like what we thought it should? Play your part walk your path and one day the path you took will make more sense than the road you had. 


Prayer: Father God, your ways are higher than ours your thoughts are higher than ours. I place my trust in you and ask that you help us to walk in faith and not by the sight of the world. 


Thursday, February 18, 2021

Forgiving from the heart.

Reading: Exodus 2-3, Acts 25, and Matthew 18

Scripture: Matthew 32-35, Then his master summoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me. And should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’ And in anger his master delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay all his debt. So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.

Thoughts: As I was reading this morning, this parable and mostly the end, reminded me of my children. At 4 and 6 they are constantly hurting each other and causing havoc in the house as kids that age do. We are trying to teach them that is ok to play and even play rough but we also need to love well and forgive and ask for forgiveness. Most of the time when they apologize for something you know there is no heart behind it. Just like the servant who went after the other after being forgiven. In our forgiveness and in our seeking for forgiveness where is our heart? Especially in today’s cancel culture people are quick to ask forgiveness and renounce what ever was called out, but are they truly repentant, are they truly guilty for what they are being blamed for. Being that we are in the age where almost everything you do lives on in the internet in some way shape or form, something from 20-30 years ago that meant nothing at the time is now being found again and brought out as something that is against todays standards. We need to forgive as we have been forgiven. Through Christ all our sins have been forgiven as have been washed clean, we need to do the same for others. I am not saying to forget and let things continue to happen to you but we need to forgive, and release any bitterness that has built up in our hearts. 

Prayer: Father, it is all yours, our hurt, our pain, our forgiveness. I release the bitterness I have and forgive those who have hurt me and ask your blessings upon them. I ask that you lead me to those I need to seek forgiveness from. Help us to forgive as you forgive and repent from the things we have done. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Refocused by fear.

Reading: Genesis 50, Exodus 1, Psalm 140, Acts 24, and Matthew 17

Scripture: Psalm 140:12-13, I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and will execute justice for the needy. Surely the righteous shall give thanks to your name; the upright shall dwell in your presence.

Thoughts: Fear and anger are the two easiest emotions and state of mind to get into. Over the course of 2020 the world was placed into a state of fear. The fear of COVID has cased otherwise rational people to become hoarders and drove people into angry rages over whether of not to wear masks. There are passages all over the Bible telling us not to fear and that we are not to sin when we are angry. After crying out to God for most of this Psalm he comes down to accepting that God with maintain him and execute justice. We are to give thanks and worship in His presences in the middle of adversity. 

Prayer: Lord God you are so wonderful, you take care of all our needs and lead us to green pastures. You are worthy of all praise and worship. I ask that you help us to keep our eyes on you and not let the worry and fear that the world brings to weight us down. Help us to rise up in your name to spread your love and the Good news. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

We are blessed!!!

Reading: Genesis 48-49, Acts 23, and Matthew 16

Scripture: Genesis 48:19, But his father refused and said, “I know, my son, I know. He also shall become a people, and he also shall be great. Nevertheless, his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his offspring shall become a multitude of nations.”

Thoughts: I found it interesting that after Jacob with direction and help from his mother deceived his father to get the blessing of the older son then when blessing the sons of Joseph, he chose to purposefully give the greater blessing to the younger. We are all blessed and blessed to the degree of our faith and calling. We also need to remember that not all blessings are money or things. The greatest blessings in my life are my family and the always having enough. We are not rich my most people’s standards but I God we have all we ever need. 

Prayer: Father God, you created all things, and all things are yours. You provide us with what we need and the leading and directions you have for us. You give us the ability to grow and learn to grow in the stewardship of your wealth. I ask the you help me to steward it well and overcome all things. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

Commandments of men

Reading: Genesis 46-47, Acts 22, and Matthew 15

Scripture: Matthew 15:8-9, This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.

Thoughts: As I read this passage today, the question came to mind, how many of us out there are only following the commandments of men and honoring God with our lips. We are need to dive into the word and read it every day using discernment given to us by Holy Spirit, and let God speak to us through his word and not just take everything we hear as truth. Yes, we all have sinned and fallen and only by the blood of Christ are we forgiven, and that is why sometime the evil one will get into people harts and minds and lead them astray. If those who are lead astray are leaders then many more will be lead astray and start following the commands of men. 

Prayer: Father God I thank you for all you are doing in our lives. I ask that you lead and guide, give us insight into your word and give us your discernment to know when someone is leading us astray.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Bias world

Reading: Genesis 44-45, Acts 21, and Matthew 14

Scripture: Acts 21:29, For they had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the city, and they supposed that Paul had brought him into the temple.

Thoughts: When reading this morning I felt God talking to me about assumption just as the Jews at the temple supposed Paul was bringing Trophimus into the temple, I am guilty of making assumptions and supposing something about someone I do not know. We all have the tendency to build biases in our minds, they may be from experience or from being taught to think that way from our parents. What are the assumptions that we are making and who are we making them about? Once we see those assumptions and biases, we can work on changing them. All are created equal in the eyes of the Lord and we have sinned and fallen short and need the free gift of forgiveness given though the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the son of God. 

Prayer: Father, you are so wonderful and your creation shouts your glory. I thank you for sending your Son and creating a way for us to come back to you. I ask that you help us to recognize our biases and change them and to love others as you love them. 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Watch out they bite

Reading: Genesis 42-23 and Acts 20

Scripture: Acts 20:29-30, I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them.

Thoughts: As Paul was getting ready to leave on the next leg of his journey, he is warning the elders that people from within and from the outside will try to lead people away. Are we heeding the same warning? So often people bounce from church to church, denomination to denomination seeking something or trying to keep something hidden. We need to put down our roots, grow in community and dive into the Word so that when those wolves come, we can stand firm and we have others to stand by our side. 

Prayer: Father help us to put down our roots and be steadfast and stand firm on your Word. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

Kingdom Scribes

Reading: Genesis 41, Acts 19, and Matthew 13

Scripture: Matthew 13:52, And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.”

Thoughts: I thought this was interesting, just after Jesus had told a bunch of parables and then explained them to the Disciples he drops this nugget. Back then most of the reading and writing was done by trained professional writers or by people who were educated. So this little mini parable about the writers trained for the kingdom who are to bring out both old and new. This leads me to thinking about how we are in a unique time and place where the literacy rate is so much than in the past. We have the ability to put our words out for hundreds and thousands of eyes to see. With this power are we working as trained kingdom scribes and bringing the old and new together to help people to see the truth of God’s love and gift of forgiveness. 

Prayer: Father God we thank you for all you are doing in our lives, the leading, the molding and the refining. I ask that you help us to be the scribes you call us to be. 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Who do you Serve?

Reading: Genesis 39-40, Acts 18, and Matthew 12

Scripture: Genesis 39:23, The keeper of the prison paid no attention to anything that was in Joseph’s charge, because the Lord was with him. And whatever he did, the Lord made it succeed.

Thoughts: We are told to do all thing unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23). As we do our day-to-day life and work, does our work show that we are doing it to God? Joseph as a slave had every opportunity to do just what was expected skate back without being noticed, and if he had let himself be tempted by Potiphar’s wife he may have been kept out of prison until she tired of him. What does you’re your job look like when being done for God? What does influence look like when used for God? What does your family look like when it is for God? 

Prayer: Lord, you are the creator of all things and you lead and guide the willing. I thank you for all that you are doing in my life the molding and refining. I thank you for the people that you have brought into my life that help with that process. I thank you for adopting me into your family and giving me access to those things I need. I thank you for the opportunity to steward some of your great wealth. I ask that you continue to help me to do all things to you as Joseph did, lead me and guide me in all I do. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Sayings of our Children

Reading: Genesis 37-38, Acts 17, Matthew 11

Scripture: Genesis 37:11, And his brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the saying in mind.

Thoughts: Having a four and six year old there is not much that they say that I feel that needs to be remembered. I do not know maybe yours has more profound things to say than mine, but also as a father there are those things whether as profound as Joseph having dreams where he was going to be lord over his family and God giving him a glimpse into his plan or if its one of those wonderful moments where you children say something that melts your hart and shows that they are starting to know God. Israel tucked this little nugget away in his mind. In this world that is going at the speed of light in comparison to the time of Israel and Joseph, are we taking the time to listen to God and to experience God with our children? Are we having experiences with our children where we see their growth with God or is the world raising them as we busy ourselves with other things? 

Prayer: Father God, you are so wondrous, you know the hairs on my head and the deepest recesses of my heart. You know where my children are, and I ask that you encounter them and help me to teach them what it means to walk with you. I thank you for all you are doing in my life the growth, the molding, and the refining. Lead me in your ways oh Lord. I thank you for those who continually point me to you. I thank you for your provisions and ask that you help me to steward it well. Help me to remember the saying of my children and may they walk with you. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Worship Always

Reading: Genesis 36, Acts 16, and Matthew 10

Scripture: Acts 16:25-26, About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. And immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone’s bonds were unfastened.

Thoughts: David in the Psalms would cry out to God for forgiveness, strength, and hope. Now as the temple the Holy Spirit resides in us giving us the strength and hope and we have the forgiveness being covered by the sacrifice of Jesus. When we learn to walk in the power that is given to us by the Holy Spirit living in us we will have the strength to praise him through any storm, any trial, and self-doubt that we may have. I know that my self-worth would fall right into the toilet if I had been out into prison, when we focus on who we belong to and that they have a plan for us it is less difficult to endure the persecution and trials that we are walking through. Open your heart and worship and praise God through the storm, its not about just getting through the storm but how we get through the storm. 

Prayer: Lord you are the overcomer, you give us the strength to overcome all things in your name. Not by might nor by power but by your spirit can we overcome. I thank you for all you are doing in my life and in the life of my family. I thank you that you are refining us. I ask for your wisdom and guidance as we walk through and navigate the exploration of attitude and emotions with our children and grow in your love and show your heart. I thank you for those who continually point me back to you. I thank you for your provisions and the opportunity to steward some of your great wealth, I ask that you help me to steward it better and prepare me for the next stage of what you have for me. 

Monday, February 8, 2021

Led astray

Reading: Genesis 34-35, Acts 15, and Matthew 9

Scripture: Acts 15:24, Since we have heard that some persons have gone out from us and troubled you with words, unsettling your minds, although we gave them no instructions,

Thoughts: With so many voices streaming into our lives every day it is easy to let a voice that does not belong there to take root or to get us off track. The devil will not try to get you to do a complete 180 to follow him but like when you place a magnet near a compass and it no longer points due north it points a little off. That is what happened with these people, they were believers and trying to follow Jesus, but they were being told that on top of believing they also had to do all the things they themselves could not live up to. In today’s society there is less call to follow more regulations but a push to let everyone do and think as they wish to the point of abandoning our convictions to teach to Word of God. Seek God first.

Prayer: Father God, your ways are higher than our ways your thoughts are higher than our thoughts, you are in control even when it looks like the world is crashing down. I thank you that you are in control and that you are leading and guiding me. I thank you for saving me and showing me your grace and mercy. I thank you for all you are going in my life. I ask that you help me to seek you first in my life and to have the wisdom and discernment to see when someone is leading me astray. 

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Be an influencer!!!

Reading: Genesis 32-33, Acts 14, and Matthew 8

Scripture: Acts 14:12-13, Barnabas they called Zeus, and Paul, Hermes, because he was the chief speaker. And the priest of Zeus, whose temple was at the entrance to the city, brought oxen and garlands to the gates and wanted to offer sacrifice with the crowds.

Thoughts: We live in a world where being rich and famous is one of the highest priorities in many peoples lives. This is evident that in 2019 I heard of many school ages kids wanted to be influencers and YouTube famous thinking that fame and money would come easy to them. Paul and Barnabas were great influencers of the time spreading the gospel across the known world. The Lycaonians tried to worship them as gods if we look at how many people look at celebrities today it is like worship and placing this as gods in our lives. Are we looking for fame and money or are we trying to influence the world for God and share the Gospel every where we go? 

Prayer: Father God, you are high above all things, above all people, above all desires, and I long to worship at your feet and reside in your presence. Your wonders abound over all the earth and amaze me every day. I thank you for saving me and bringing me into your family and growing me every day. I thank you for the refining and molding you are doing in me. I thank you for my family both biological and adopted church family and the joy and trials that come with doing life together. I thank you for your provisions and the ability and opportunity to steward your great wealth. I ask that you help me to be an influencer of the world with the Gospel and not for fame and riches. 

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Are you a door or a conduit?

Reading: Genesis 31, Acts 13, and Matthew 7

Scripture: Acts 13:10-11, and said, “You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord? And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you will be blind and unable to see the sun for a time.” Immediately mist and darkness fell upon him, and he went about seeking people to lead him by the hand.

Thoughts: After Elymas had been trying to block what Paul and Barnabas were doing Paul gave this man a verbal beatdown and God blinded him. We are called to be a part of Jesus building churches, our job given to us by Jesus before leaving earth was to build churches. Even though we have differing ideas in how we understand passages and how we believe we are not here to criticize churches or tear down churches we are her to build churches, it is God’s and the Holy Spirits job to place conviction in the hearts of those who seek Him that we may be conformed to our Heavenly Father and not to a sect to religion. Let us not push others away or we could become part of the problem instead of the solution. 

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, I thank you for sending your Son who is the Way to come to you and I thank you for the Holy Spirit who helps to remind us when getting off course and give us the power to work your plan. I thank you for the refining and molding you are doing in my life. I thank you for my family and those people you have brought into my life. I thank you for your provisions and the ability to steward that portion of your wealth. I ask that you help us to be an open door and a conduit for your love and not a door slamming in the face of those who don’t believe as we do.

Friday, February 5, 2021

You are not giving me anything!

Reading: Genesis 29-30, Acts 12, and Matthew 6

Scripture: Genesis 30:31, He said, “What shall I give you?” Jacob said, “You shall not give me anything. If you will do this for me, I will again pasture your flock and keep it:

Thoughts: I have spent most of my life reliant upon myself and my family for my needs, it took a long time and being in a situation where I got to watch God multiply our money so that bills could be paid. There were times where we could not see a way to pay our mortgage and yet over the course of 2020 when so many lost their jobs, we have always paid our bills. When Laban asked what am I giving you as wadges Jacob replied you are not giving me anything. Everything is Gods and he will move the wealth around to where it is needed and to make sure his people are taken care of. Are you reliant upon your own abilities to get what you need or do you see that God gave you your abilities and opportunities to receive the provisions he has for you, and are you stewarding it well?  

Prayer: Father you own everything, you created everything, and will distribute it where needed. I thank you for the refining and molding you are doing in my life, the burning off of what is not desirable in my life, I thank you for all you are doing in me. I thank you for my family and the joy and trails they bring. I thank you for the things at are always pointing me back to you. I thank you for the provisions in my life and the opportunity to steward a portion of your wealth. I ask that you help me to trust in you more fully with where my provisions will come from and that you have something for us. 

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Blessed again???

Reading: Genesis 27-28, Acts 11, and Matthew 5

Scripture: Genesis 28:1, Then Isaac called Jacob and blessed him and directed him, “You must not take a wife from the Canaanite women.

Thoughts: After reading where Rebekah was told that the older of her twins would serve the younger. We come to where she has Jacob deceive Isaac ensuring that not only Jacob got the birthright but the blessings of the eldest. What I find interesting is that after all the deception and trickery that had happened Isaac called Jacob in for another blessings and instructions. Maybe it was a blessing on the journey and task to find a wife, but it still felt odd that after all that and his brother breathing threats and murder that there was another blessing. I do know that even though we fail, and sin God still wants to bless us, he pursues us and calls us to return to him. Seek God in all you do and when we fall God will hep us to get back up and strive for him again. 

Prayer: Father God, you great mercies pour from heaven, I accept them and strive to walk in them. I thank you that you do not give me what a deserve but see your Son and the cleansing he did for us. I thank you for the work you are doing in me, the molding and refining of my heart and mind. I thank you for my family and the people you have placed in my life, those who point me to you and call me to dive deeper into you. I thank you for the opportunity to steward your wealth. I ask that you help me to steward well and seek you in all that I do. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Beauty that lasts!!!

Reading: Genesis 25-26 and Acts 10

Scripture: Genesis 26:7, When the men of the place asked him about his wife, he said, “She is my sister,” for he feared to say, “My wife,” thinking, “lest the men of the place should kill me because of Rebekah,” because she was attractive in appearance.

Thoughts: As I was reading this My first thoughts went to how Abraham did the same thing but then my mind went to how vain culture has become so many people both men and women will not age with grace. As we age our bodies stop looking the way they did in earlier years. When Isaac and Rebekah got married it says that Isaac was 40 and is now 60. Not knowing exactly how old Rebekah was, she was still 20 years older. After that time had passed Isaac still saw her as beautiful and attractive, in a disposable culture even marriage and relationships are thrown away with no fault divorces. Fearing for his life because of her beauty. No matter if you have been together for 1 year or 100 as men, we need to see our wives as beautiful enough that someone will try to take them from us because they are. If we do not treat our wives with the love and honor due to them as your wife and as a daughter of the one true King then someone could take them away. 

Prayer: Father God you are the one who created marriage, you have created all things and lead us in all things. I thank you for my wife, I thank you for the joy and struggles that come with this relationship and partnership that you ordained. I thank you for the work you are doing in my life, the molding and refining of my character and attitude. I thank you for the trials in my life that lead me beck to you. I thank you for my family and the opportunity I have, to show them you though who I am and who I am becoming. I thank you for the ability to steward some of your wealth. I ask for help showing my wife the love and honor she deserves as your daughter and my wife. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

How to you breath???

Reading: Genesis 24, Acts 9, and Matthew 4

Scripture: Acts 9:1, But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest

Thoughts: When reading this the thing that stood out was the fraise breathing threats and murder. Jesus taught that even to hate in our hearts is equated to murder. Lately the divide between political parties and those of differing opinions has be come so large that it seems that there is hate and threats from every direction.  Where God created a world of diversity that are all equal all have the same rights and value. These groups who have divided themselves have created an atmosphere of hate, threats, and murder as the attack the other side. Are we being part of the problem and being like Saul breathing threats and murder?

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, despite the differences you created you see us all as sons and daughters. I thank you for sending your Son to bring us into that relationship with you. I thank you that you are constantly refining and molding me into man I need to be. I thank you for helping me to release my anger properly and not to sin in that anger. I thank you that you are always keeping people around me to point me to you. I thank you for my family, I thank you for the people in my life. I thank you for the ability to steward your wealth. I ask that you help me to see how you see and not breath the threats and murder that world seems to call for. 

Monday, February 1, 2021


Reading: Genesis 22-23, Acts 8, and Matthew 3

Scripture: Acts 8:1, And Saul approved of his execution. And there arose on that day a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem, and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles.

Thoughts: Here in America most Christians don’t truly understand persecution, we post something on social media, and we get people who disagree with us yelling at us and maybe threatening to unfriend us on those platforms. Maybe if your statement particularly inflammatory to someone maybe you will be deplatformed and canceled. There are still many places in this world where persecution is in the form of imprisonment and death for Christians sharing the Gospel just as the early church had. Over the last few chapters the church had grown from the 122 that had remained in the upper room and received the Holy Spirit to thousands by the time Stephen was killed. These thousands of people were going out in every direction, every place they came to they shared the Gospel. Persecution can cause hardship during it, but it will cause our faith to grow and along with the church. 

Prayer: Lord God, you are so wonderful you use all things together for those who are yours, the persecution and attacks upon your church only make us stronger and spread your love more. I thank you for your love and grace that you pour out on us every day. I thank you for the refining your are doing in my life to mold me into the man you have called me to be. I thank you for the joy and trials of family. I thank you for those in my life the point me to you and lead me. I ask that my eyes be opened to true persecution and to walk in your love and strength when it comes to me. I lift up those who are in persecution now give them the strength to endure and overcome in Jesus name.