Saturday, April 30, 2016

April 30, 2016 I am Two-Face

Reading: Galatians 2 and Deuteronomy 25-27

Scripture: Deuteronomy 25:13-16, "You shall not have in your bag two kinds of weights, a large and a small. You shall not have in your house two kinds of measures, a large and a small. A full and fair weight you shall have, a full and fair measure you shall have, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. For all who do such things, all who act dishonestly, are an abomination to the Lord your God.

Observation: Back in that day and area, to do trade men would have these measures and weights in their homes or with them to do business. Today we don’t worry about that too much being that there is a system for that, but I also see this as the way we treat those we know are in the church and those we don’t know or experienced that they act as if they are not. Just the other night I noticed that was acting one way around an old friend who’s past I knew to be away from God.

Application: As we sat down to eat dinner and they asked that we bless the meal. After blessing the meal they started going into things they had been learning at church and how they had been going for a few weeks and a worlds religion class they had taken. It totally changed they way the dinner went. That is not how it should be, we are to have one measure and one weight. We are to be the same person in front of our friends who are believers as well as the unbelievers, that could be the only witness to them we may have. 

Prayer: Father, I thank you for your grace that covers me every day, you are so amazing, creating this beautiful wold for us to live in and enjoy as we seek you. Lord I ask that you open our eyes to the times where we are being two faced where we have brought out the second set of weights or second measures when dealing with our friends and coworkers. Help us throw away those things that make us abominations and embrace your standards.

Friday, April 29, 2016

April 29, 2016 How can I help you

Reading: Galatians 1, Deuteronomy 23-24, and Psalm 91

Scripture: Galatians 1:10, For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Observation: I think everyone likes getting a pat on the back or a well done, but are we looking for that more from man because we see them and can get them directly and right away.  

Application: We are call to do all things to the glory of the Lord (1 Corinthians 10:31) we need to be careful that we don’t start doing what we do for our own glorification and not his. God tells us quietly that we are doing well and speaking his Gospel in a small voice that only we hear, even though we think that we need to have someone using a megaphone telling of our deeds. 

Prayer: Father, I thank you that you sent your Son and have brought us our of the muck to find the white robs of forgiveness. I ask you to help up to keep you in the forefront for our minds and do everything to your glory and not worry or think of what others think of us.

April 28, 2016 His Steadfast Love

Reading: 2 Corinthians 13, Deuteronomy 21-22, Psalm 145

Scripture: Psalm 145:8, The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

Observation: I am so thankful for this verse and so many others like it. I know that i fall down I screw up and look at things that I shouldn’t or tell little lies. I’m sure we all do, and the newer someones relationship with Christ is the more likely we are to have reverted back to who we were before God got ahold of our lives. 

Application: for me this is a great reminder of how much he loves us that we are brought back into his arms even after we turn and run from him. whether it is that we never knew him before, to you ran away with your inheritance like the prodigal son. His love is so abundant that no matter the mistake you made, as long as you are turning from it and striving for God he will forgive and open his arms to welcome us back into his graces.

Prayer: Father, I thank you for this beautiful day watching the rain come down as the sun shines getting the feeling of a warm summer shower. I thank you for your glorious mercy and grace that you pour out upon us. I thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to us to help us to seek you and place a longing to do right that we do not bring the need for the grace. 

April 27, 2016 Yes Jesus Loves Me

Reading: 2 Corinthians 12 and Deuteronomy 18-20

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:10, For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Observation: Growing up I always heard just the final portion of this scripture. “For when I am weak he is strong.” It is true when we are weak, which is almost always, He is strong. God does not inflict upon us the hardships of life but as is said in Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” 

Application: Yes it is good to remember that though him we have great strength and we will be given the power to overcome when we don’t have strength of our own to stand up to a situation. I think this is reminding me less about his power and more about the willingness to take up the mantel that has been laid on my shoulders and be ok where I am and continue to seek God’s plan. 

Prayer: Father, you are so amazing I thank you for another day to worship and praise you. I thank you for your Holy Spirit and the why that he helps me to see things in your word that I didn’t before. I ask that you open my eyes to the joys and contentment that you have for me in my situation and that I can be OK seek you daily. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

April 26, 2016 What a Beautiful Angel

Reading: 2 Corinthians 11, Deuteronomy 16-17, and Psalm2

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 11:14, And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

Observation: When I was in Choir at a Christian college right out of high school, I had a professor who came to us after rehearsal and said to us “how would you guys feel if this beautiful angel appeared and said how great of a job we were doing?” Of course we are all college kids and we are going “that would be awesome” and things of that nature. Imagine an Angel showing up at your work or school saying you are doing great. 

Application: Sure it could happen God could send down an angel to tell us how pleased he is with us. We must be wary of things like that because Satan was a beautiful angel who fell. The Holy Spirit speaks God’s words and love into us daily as we seek him. Seek him and stay in the word and God will speak to you. Be carful who and what you listen to and if you see or hear something confirm it in the word God. 

Prayer: Father, Love you and thank you for each day you give us to enjoy. Open my eyes to see and my ears to hear. I love listening to you speak and long to hear more each day in the quiet of my day. I ask you will be done in family situations and have you touch those around us. 

Monday, April 25, 2016

April 25, 2016 Destroy the Strongholds.

Reading: 2 Corinthians 10, Deuteronomy 14-15, and Psalm 88

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10:3-4, For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.

Observation: After going though what I did yesterday I am not surprised a verse like this is what jumped out at me. I have always heard war was scary both from those who were in the military and those who have experienced spiritual warfare. Other then hearing people speaking into situations with words of discouragement or the seeds of doubt coming into our lives I had not seen battle. I felt insulated and relatively safe on this war. 

Application: Our weapons are for destroying the stronghold the enemy has erected. Though the discipleship and growth that I have been going though I was better prepared then I though, but I still was not ready for my first face to face encounter with one of satins minions. We are always to be ready with the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness and the shoes of the readiness of the gospel. Be ready to at a moments notice take up the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit.

Prayer: Father I Thank you for giving us your armor and your weapons to fight this war. Without them we would be trying to fight this battle in our own power and we don’t have much power. Lord I ask you to help us too remember to keep ourselves ready for battle and to have our shield and sword close at hand when the battle comes to us. 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

April 24, 2016 Demons don't belong here!!

Reading: 2 Corinthians 9 and Deuteronomy 11-13

Scripture: Deuteronomy 12:2, “You shall surely destroy all the places where the nations whom you shall dispossess served their gods, on the high mountains and on the hills and under every green tree.”

Observation: This morning one of the scariest things ever happened. This morning as I was trying to journal and prepare from our last day at the retreat when one of our leadership came across one of the men that came who was demonized or possessed. As a few of us contended and were trying to lay hands on him to cast out the demon for this man, he fled us. Many of us are still contending for this man and his release from the hold that the evil one has on him. 

Application: We are to tear down all the places where there are idles and destroy all idles. Jesus gave us his authority to cast out and heal. To tear down the strongholds the devil had gotten his finger into. Just as Israel was charged with dispossessing everyone our of their promised land we are to dispossess any place or person the evil one is crawling into. We have been given the power and authority in Christ’s name.

Prayer: Father, I thank you for the strength and courage too stand up to the evil one this morning, without you on our side and reminding us that this war was already be won by you it would have been easy to walk away. I thank you for your provisions and the great teachings that you gave us over this weekend. I pray for this man who is under such attacks that he sees men of God as enemies. I also want to lift up anyone who is battling in the spiritual realm give them the eyes to see the ears to hear and the courage to stand because we have the armor of God and his authority to crush the enemy

April 23, 2016 How much can I give away?

Reading: 2 Corinthians 8, Deuteronomy 9-10, and Psalm 148

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 8:2, “for in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part.”

Observation: The first thing I thought about reading this was the widows mite, this woman gave all she had to live on. For the longest time I didn't give at all let alone tithe. When I did start to give and tithe I didn't have joy or generosity I gave out of a feeling of obligation and I tried not to be bitter about the extra money that I could be spending on other things. 

Application: It has taken time for me to grown and find the joy in giving and it has been put on my heart that one day there will be enough to live on the 10% and share with rest. I'm not there yet but I know that at some point I will have more then what I know what to do with and I want to be so generous that I give it away. 

Prayer: Father, you are so wonderful you provide all that we need and you know before we do the things needing in our lives. I thank you for providing for all our needs and touching our lives in ways we could never imagine. Lord stretch me and help lead me to prepare me to give it all away. 

Friday, April 22, 2016

April 22, 2016 I did it, it was me.

Reading: 2 Corinthians 7, Deuteronomy 7-8, and Psalm 139

Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:17-18, Beware lest you say in your heart, 'My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth.' You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day.

Observation: It is so easy to let yourself say, “Look what I did” or “I earned that.” I fall into that myself, we all want to think (especially men) that we can do it all or that it is because we are men that things got done. God guided me to go back to school and finish my Bachelors degree and I think about the IQ score I got taking a test, and I have a degree, in a few years will be moving up the ranks of any company I work at, but I'm just looking at my power. 

Application: God promised us All sorts of blessing, and given us the authority to make it happen. The word of God is truth and promise we just have to believe and claim those promises. In Matthew 4 is the parable of the sower we need to be the good ground and not let the thief come in and take that seed from us or let the worry and trials of life choke it out. Dive into the word and claim every promise God has for you. 

Prayer: Father, I love you so much and I long to sit in your presence all the days of my life. I thank you for the provisions you have poured out on me and my family, and the ability to continue with school and the intelligence to get my degree, it has all come from you. I ask you to help me to rise up in faith and keep your word in my heart and not let it be taken by the thief or choked by the worries and trials of life. Lord, bless this retreat may your will be done, tear down the walls in peoples lives that they may know you more.  

Thursday, April 21, 2016

April 21, 2016 Thank you

Thank you everyone for reading my blog and my thoughts on God's word and what he is speaking to me though it. I am very blessed that I will be leaving tomorrow to go on a Mens retreat put on by my church and enjoy some great teachings and spend time worshiping the Father as men and of course we will be doing other fun manly things like playing sports and shooting guns. I will be away from my computer for a couple day so I will get my daily posts up on Sunday after I get back. I thank you again for reading I will post in the morning before I leave, then on Sunday I will post the one from Saturday and the one from Sunday. God Bless Your weekend and always listen for the breeze and watch out for the 2X4. I would also love to answer any questions you may have just put them in the comments and if I don't have the answer I will search the word of God and reach out to those who know more then I do.

April 21, 2016 My yolk fits well.

Reading: 2 Corinthians 6, Deuteronomy 5-6, and Psalm 64

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6:14, Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?

Observation: I remember hearing the first portion of the scripture over and over growing up. Being told that I need to marry a good Christian girl. I am proud to day that I found one. The hardest thing was I went thought two others before meeting a woman who is a true believer. I say it that way because my first two wives were Christian only because in their eyes because of being American, and having family who were they got it like having it past down to them like being Greek or German. Granted I was not in a place to quibble over that being that I was barely a Sunday morning Christian living off my parents faith too. 

Application: When hearing the don’ts in life you almost alway want to go and do the don’ts just to find out what it is all about. With my first two wives being believers only in name and as I now see the end of my second marriage I end starting to listen to God again. I wanted to tithe and have my family attend church, in that there started to be arguments and a division happened. I was blamed for all the issues with the marriage and was told I needed counseling, I wanted us to do it together and she insisted it was all me, so I started seeking out counseling and before I could get to the first appointment I was served Divorce papers. Even after that mess I though I knew best when I went looking to new relationships again I had sex with them and even lived with one before God took out that 2x4 again. Once I truly come back and started seeking after him I met a woman who I could be equally yoked or pared with. 

Prayer: Lord, your grace and mercy are so wonderful and I thank you got fending your son. I long for your will be done and to bring down heaven to earth. Lord i ask you to help us to see the parings that we have in this would and to be sure that we are pared equally. 

April 20, 2016 How long is this camping trip?

Reading: 2 Corinthians 5 and Deuteronomy 3-4

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:1-2, For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this tent we groan, longing to put on our heavenly dwelling,

Observation: I love this verse especially after listing to a sermon series called Breaking Camp at The idea that this is not our home and we are on a camping trip where we are just here until its time to go home. 

Application: Being that we are only here for a time we need to make the best of it. God has called us to share his love with all the people around us. Use the platform and microphone that life has given you and God has amplified to speak life and love into the would around you. 

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for preparing a place for us in heaven. You are so wonderful and giving. I long for your kingdom to come and pray your will be done here. I ask you touch all that read this. Lord help me to see your opportunities to speak into the lives of those around me and the strength to take those opportunities.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April 19, 2016 Where is my sword?

Reading: 2 Corinthians 4 and Deuteronomy 1-2

Scripture: Deuteronomy 1:43, So I spoke to you, and you would not listen; but you rebelled against the command of the Lord and presumptuously went up into the hill country. 

Observation: I feel like I do the something that the men of Israel did after God told them they screwed up. When they were told because you didn't trust and have faith you are getting this punishment they all went wait we will go do what you said and go and try and do it now that God is not going with them on this endeavor. I feel i do the same thing I will say I can’t to this or that then God shows me the blessing that he would have given me and I go well if I would have know that I would have done that a long time ago.

Application: God does not want us to do things for the blessings that will come from it, he wants us to follow his plan and will for our lives because we believe in him and that he will be there with us to give us the strength to make it though and he wants to bless us. God just wants to bless us but we sometimes have to walk though the fire to get that blessing.

Prayer: Lord, you are so awesome and we thank you for the blessings you have poured out on us. Lord I ask you like the man with the epileptic son “I believe help me in my unbelief” I know you can do all things and a will do all things for those who ask and believe yet there are times I still wonder will you. Lord help me to listen the first time and not learn later why I should have done it then.

April 18, 2016 Am I readable

Reading: 2 Corinthians 3 and Numbers 34-36

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:2, You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all.

Observation: For the longest time I didn’t like this verse because I was the Sunday morning christian. I would show up to church on most Sundays the ones where I work up and got there or I had volunteered to do something. But I would go out drinking I smoked and even smoked pot with my friends. If I was anyones letter of recommendation I was a poor one.  

Application: As Christians we are called to be the light into the world, we are that light by writing Gods word on our hearts and setting ourselves apart. We are to in the world not of the world. We are God’s heavenly ambassadors, our citizenship is in Heaven and with God but we are here to share the word of God that is written on our heart. I have been blessed to notice a difference in one of my coworkers who the first few days I worked with him it was “f” this and “f” that and now after a could weeks working with him I only hear a couple “f” bombs a day.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the opportunity to be a light at work and in the world around me. I ask you to every day to write you word deeper onto my heart and make it show, cause people to see the difference and want to know what it is that causes the joy in my life. Lord help me to be more Joyful in all that I do help me to make that choice to be joy filled even when I don’t want to. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

April 17, 2016 Drive them out!!

Reading: 2 Corinthians 2, Numbers 33, and Psalm 65

Scripture: Numbers 33:55-56, But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then those of them whom you let remain shall be as barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides, and they shall trouble you in the land where you dwell. And I will do to you as I thought to do to them.

Observation: I love it when we get to see where God promises something and then later we get to see it. It is so easy to forget the answered prayers in our own lives but when we can see something like this promise to the entire nation of Israel and later how when they don’t get everyone out how much of a pain or barbs and thorns these people become. 

Application: What God is speaking to me about in this is that our hearts and lives are just like the Promised Land, we need to be purged of the unholy things in our life that we pick up over the years. When we come to Christ and ask for the forgiveness and turn from our past, we need to remove all the things that will cause us to fall back into that sinful life. I had to give up Mid-evil reenactments that I was involved in because there were parts of me that it brought out in me that were not who I should be. 

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for your son and you love. As we go about our days help us to cast our those things in our lives that take attention from you and cause us to focus on things of the world. I know that these things can only be cast out of our lives by your strength, without you we would be overcome and fall back into the pleasures of the world that do not last. 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

April 16, 2016 Can I have my blessings now?

Reading: 2 Corinthians, Numbers 32, and Psalm 74

Scripture: Numbers 32:5, And they said, "If we have found favor in your sight, let this land be given to your servants for a possession. Do not take us across the Jordan.”

Observation: In this verse I was seeing so much of myself in that God has this plan for me and something I need to walk though but I see something bright shinny and new where I am and I go Hey this is good I want this can I have this. There are many thing I want many things that God has given me but just like those who asks for the land on this side of the Jorden we still have to walk though the war. 

Application: There are so many times I feel like I am asking for things that only make my stay where I am comfortable instead of looking forward to the Great gifts God has for me. God can and will bless you where you are but he also want you to Go though the War and come out with more then you ever imagined. Yes be content with what the Lord has given you but also be open to the blessing that you have yet to see.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the blessing that you have poured out on me and my family. You provide all things. As I prepare for the war ahead of me help me to enjoy the blessing you have and continue to watch for the blessing that are yet to come. Don’t let me settle for second best when you have a blessing that fare exceeds what I could dream. 

Friday, April 15, 2016

April 15, 2016 Effective and Powerful

Reading: 1 Corinthians 16 and Numbers 30-31

Scripture: 1 Corinthian 16:9, for a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.

Observation: This morning I was having a hard time finding something that jump out at me. Planning on coming back to go over the reading again after Mens Friday Morning Prayer at my church I go to the prayer meeting and it was this verse that was talked about before we started to pray and it affected me. We talked about the Greek word used for effective in this verse was the Greek word energes witch is an action word but also refers to not just the effectiveness but the power in the situation. So if we look at that verse using power or powerful Paul is saying he has powerful work that has opened up to him. 

Application: Paul was letting the corinthians know that he would be in Ephesus for a wile longer because God was doing a great work though him at that time. I feel that we shall all be looking for “a wide door for effective(Powerful) work has opened”around us God orchestrates opportunities for us to lift him up and share his love all the time and we need to be mindful of that. That is something I know I struggle with, That is why this is called “The Breeze and The 2X4” because sometimes we hear the breeze and react to it but sometimes we need that 2X4 to remind us that we have to step up and reach out to the lost sheep.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you have found me and I am no longer a lost sheep, I have been brought into your folds and have been accepted. I ask for your Holy Spirit to come upon me and open my eyes to the opportunities to speak into others lives and have those doors open wide for powerful and effective work to be done. Help me  to use the microphone that you have placed before me and share your loving kindness. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

April 14, 2016 I don't need this body

Reading: 1 Corinthians 15 and Numbers 29 

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:36-37, You foolish person! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. And what you sow is not the body that is to be, but a bare kernel, perhaps of wheat or of some other grain. 

Observation: I love how Paul put this saying your frail body you put in the ground will not be the body that God raises up when Christ returns. I have know so many people who will not allow anything postmortem to bed done to the bodies of a loved one because they have the though or belief that the body that died is the one to be resurrected. 

Application: I’m glad that God is not just raising this body. Even only in my mid thirties I have pains and things that don’t work correctly and even though I know that God is willing and able to fix things in his timing. When I die the broken parts of this body will no linger be my concern and God will raise me up in to a glorious new body. I believe that when Christ appeared to the Apostles he was showing us his new body and if we have those attributes too Resurrection is going to be awesome. 

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the hope that you have given us though your resurrection and the life that you have given for us to have that hope. I stand in awe of you Lord and seek to see more of you. As we prepare for the opportunities that you have placed before us I ask for you guidance and directions as we speak into the lives of others around us. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

April 13, 2016 What am I to say?

Reading: 1 Corinthians 14 and Numbers 27-28

 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 14:19, Nevertheless, in church I would rather speak five words with my mind in order to instruct others, than ten thousand words in a tongue.

Observation: Paul was talking about the proper uses and times for tongues to be use. To this day I have not spoken in tongues and at times I'm of two minds if it want to. Many say how much it draws them closer to God and the depths and power of their prayers when it manifests. 

Application: I would much rather have the spirit come upon me in prophecy and building up the church and those around me then ever speak a single word in tongues. That may have to do with some of my upbringing in a household and church that ether didn’t talk about tongues or said that they are only other know languages. 

Prayer: Lord I thank you for all that you have done in my life. Though your word and the teachers around me you have stretched and grown my understanding of you. Lord I call down your spirit and ask you to fill me. Help me to quiet my mind and hear your voice and share your love with those around me. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April 12, 2016 Mirror Mirror on the wall

Reading: 1 Corinthians 13 and Numbers 25-26

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:12, For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

Observation: When I read this my first though is how did they have a mirror back then but then I remembered a teaching about that time and the mirrors they would have had would have been a small piece of metal that were polished until it was able to reflect something. So not only being that their mirrors were not as good at reflecting as our glass mirrors I also get the feeling of trying to look into a mirror in a dark room. 

Application: God seems to be saying here that at this time we have a imperfect view of God and our relationship with him, but one day when Christ returns we will see him face to face and truly know God. We need to seek after him daily and seek to know him better by diving into his word and speaking out about his love, and one day soon we will know Him face to face.

Prayer: Lord, I Thank you for you promise that we will see you, imperfectly today and one day clearly as we stand before you. I lift up to you all those i work with especially those who don’t know you yet help me be a light and help them to want to know what I have. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

April 11, 2016 Am I really a part of this?

Reading: 1 Corinthians 12 and Numbers 23-24

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:15, If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," that would not make it any less a part of the body. 

Observation: I have struggled with this for a long time. For a long time I felt as if I was not part of the body because I was not doing something that gained me notoriety or even just a little recognition that I was doing something. 

Application: It has taken my a long time to realize that I am a part of the body and sometimes I am a part that is seen and recognized and other times I am a part of the body that gets covered and does his work in the background. I have to let go of the longing I have for notoriety and praise. 

Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you have humbled me, I know that it is easy to fall into the fame game and seek the praise here on earth. You are so wonderful and continually take care of us. Help us to keep our perspective and focus in the proper place on you. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

April 10, 2016 Better is one day

Reading: 1 Corinthians 11, Numbers 22, and Psalm 84

Scripture: Psalm 84:10, For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.

Observation: Reading this the song “Better is One Day” jumped into my head and started playing on a loop. This chant of how much better it is to be even just in near the presence of God. In western society we have this focus on the here and now and forget about the eternity we will have after this life.

Application: The other day I came across a video of a paster talking about life and eternity. He had a rope that went clear across the stage and you could only see one end and that end was wrapped in red tape for about 4 inches. That 4 inches was our life on earth and the rest of the rope that in essence had no end was eternity. We have this tendency to live for the 4 inches and work hard for the last bit of those 4 inches. This song and portion of Psalm 84 spoke to me saying stop focusing on the first 4 inches and life for eternity. 

Prayer: Lord, I thank you that one day in your court being a doorstop or footstool will be so much better a thousand lifetimes here on earth. All the wonders of this world are only but a foreshadowing of what is to come in heaven. You are so wonderful giving is this seek peak into heaven. Lord, I ask that you help us to stop looking to the end of our red section and seek you and the rest of eternity.

April 9th, 2016 Snake bite

Reading: 1 Corinthians 10, Numbers 21, Psalms 49

Scripture: Numbers 21:9, So Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on a pole. And if a serpent bit anyone, he would look at the bronze serpent and live.

Observation: We are reminded over and over to put our faith in the Lord and seek him first. When God told Moses to make this bronze serpent, the first time I read this I was like “what God is giving Israel an idol.” God didn’t give them an idol God gave them something to do to show they had faith that they would be healed. Moses and any judges that were appointed at that time we too few to heal each person as they were bit by the serpents but God though the faith of those willing to do something silly and look at a metal snake would be healed any time they were bit.

Application: To me this sounds like God showing us before sending his son that there will be a time when all we need is faith in his son and to accept the free gift of salvation. Just like looking at the metal snake took faith to be healed all it takes is faith and belief in Jesus Christ to be saved from the eternal torment of Hell and not just a snake bite. 

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for your great blessing that you pour out on us each day as we seek to follow you each day. I thank you for the reminder that we need to seek you first and not rely upon our own strength to be healed. I ask you to place one everyones heart a longing to be close to you and to life our eyes up to you the true healer. 

Friday, April 8, 2016

April 8, 2016 Run Forest Run

Reading: 1 Corinthians 9, Numbers 17-20, and Psalm 47

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:24-25, Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable.

Observation: No matter is you are a runner or watch running events we all not the purpose of a race is to win. There is a prize at the finish line and the participance all want it. We are all in a race too. That race we are in is different for each person. 

Application: No matter what your race is, we all have to train for that race. Nobody can go from sitting around on the couch watching TV for months or years and go run a marathon or maybe not even a 100 meters. In our spiritual race we need to train for the race and the trials we are not yet in. If you didn’t train and find your identity in Christ before you start running you will be like a 400 LB person trying to get though the race with no hope of the prize at the end. Spend time working out your Holy Spirit muscles so that when that race starts you have the power and ability to go the distance because you have the power of God flowing though you and you already know what you are going to do.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you so much for giving us the strength and power to run these races that we are in and are getting ready to go though. I ask for your spirit to come upon us and give us the push to continue to train and seek your will. 

April 7, 2016 I need that

Reading: 1 Corinthians 8, Numbers 17-18, and Psalm 73

Scripture: Psalm 73:2-4, But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled, my steps had nearly slipped. For I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. For they have no pangs until death; their bodies are fat and sleek.

Observation: This section jumped out at me today because I so often look at the world and those of the world and how the appear to be prospering and doing so well with the big homes and fancy cars. I am happy and content with what I have. God takes care of every need I have and many of the wants I have too. 

Application: It is easy to stumble or slip when it comes to seeing what others have and what they do with what they have. I struggle with this I want new cars and the latest and greatest gadgets. That is what society has pounded into us. Don’t be happy unless you have everything and all the money in the world. God has called us to give it all away and love our neighbors. When we long for what others have we start to put things and wealth above God. Don’t be envious of what others have but love then and share with them what you do have and God will bless you.

Prayer: Lord, you are so amazing, you provide so much that we need and want. I thank you for your provisions and your grace. As we take each and every step closer to you, though our time with you each day and speaking to you every day we just seek you direction with our lives and what steps are next to take. Help us to love our neighbors and show them your love. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

April 6, 2016 We're going to the chapel and we're going to get married.

I'm sorry that I have not written more recently I'm still struggling with adjusting to 12 hours on my feet and finding time to wright. This week I am starting the next corse in Operation Solid Lives (OSL). I would recommend every on take it it will change your life. If you don't have somewhere to take it in person at least look into the online version at

Reading: 1 Corinthians 7 and Numbers 16

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:15, But if the unbelieving partner separates, let it be so. In such cases the brother or sister is not enslaved. God has called you to peace.

Observation: I found this interesting being in my past I have gone though two divorces and I feel that God has redeemed me and brought my wonderful wife into my life. My first wife was violent towards me and before a year of marriage we were divorced. My second wife I believe falls into the category the this and preceding scriptures talks about. I was married to an unbeliever. Going into that relationship I was a Sunday morning Christian thinking that my wife was about the same. Looking back I can see that she claimed Christianity because her grandparents went to church. 

Application: This sort of situation both where I was and what Paul is talking about dose not give us as Christians a way out of marriage. I feel lake so many people get married then almost right a way start looking for a way out. Paul said that it is best to be single because then your focus is not decided between God and your spouse but if you cant control your desires to be with someone then get married. I think this is what Paul was saying, if you get married work at it and do everything you can to take care of that covenant you have entered. Then he puts out there verse 15. This was my situation after almost 7 years of being married buying a house and living as roommates for about 4 of those years, my unbelieving wife kicked me out of the house and served me with divorce papers. I wanted to work out the issues and was even willing to go to counseling to work on the issues but she wanted out. We are enslaved to our spouse but we are to love and honor then every day.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for bringing my wife into my life and how you have touched my heart though her. Lord I ask you to help us to keep the proper perspective on marriage and if that is something we car called to. I know there are those who are called to abstinence and a life without a spouse and I ask your blessings to pour out on then. I thank you for my wife and for all though who are blessed by true biblical covenant marriage. I also ask for the strength to keep our marriage that way.