Thursday, July 29, 2021

Praising the wicked.

Reading: Proverbs 28-29, Psalm 48, and 2 Peter 3


Scripture: Proverbs 28:4-5, Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law strive against them. Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand it completely


Thoughts: Who are we making famous? Who are we making known as house hold names? Politicians who lie and cheat to get into office then claim some sort of faith when all their policies and platforms go against that “faith.” Career criminals who are high on drugs who die when resisting arrest. Let us seek the lord and understand justice.


Prayer:Father God, help us to walk in you ways, help us to see and recognize when we are praising something other than you. Let us not make famous the wicked. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

God-Shaped Hole

Reading: Proverbs 26-27, Psalm 98, and 2 Peter 2

Scripture: Proverbs 27:7, One who is full loathes honey, but to one who is hungry everything bitter is sweet.

Thoughts: We always have a hunger for God, no matter if we believe there is a God or not we were created with a longing in our hearts for God. As both Audio Adrenaline and Plumb wrote “We all have a God-Shaped hole” We continually try to will these God shaped hole with things of this world, yet it never is filled. I see this God-shaped hole not as a static shape but one that is constantly changing and only God can move and adjust to that every changing hole. That is why something will fill that void for a time and then it will come back. When we fill ourselves with the world the sweet honey of God is unappealing but when we allow that hunger for God to lead us to Him who can fill that hole, we will be filled with the love of God like we have never experienced before. 

Prayer: Father God, Fill the God-Shaped holes in our lives, help us to recognize the things of this world that we are trying to use to fill this place in our hearts that only you can fill. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Confirm your calling.

Reading: Proverbs 24-25, 2 Peter 1, and Luke 15

Scripture: 2 Peter 1:10, Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall.

Thoughts: We have all been commissioned to go into all the world to make disciples, within that commission we also each have a unique calling that is related to our lives. Peter lists qualities that we need to practice as well as understanding who we are and where we came from will help us to see what that calling looks like. Seek God and his calling on your life.

Prayer: Father God you are the creator of all things and you know me better than I know myself, you know the darkness in me and you know the strengths you gave me that I don’t know or see. Lead me and guide me in all that I do. Open my eyes and heart to the step that need to be taken. 

Monday, July 26, 2021

Shepherding the flock among you.

Reading: Proverbs 22-23, Psalm 101, 1 Peter 5, and Luke 14

Scripture: 1 Peter 5:2-3, shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.

Thoughts: Over the years I have felt like I have been told that one day I would be in full time ministry, almost every Pastor, and even the Word refers to us as sheep or a flock. At first as I read this that was the mindset I was reading with. As I came back around to this passage again, I looked at it as I have a flock, and I have as more responsibility to them than I would to a if I was the pastor of a church. My family is my flock. My family is the Flock of God among me. 

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, your grace and mercy abound, your love overflows, and your peace and Joy are my comfort. I thank you for all you are doing in my life, the molding and refining you are working in me and the directions that you have placed before me. I ask that you help me to walk in the path you have and not try to take shortcuts to what I think your plan is. Help me to walk in your calling on my life. 

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Called to be holy

Reading: Proverbs 14-15 and 1 Peter 1


Scripture: 1 Peter 1:16-17, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile,


Thoughts: Not sure what this stuck out to me today, but I had just seen a couple of ladies bashing on a popular conservative commentator about his stance on transgender issues. No matter where you land on the issues around LGBTQ issues God is the only one who can judge. We are called to be holy as he his holy. Holiness is not beating people down for having different views and beliefs. The Word has very direct things said about things like this, but we are all sinners and have the opportunity for forgiveness through Christ Jesus. We are to love them and it is the job of the Holy Sprit to change them. I may not agree with you but I love you as God loves you. 


Prayer: Father God, you are the maker of all things, we are caked to be holy as you are holy. I lay my life before you, take it and mold it and refine it into the vessel that you need it to be. Help me to love as you love, to see the person and not the sin. Open my heart to hear the steps you have for me, lead me and guide me.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Are we suffering alone?

Reading: Proverbs 12-13, Psalm 149, James 5, and Luke 11

Scripture: James 5:13, Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise.

Thoughts: Having young kids, we are trying to instill in them the importance of God and prayer in their lives. There are prayer prayer outlines that are used like the five fingers and ACTS, James is reminding us of our consistent communication with God. If you are suffering bring it to God, if things are going well, bring is to God. He goes on to remind us that we are to pray for one another taking the sick to the elders and confessing our sins to one another that we can pray and help. Are we suffering alone because we are not wanting anyone one to know a sin or sickness, or are we able to stand with others in prayer holding one another up when there is suffering? 

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, the glory of your creation speaks of your majesty. You supply all we need, your spirit leads us and guides us. Your greave and mercy allows us to enter your presence. I thank you for your molding and refining, that you use the trials in my life to grow me. I ask that you help us to seek out those who will come beside us and walk with us as we walk through our suffering and our victories. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The seductive voice of folly.

Reading: Proverbs 9-11 and James 4

Scripture: Proverbs 9:13, The woman Folly is loud; she is seductive and knows nothing.

Thoughts: Folly to me is being described as like prostitute who offers great and wonderful things at a price. We can easily be drawn in by the promise of excitement and pleasure, I know the most foolish things I have done have been when I listened to the seductive voice of folly. The happiness and pleasure that comes from eating something sweet is nice but when that becomes all we eat then it leads to health issue. God has given us pleasurable things in this world, but when we let those things become as important to more important than God, we are stepping into folly. The evil one will take something pleasurable that God created for good and twist it and cause us to try to raise it above God. Money is the one most people go to when speaking about putting things above God, but I believe that sex is right there with it. God created it as a union between a husband and wife, and the evil one has twisted it to be whatever you want it to be for pleasure, especially if it goes against what God plan. Are we being seduced by something?

Prayer: Lord God, you are the creator of all things, you gave us the ability to enjoy and take pleasure in thing, yet you tell us to put nothing above you. I heard it said that another way to read the first commandment is “Have no priorities above God.” Lord you are the one who is worthy of worship and praise. I ask that you help me to move anything I have before you that I may put you above all things. I thank you for the molding and refining you are doing in my life. Lead me and guide me all my days. 

Monday, July 19, 2021

Seek wisdom, and learn prudence and sense.

Reading: Proverbs 7-8, Psalm 123, James 3, and Luke 10

Scripture: Proverbs 8:4-5, To you, O men, I call, and my cry is to the children of man. O simple ones, learn prudence; O fools, learn sense.

Thoughts: We are given conflicting information from opposing sides of things every day. Each side claims that they are the ones giving the truth. There are lots of people out there who just pick a side and blindly walk the line. King Solomon working from the great wisdom that God granted him wrote, to seek wisdom, and to learn prudence and sense. When we seek wisdom and have learned or learning prudence and sense, we are less likely to just blindly follow a side but to seek out the true truth. Just like in the political we need to be careful in our spiritual walk, there are those who would deceive us and use “religion” to draw us away. Read the Word of God and let it lead.

Prayer: Lord God, your grace and mercy abound, your love overwhelms and your joy overflows. You are the way the truth and the life, you bring wisdom to this world and provide all things. I ask that you help us to learn prudence and sense that we can better serve you and not be deceived by the truths that have been manipulated or biased. 

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Who is your enemy?

Reading: Proverbs 5-6, James 2, and Luke 9

Scripture: Luke 9:49-50, John answered, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not follow with us.” But Jesus said to him, “Do not stop him, for the one who is not against you is for you.”

Thoughts: The media, both mainstream and social medias are almost continually beating us down with the idea that if we are not saying the same thing that are saying that we are against them. For example, as a strait white man, if I am not berating myself for my whiteness, saying that we need to give everything to those minorities of race and sexuality, then I am against them and I need to be burned down and canceled. As the disciples came to Jesus saying they are not part of our group, but they are doing thing in your name, Jesus’ line, “the one who is not against you is for you.” Says we are not enemies unless we are truly on opposing sides. I love my brothers and sisters no matter what shade of melanin their skin has or what their background is, or even if there is sin in their lives. We are all called to battle the enemy, the evil one and if we are fighting the same enemy, we are not enemies. 

Prayer: Father God, you have made each and everyone in your image, you knew us before we were born, you knit us together in our mother’s womb. Your praises a cried out by your creation. I thank you that you are continually molding and refining me. may we all unite to fight the one true enemy and seek the truth in your word and not the lies of the evil one. 

Forgetting what we look like.

Reading: Proverbs 3-4 and James 1

Scripture: James 1:23-24, For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like.

Thoughts: As I read this again, even for those who are in the Word everyday diving into the Greek and the Hebrew, gaining more information and understanding of what the Word says I must ask, “Where is the fruit?” James is saying that if we are not making the word and its teachings apart of our daily lives and doing the dos, instead of just avoiding the don’ts, then what good is it. Each of our calls to serve may look different but we all have the do of spreading the Gospel to all nations. 

Prayer: Lord God, your creation shouts your glory, your love shines in this fallen world. Your mercy and grace overwhelms me and tells me of your love. I thank you that you have given us your word and that you are leading and guiding us. I thank you for your molding and refining that you are working in my life. Help me to walk in your plans and your love. 

Friday, July 16, 2021

Who provided for them out of their means.‭

Reading: Proverbs 1-2, Psalm 128, Hebrews 13, and Luke 8

Scripture: Luke‬ ‭8:1-3‬‬‬, Soon afterward he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him, and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their means.‭

Thoughts: As I read this, it caught my attention that it mentioned that these women provided for Jesus and the twelve out of their means. We have no account of Jesus asking anyone for money, He told the rich young ruler to give it all away and give to God what is God’s and give to Caesar what is Caesar’s. These women helped to support this ministry with what they had. Are we supporting God’s ministry with what we have? 

Prayer: Father God, you own it all, you are worthy of all praise, you are worthy of all honor and glory. I praise you with all I am and all that is within me. I thank you that you provide for me and I joyfully give back to you a portion of what you have given me to steward. I thank you for all you have done and all that you are going in my life. Open my eye and heart to things I am holding back from you, that I may repent and release it to you. 

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Blessed be

Reading: 1 Kings 10, 2 Chronicles 9, and Hebrews 12

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 9:8, Blessed be the Lord your God, who has delighted in you and set you on his throne as king for the Lord your God! Because your God loved Israel and would establish them forever, he has made you king over them, that you may execute justice and righteousness.

Thoughts: As I read this passage, when this queen had been testing Solomon to see his wisdom, she says,” Blessed is your God that delights in you.” My mind when to a scene in John Bevere’s book Driven by Eternity, where as people come into the king’s presence and the king would call then by a job they did not have in life. This would lead to a discussion about who they were called to be, verses who they chose to be in life. In the beginning of Solomon’s time as king he was who he was called to be, but the things of the world crept in and slowly turned him from that calling. He was still king, yet he brought in the other gods and build places to sacrifice to them. We can be doing good for the kingdom, but if we are doing someone else’s calling instead of our own our influence will be hindered. Listen for and seek the calling you have on your life. 

Prayer: Father God, you use all things for the good of those who love you and those called according to your purpose. I thank you for my assignments and call, you lead me and guide me in that calling. I thank you that you are molding and refining me every day. I thank you for your provisions and the blessings you pour out on us every day. I ask that you help me to continually check that I am not off course and that you are the one who get the glory. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Commended but did not receive the promise.

Reading: 1 Kings 9, 2 Chronicles 8, Hebrews 11, and Luke 7

Scripture: Hebrews 11:39-40, And all these, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.

Thoughts: Through the entire chapter the author is pointing us to many of the great figures of faith, pointing out the great need for faith. Here at the end of the chapter it points out that as great of faith these all had they had not received the promise that we received through Christ. The single sacrifice to cover all our sins and the Holy Spirit, who is continually working in us and sanctifying us to be more like Christ. 

Prayer: Lord God, your love overwhelms me, the beauty of your creation shines bright and points to you. Your grace, mercy and love abounds and draws us to you. I thank you for molding me and refining me into the man you call me to be. Open my heart to the sanctification that you are working in me and help me to walk in your ways, and shine you truth to a dark and fallen world. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Those who are being sanctified.

Reading: 2 Chronicles 6-7, Psalm 127, and Hebrews 10

Scripture: Hebrews 10:14-16, For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified. And the Holy Spirit also bears witness to us; for after saying, “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws on their hearts, and write them on their minds,” 

Thoughts: Just before this passage the author was showing the difference between the continual sacrifice and what Christ did for us. With Jesus’ sacrifice we are given Holy Spirit in our lives and with that we now are called to the process of sanctification. Even though when Father God looks at us he only sees what Jesus did for us we are still called to grow and change. The Laws of the lord are no longer written on a stone but on our hearts and mind. Are we living out our lives as if we have a safety net that allows us to do anything even when God’s law tells us otherwise, or are we striving every day to be better than the last, to grow and be refined? 

Prayer: Lord God, you have made a way that we can come to you, your laws are written on our hearts and in our minds. I thank you that you are molding me and refining me every day. I thank you for your provisions and your blessings that are poured out continually. Help me to listen to your voice and walk in your ways. 

Monday, July 12, 2021

The conscience of the worshiper

Reading: 1 Kings 8, 2 Chronicles 5, and Hebrews 9

Scripture: Hebrews 9:8-9, “By this the Holy Spirit indicates that the way into the holy places is not yet opened as long as the first section is still standing (which is symbolic for the present age). According to this arrangement, gifts and sacrifices are offered that cannot perfect the conscience of the worshiper,

Thoughts: As important as works and signs can be, we can get hung up on them. Just as the Jews of the time were so focused on the traditions and laws that were allowing access to God through the high priests. These things were not changing their hearts, Christ came, and his sacrifice opened the door for us to receive Holy Spirit into our lives and He is the one that works within us to perfect our conscience. Without Holy Spirit in our live perfecting our conscience we would continue to look to the things that feel good instead of the true things of God and are far greater. 

Prayer: Lord, you are above all things, your ways are higher than our ways, you knew me before is was born, you formed me in my mothers womb. I thank you for your Holy Spirit in my life, the conscience that he brings. Lord I thank you for the work you have been doing in my life and that is continuing to be done to help mold me and refine me into that man you call me to be. 

Out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks

Reading: 1 Kings 7, 2 Chronicles 4, Hebrews 8, and Luke 8

Scripture: Luke 6:45, “The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

Thoughts: Most people would say they are a good person, here is Hebrews the author is reminding us that we will produce what we are storing up in our hearts. When we hold resentment, bitterness, and hatred in our hearts it will come out of our mouth. I strive to walk with the Lord, and fill my heart with the love, peace, and Joy that flow from him, but I still have evil treasure in my heart that will come out my mouth. Are we working with God to purge that evil out or are just letting it manifest out of our mouths from time to time? 

Prayer: Lord, you are so wonderful, my words cannot describe the wondrous nature that you have. I thank you for pouring out your love and joy out on us, the provisions of your hand that overwhelms my understanding. I ask that you help me to continue to be refined, purify my heart, and help me to remove the evil treasure and fill my heart with you. 

Friday, July 9, 2021

Recount all your wonderful deeds!!!

Reading: 1 Kings 4, Psalm 9, Hebrews 6, and Luke 5


Scripture: Psalm 9:1-2, I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.


Thoughts: It is easy for me to get stuck in a rut with in comes to praise and worship, maybe because of limitations of the English language or the truly awe inspiring magnitude that is the power and love of the all mighty God. This passage was a great reminder to me a way I feel I forget to worship and that remembering and naming wonderful and great deeds he has done in our lives. 


Prayer: Father God, your love and provisions never cease to amaze me, you have provided for my family in abundance, you have given us peace and joy in the middle of a tumultuous time that could have caused us to lean out our own understanding. We thank you that you are always listening and opening and closing doors before us, showing us the next step. I thank you that you have made and and prepared me for such a time as this. 


Thursday, July 8, 2021

It is not about you!!

Reading: 1 Kings 3, 2 Chronicles 1, Psalm 72, Hebrews 5, and Luke 4

Scripture: Hebrews 5:4, And no one takes this honor for himself, but only when called by God, just as Aaron was.

Thoughts: The letter to the Hebrews was written to the Jews heard the gospel but did not fully understand some of whom Jesus was and linking Jesus to Messiah. As I read this passage this morning, I was reminded of some of the things I felt God had called me to. We all have a unique calling, some it is spreading God’s love in the workforce, some are called to start businesses or create something that will glorify God, some may be called to teach and others to write. If you are floating through life and don’t know your calling, take time to pray and talk to those who know you best. Once you know your calling your walk in it will have adversity because the evil one does not want you to have an impact on this world for God. Seek your calling and walk it out, it is not about you but about what God wants to do through you. 

Prayer: Father God, Take my life it is yours, you formed me in my mothers womb and know the hairs on my head. As in Isaiah’s vision where he said “Here am I, Send me” I bow before you and seek the next step in this calling you have given me, I ask that my eyes and ears be opened to the next step that I may walk in it give you the glory you deserve. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.

Reading: 1 Kings 2, 1 Chronicles 28-29, and Hebrews 4

Scripture: Hebrews 4:6-7, Since therefore it remains for some to enter it, and those who formerly received the good news failed to enter because of disobedience, again he appoints a certain day, “Today,” saying through David so long afterward, in the words already quoted, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.”

Thoughts: I have heard salvation called fire insurance for the soul; I have heard this even from pastors. As I read this passage in Hebrews today the author is talking about those in the church who have fallen into disobedience. There are other passages that talk about people who have habitual sins in their lives. We are not looking at when someone just messes up and needs to turn from that sin, but those who ether do not see it as sin or those who willfully do the sins. This passage seems to say and others point that even those who know the Gospel can be led astray and if they are unwilling to turn from the sin then they will not enter into His rest. Let us open our hearts and ears to God’s voice and be receptive to the rebuke and exhortation that will soften our hardened hearts and help keep them from hardening. 

Prayer: Father God you, lead us and guide us, you place your laws and your precepts on our hearts. I thank you for the molding and refining you are doing in my life, I ask for the forgiveness of my failures and the encouragement and strength to overcome the things that I still struggle with. I thank you for sending your Son to pay the price for my sins and that you are leading and guiding me. I ask that you open my eyes to the strongholds that are still in my life and help me to cast off those chains. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Exhort one another every day

Reading: 1 Kings 1, 1 Chronicles 27, Hebrews 3

Scripture: Hebrews 3:13-14, But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end.

Thoughts: The Media, and the influences of the evil one does not take a day off. Over this last week I has a sin come back into my life that I thought God had given me freedom from but the temptation came back into my life. We need to be in community that that we can exhort each other daily. Are we in daily conversation with those who will build us up and point us to the Lord? Every day there are new temptations that bombard us, from coveting the thing your neighbor has, to the ladies who choose to wear reveling clothing because is fashionable and the thoughts that are provoked by seeing or almost seeing things. 

Prayer: Father God, as so many sins become common place and acceptable to much of the world, help us to be the men and women that you have called us to be, help us to find those who will call us out on those things in our lives that could cause us or others to stumble. Help us to walk in your continual growth and sanctification. Help us to be people who call out others but also be receptive to being called out. 

Sunday, July 4, 2021

100,000 talents of gold and a million talents of silver

Reading: 1 Chronicles 22-24 and Hebrews 1

Scripture: 1 Chronicles 22:14, With great pains I have provided for the house of the Lord 100,000 talents of gold, a million talents of silver, and bronze and iron beyond weighing, for there is so much of it; timber and stone, too, I have provided. To these you must add.

Thoughts: What are we preparing to pass down to our children? We have been so trained by media and society that we need to always be striving after the next new thing, a bigger house, a newer car, the latest phone, and to get these things to go into debt to get them. It used to be that we would save to buy a house or a car and fix things instead of buying new. We would also have some sort of inheritance for our children even if it was the family home. Yes kings has a bit more available to them, but it still says David took great pains to provide what he did, but this was not just an inheritance for Solomon but was the provisions for his job that he was told Solomon would do. Are we taking pains to train up our children with good work ethics, give them opportunities to learn new things encouragement to pursue things they love and most importantly how to love God and love others? Pouring onto them and teaching them about God is an inheritance that can never be taken away and will form the way they walk in this world. 

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, your provision overflows and abundantly provides for us. You lead and guide us. Open my eyes to the opportunities that you bring before me every day. 

Saturday, July 3, 2021

It cost me nothing.

Reading: 2 Samuel 23-24, 1 Chronicles 21, and Philemon

Scripture: 1 Chronicles 21:24, But King David said to Ornan, “No, but I will buy them for the full price. I will not take for the Lord what is yours, nor offer burnt offerings that cost me nothing.”

Thoughts: Almost everyone has regifted something, and not just in the acceptable way of the white elephant game. Or those times where we sneak credit for something we did not bring. David was offered everything he was going to buy but he had the conviction that he could not give God the sacrifice asked of him without it costing him. Are we giving to God that witch cost us nothing, giving God our leftovers, or are we giving him our first and trusting him to bless the rest? Let us not give gifts that cost us nothing. 

Prayer: Father God, you own the cattle on a thousand hills, you created all things and all I have his yours. You are the one who provides all me needs and even wants. I deny you nothing, I am yours to mold and refine as needed. I pour my life out before you, here I am send me, use me as you need. 

Friday, July 2, 2021

Calling all 90 pound weaklings!!!!

Reading: 2 Samuel 22, Psalm 18, and Titus 3


Scripture: Psalm 18:39-40,For you equipped me with strength for the battle; you made those who rise against me sink under me. You made my enemies turn their backs to me, and those who hated me I destroyed. 


Thoughts: When it comes to spiritual warfare many of us see ourselves as 90 pound weaklings. Using excuses like “I do not know the Bible well enough” or “what if they reject me or tell me to get lost.” As I read this my mine went to Sampson and in every depiction of him he is a big hulking man, but I have not found a description of him other than his hair should not be cut. If he was so big his strength and acts as Judge would not be as impressive or notable as if he was a normal guy or a 90 pound weakling. At David writes above he knows where his strength comes from and what will happen to his enemies. Let us rely on God for our strength in our battles, no matter if they are physical or spiritual. 


Prayer: Lord God, your strength empowers me to do all things, your love overwhelms me, your Joy drenches me. I thank you for the victories in my life and those that you have planed. I thank you that you are refining me and molding me into that man you have called me to. I ask that you help us to see that we are walking in your strength and that we need to call for the continual filling of that power and strength that only you can give. 

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Stop Arguing with your boss!!!!

Reading: 2 Samuel 19-21 and Titus 2

Scripture: Titus 2:9, Bondservants are to be submissive to their own masters in everything; they are to be well-pleasing, not argumentative,

Thoughts: In a way we are all bondservants, we all have people we work for or under, even those who have their own business you boss is your customer because is you are not listening to them and giving them what they are looking for, it will all end. I have a master in heaven and a master at my job, yes having a job is a choice but with out it I could not provide for my family, and that is what the bondservant did in those says. Working closely with my direct boss and knowing how difficult it is to get someone hired even before the pandemic started. Are we being the best employee the best servant that we can be, not because it could get us more money or a promotion but because we do all things for the Gory of God. 

Prayer: Lord God, you are our master and our provider, you give us all we need. I thank you that you are leading and Guiding us, that you provide out needs and gives us the ability to thrive and overcome all situations. Your love and joy are overflowing and drenching me. I ask that you help me to serve as you call me to serve and where you call me to serve, open my eyes to your next step.