Monday, September 10, 2018

17 Year After September Eleventh.

17 years after September 11, 2001. 
I was 20 years old, in my eyes social media was still in its infancy. I was working as a backroom attendant at a major retailer. I turned the tv on as I was getting ready for work when I saw the live feed of the second air craft hitting the trade center. I went to work and of course this is all anyone could talk about for the next few day as we all try to wrap our minds around what had happened and what it all means. 

As I looked at the calendar and realized that it was going to be 17 years post September Eleventh in the next couple days I thought back on this time. In these last 17 years I have seen social media and mobile technology have become so prevalent and with that, the saturation and awareness of local and global issues. These issues now at our fingertips and are splashing across social media feeds all day. 

I hear every day that the world is getting worse and more hate filled every day, that may be possible but I think that is more, that we are now more connected and can see the evil that has been infiltrating our world from the beginning. God uses all sorts of things to get our attention. Some times he lets us hit rock bottom and fall into a place where we can’t pick ourself out of just so he can lift you out. God does not make bad things happen but he will use all things for our good it we earnestly seek him. 

Over the first months and years after the attack I watched such great love and good come from those who were directly involved in recovery and cleanup in the aftermath. God’s love for his people poured out all over the place. Now in the last few years there have been many attacks on schools and different establishments due to hurt people and broken people doing things to cause more pain. 

As the world says to tolerate those who are different due to anything; color, race, religion, sexual preference, or even social and economic difference. God dose not say to tolerate, God says to LOVE and Accept them. We are not here to judge one another we are here to love. I may not agree with your stance on something but I am willing to talk about it so I have a better understanding even if I don’t change or change you. 

When in comes to sin we have a tendency to create a hierarchy saying I’m not as bad as that person because I have not done this or that. in God’s eyes Sin is Sin, and Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” We all have sinned I am just as guilty as a murderer or as some who has committed adultery. God gave us a way out and that is through the blood of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sin and gave us the opportunity to be adopted into God’s family as his sons and daughters. 

During these last 17 years I walked away from God, and was called back. I had two marriages fail and end. Then in the last 7 years God back in touch with me and I got a bachelors in Leadership and Ministry I married a Godly woman who help remind me that God has a plan for me, and have become a Father to two wonderful children. I have also seen demons cast out and friends and family healed, have been healed myself. God is trying to reach each of us, He has a plan for each of us and wants to see us walk in it.