Friday, April 15, 2016

April 15, 2016 Effective and Powerful

Reading: 1 Corinthians 16 and Numbers 30-31

Scripture: 1 Corinthian 16:9, for a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.

Observation: This morning I was having a hard time finding something that jump out at me. Planning on coming back to go over the reading again after Mens Friday Morning Prayer at my church I go to the prayer meeting and it was this verse that was talked about before we started to pray and it affected me. We talked about the Greek word used for effective in this verse was the Greek word energes witch is an action word but also refers to not just the effectiveness but the power in the situation. So if we look at that verse using power or powerful Paul is saying he has powerful work that has opened up to him. 

Application: Paul was letting the corinthians know that he would be in Ephesus for a wile longer because God was doing a great work though him at that time. I feel that we shall all be looking for “a wide door for effective(Powerful) work has opened”around us God orchestrates opportunities for us to lift him up and share his love all the time and we need to be mindful of that. That is something I know I struggle with, That is why this is called “The Breeze and The 2X4” because sometimes we hear the breeze and react to it but sometimes we need that 2X4 to remind us that we have to step up and reach out to the lost sheep.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you have found me and I am no longer a lost sheep, I have been brought into your folds and have been accepted. I ask for your Holy Spirit to come upon me and open my eyes to the opportunities to speak into others lives and have those doors open wide for powerful and effective work to be done. Help me  to use the microphone that you have placed before me and share your loving kindness. 

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