Saturday, November 3, 2018

October 30th Kryptonite 13

Reading: Jeremiah 45-47, Psalm 86, Romans 3, and Killing Kryptonite Chapter 13

Thoughts: In this chapter of Killing Kryptonite we see that the Kryptonite is known sin and willful disobedience. John also helps us to see that to worship God is to obey. It was pointed out that the first time Worship was used in the Bible was when Abraham said, "Stay here with the donkey; I and the boy will go over there and worship and come again to you.” That worship was not praise, singing, or bowing it was obedience. I know I struggle with listening to God’s voice at times but I have also seen miracles happen because I listened to what he said. When it comes to silence and listening to or for God’s voice I struggle, I want to fill the silence I want to move on to the next thing or bounce from thing to thing. Maybe its a learning disorder or the way I was raised or any other excuse you or I could come up with but that is also part of the reasoning for the title to this blog, God most of the time speak through the breeze and that still small voice deep down inside of us, but sometimes he takes out that 2x4 and will smack you upside the head to get your attention. One of the things I have to be carful of is the other voices I start letting in. In my job I am on the road a lot and because of going all over the state I have a hard time finding radio stations so I listen to podcast about many different things and interests, Geeky things, pop culture, movies and even sermons but are they beneficial. Like Paul said, “All things a permissible but not all things are beneficial.” I am looking at is my entertainment hindering my hearing from God. 

Pray: Father, you are so awesome, you provide all that we need and all that we could ever want. I thank you for all the blessings and provisions you give us each day. Help me to quiet myself and cut out the things that take me away from you. I want to know you and hear you more, in hearing help me to obey more as well in proper worship to you. 

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