Wednesday, October 31, 2018

October 29th Kryptonite 12

Reading: Jeremiah 26, 35-36, Romans 2, and Killing Kryptonite 12

Thoughts: In Romans 2 Paul was talking about how through faith in Christ or the Law is our judgement. At that time there were those who were so focused on the Law(a good thing) that it became more important than their faith and relationship with God(the better thing). Thus creating an idol out of the Low that God gave to Israel to guide then but also to show them that they can’t get to God on their own or with the blood of sheep and goats. We are not to just stop working and expect everything to be handed to us on a golden plater by God. As we continue to seek God we see that by doing all things For Him, even our jobs become less monotonous and we can find joy in them and the provisions we get through the payment we receive IS His Provision for us. I know people in my company who seem to live to work because they are only focused on money(The Big Green god), where I work for God So God can provide through me. He has given me this job. The hard part of being faithful is when God asks you to be more reliant on Him and provides for a dream in the same move. My wife and i were comfortable with two incomes, then one day God said my wife’s dream of staying home and teaching our kids came true, when he told her to quit her job. This was a dream come true but also cut our income in half and we had to get different insurance. In the last month we have started the transition getting her last checks and seeing God make sure everything is paid. God provides and not money.

Prayer: Father All I can say is Thank you Thank you Thank you. You fulfill dreams and provide for all needs. 

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