Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Looking forward


Reading: Job 29, Psalm 121, Luke 19, and Revelation 14


Scripture: Luke 19:33-35, And as they were untying the colt, its owners said to them, “Why are you untying the colt?” And they said, “The Lord has need of it.” And they brought it to Jesus, and throwing their cloaks on the colt, they set Jesus on it.


Thoughts: As these disciples went to get this colt that they were told would be there, these men had to be so excited thinking he was going to do one of the things that had been prophesied. Next they told the owner of this colt the Lord has need of it so he most likely knew the prophecies and he would have gotten excited and told everyone around him what was going on. Everyone in the Jewish community, in those days should have had been taught how to look for the Messiah. Israel was waiting and watching for the Messiah to liberate them, so when when these different things fit into their teaching the great excitement would bubble up. There is much confusion on what the end times will look like and how much of it we will experience. Are we just sitting back waiting to see what happens or are we listening to God and looking for the signs? Like Israel knew what signs to look for in the Messiah we have some signpost to watch for. 


Prayer: Father you know that day and time, you have our days numbered. Your wisdom is so great and I long to walk in it. I thank you for your guidance and direction in my life. I thank you for your molding and refining that you continue to work in me. I thank you for those people in my life that point me to you, my family and friends. I thank you for the ability to steward the things you give me. I ask that you give me the wisdom to do what needs to be done and to live with intention and anticipation of those signs you have for us to see.

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