Saturday, January 9, 2021

How are you handling your plow?

Reading: Job 7-8 and Luke 9

Scripture: Luke 9:61-62, Yet another said, “I will follow you, Lord, but let me first say farewell to those at my home.” Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”

Thoughts: As I read this passage at the end of chapter 9 after the feeding of the 5000, after being told to take up our cross daily, it felt a little out of place but then I thought of what the agricultural environment would have looked like then. At that time, the plow would have a blade of some sort (metal, stone, or wood) that was on the end of a handle that also had a yolk system on it so work animals could pull it. When they would plow the person with their hands on the plow controlled where it went and how deep it went. As they plowed if they got distracted or started looking behind them the plow could dig in and get stuck or break the plow, it could come to the surface and skim across the top and be ineffective or when looking behind they can get off course. When comparing this to our walks I can see people so bogged down in something with their walk that movement becomes secondary or even tertiary what every is on their plate. Next I this is the most common thing in many churches is getting to the point where our efforts are only surface level we may be moving some dirt and making piles and lines but it lakes little work and looks like maybe something has been done. To get those strait lines in their fields they would pick a point way off in the distance to go towards, looking back we will get off that line we may get stuck or go to the surface. Our past will always be apart of us but when we lay our hands on the plow it needs to be our focus, noticing where the blade is in the ground and where we are going. When we spend too much time focusing on where we were, we will find ourselves off course, stuck, or completely being ineffective. How are you handling your plow?

Prayer: Father God, You are so wonderful, your glory shines upon us, your grace and mercy flow over us every day. I place my distractions and desires before you and long to walk in your ways. I thank you for the work you are doing in me for the molding and refining you are doing in my life. I thank you for family and friends, those who point me to you and those who walk beside me though the trials and tribulations of life. I thank you for your provisions, you take care of all. I ask that you help me to focus on that plow and where we are going. 

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