Friday, January 1, 2021

Beginning or the end?

Reading: Genesis 1, Luke 1 and Jude 1

Scripture: Jude 1:18-19, They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit.

Thoughts: Here at the beginning of the year especially after one that had been as difficult as 2020 we normally talk about resolutions and things we plan on doing this next year. I had some of those thoughts, but I also know that the date has no real impact on the situation. Here on January 1, reading Jude it is talking about the end times or at least the later days of the church age, those people who are scoffers and ridicule us for following after God, they are going to try to tear down the church. We are daily watching a world seek after their own desires and passions and in doing so they are creating division not only in the church but in the world. The racial divide is growing not because more white people hate people of color but because our history is being removed and people are being told if we don’t put people of color over the white people then we are racist. The ungodly people who are devoid of the spirit will cause division. Here in a new year let us love and remember that all men are created equal. 

Prayer: Father God, you are in control, you are the one who created all men and all men are created in your image. Help me to remove any prejudices that have built up in my mine and heart and conform my heart to yours. I thank you for all you are doing in my life, the molding and the refining. I thank you for the direction you have given me I ask that you help me to understand the steps and move. I thank you for my family. I thank you for your provision and I thank you for the new year to continue in your ways. 

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