Saturday, November 21, 2020

What crowd are we following?

Reading: Ezekiel 31-32, Psalm 45, Ephesians 3, and 1 Thessalonians 4

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:8, Therefore whoever disregards this, disregards not man but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.

Thoughts: As I was reading this morning going through Paul’s admonishment of this church and how they conducted themselves in their sexuality. First in verse 4 he tells them to control themselves, then here in verse 8 basically says if you continue you are not breaking man’s law but God’s and things promised may be be given or taken away. I do not feel that this is strictly linked to sexual sins but all sin. When we claim to be Christ followers but are running and seeking after sins in our life, we must start asking is our faith and beliefs real or are we following a crowd. 

Prayer: Father, your love and your grace is abundant, it cries out from all creation. I lay down my life and place my disregard at your feet asking to have it taken from me, help me to dive deeper into your love. I thank you for your refining and molding you are doing in me. I thank you for those in my life who call me out on my things and encourage me in my walk. I thank you for your provisions, you take care of us every day and give us the ability to bless others. I ask that you help me to toss my disregard aside and seek you more. 

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