Saturday, October 10, 2020

Drain it down to the dregs.

Reading: 2 Kings 21, 2 Chronicles 33, Psalm 75, Acts 12, and 2 Corinthians 4

Scripture: Psalm 75:8, For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup with foaming wine, well mixed, and he pours out from it, and all the wicked of the earth shall drain it down to the dregs.

Thoughts: I am not a wine drinker, there is something about the flavor I do not care for. With my small amount of knowledge, I was wondering about this and if it was referring to something like sparkling wine or something else. As I looked, I found information about how mostly in red wine that there are times where the compounds in the wine will react and do something with the surface tension of the wine and creates a frothy scummy wine. In the word there are several places that the Lord’s cup is his wrath. Looking at todays world the surface tension is palpable, this feel like they are about to burst at any moment. If the cup is the wrath of God it then talks about how as God is pouring this cup out the wicked will drink it all to the dregs. That is not just the last drops, back then they did not really have much in the way of filtering things. That bottom of the barrel would not be good, just like when we are told that sin in pleasurable for a time, this wine may be ok at first but by the time the dregs would be the foam chunks of grape and anything else that had been added to that wine, creating a nasty sludge on the bottom. So, with God saying his wrath will be drank down to the dregs invokes a image of the wicked going through the wrath to the bitter and nasty end before being judged and being put in eternal domination.

Prayer: Father you are in control you know when this cup will be poured out and who will be drinking of it. You are our light in these dark times, you are the one that lead us and shine a light on our path. I thank you that you are shining a light, I ask that we be more perceptive to seeing and following the light. I thank you for my family and the blessings they are to me. I thank you for the mentors and brothers in my life that help keep me aimed in the right direction. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us every day. I lift up to you those who are set to drink of your wrath, I ask that we all be more open and receptive to your leading and help us to take the steps to reach more and share your love.

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