Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Stewards of what?

Reading: Daniel 9-10, Psalm 50, and Hebrews 2

Scripture: Psalm 50:10-11, For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine.

Thoughts: Watching my children play and grow I also see the root of selfishness. The near constant wining and crying about, they took my things. During my reading I remembered when I first realized that all that I have is not mine, and my tithe was not giving to God his portion of my income but worshiping him, and trusting that after returning to Him, through the local church He would supply all that I needed. When I finally accepted that its not mine and we have a God who owns everything and will provide what we need, and sometime things we want. I cannot count how many times where just the right amount of money shows up to cover something we did not expect, or someone give us the thing we wanted or needed that we did not have the funds to take care of. We are stewards of God’s things, our finances, our homes, are vehicles, even our children. We are responsible for the care and proper use of those things that God places in our lives. Are we using God’s resources in a way that honors Him? 

Prayer: Father God, you do own everything, all I have is yours and it is useful to you. I thank you that you give us the opportunity to be your stewards, lead us and guide us on care and proper use of those things entrusted to us. I thank you for your molding and refining you are doing in me. I thank you for my family and the joy in my life. I thank you for your provisions and the ability to steward the things you pour out on us. I ask that you continue to lead and guide me in all that I do and help me to grow in wisdom in stewarding your riches. 

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