Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Don't forget to remember!!!

Reading: Malachi 3-4, Psalm 78, 1 John 5 and 3 John 1

Scripture: Psalm 78:42-43, They did not remember his power or the day when he redeemed them from the foe, when he performed his signs in Egypt and his marvels in the fields of Zoan.

Thoughts: We so easily forget. As much as I feel like I would not forget the things like crossing the red sea or being fed mana, I realized it is not about forgetting it about not remembering. The difference in my eyes and that I think the Psalmist may have been saying here is we get too caught up in our day to day lives that we forget to spend time remembering the things God has done for us. I feel it appropriate that this passage stood out to me here at the end of 2020, for many of us an extremely difficult year, between a pandemic, new mandates and restrictions, job losses and to top it all off the election that would not end. There has not been any big miracles in my life I have heard from others but I have seen God’s had though out this year. The thoughts about starting a home church that has led us to hosting a group in our house that is still part of our local church creating great community, the fact that between loosing my overtime and not getting a raise that I was promised that we were able to get on the state insurance that cost us nothing making it so that we could pay our bills without having large medical bills as we have had several large medical issues come up over this last year including a miscarriage of twins. God uses what the enemy has meant for evil for the good of those who love him. I am not saying life will be all sunshine and roses, but God has provided in ways we never saw coming. It is not about forgetting the great things of God is about not forgetting to keep your thoughts on him and giving him all honor and praise. I choose to remember the good that he brought about from the evil in this would. 

Prayer: Father God, you are so good to us, you provide all thing and turn those things meant to harm us into good, your love and mercy abound over us. I thank you for the molding and refining you are doing in me every day. I thank you for those who have brought into my life, new friends who have become life family and those who are not part of your family. I thank you for my family and our health the ability to continue on. I thank you for your and in the mist of all that is going on. I thank you for your provisions and blessings you have given us over this year and ask for the provisions and blessings over the next year. 

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