Friday, May 13, 2016

May 13, 2016 It's not mine I swear!!!

Reading: Philippians 3, Joshua 19-20, and Psalm 53

Scripture: Philippians 3:9b, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith

Observation: As it happens when things start going our way and we start having success in our lives or ministries. We as humans, especially men (knowing this being a man) we start to think, “Man I got this, I’m so good nothing can go wrong.” In  doing so we start thinking like the Pharisees thinking if I keep all the laws, rules, and regulations placed before me then I am righteous. There are so many groups of Christians that adhere to there are things you have to do. Thus creating another works based relationship with God.

Application: God didn’t intend on us having this long lists of does and don’ts for us to follow to get to heaven. Christ died on the cross once for all the sins of the world, the sins of my past and the ones I have not yet committed. I love that my Pastor who is a great Godly man admits that he sins and is as messed up as the rest of us, and just like the rest of us he is saved by grace. We are all Righteous though the blood or Christ Jesus. 

Prayer: Father, I thank you for making me your righteousness. Your love abound every day and I bask in it. As groups and churches meet in secret and in public we thank you for your presence there with us. We ask that you place a heart of boldness on each of us as we go about our days. As the evil one comes to steal, kill and destroy, we claim your authority and bind him and cast him out of our situations, our groups and our lives.  

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