Thursday, March 4, 2021

Grafted in

Reading: Exodus 26-27, Romans 11, and Matthew 28

Scripture: Romans 11:20-21, That is true. They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear. For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you.

Thoughts: There are churches and pastors out there who teach, once saved always saved fire insurance style salvation. Paul talking about the grafting believers into the family of God and where our nurturance comes from. Some of the people in the church at the time were getting puffed up or conceited because there were some who were cut off and that they became brought in. Salvation is not fire insurance but a daily choice to seek God and accept the nurturance that sustains us. Going on to say that if we are not standing firm through faith we could be cut off again. We need to walk humbly in that there is nothing we can do to get ourselves to heaven or into right relationship with God it is all a gift given through the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus. Like any relationship we have to work on it and have quality time with them otherwise it will fall apart and that is when we could be cut off. 

Prayer: Father God, you supply all our need, you pour out blessings and lead us to green pastures. I thank you for all you do and seek to know you more. Lead me and guide me. Open my eyes to things that I am holding onto that are not of you, help me grow our relationship and dive deeper into your love. 

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