Monday, February 1, 2016

February 1, 2016 I need a guide!!!!!

Rearing: Acts 8 and Geneses 22-23

Scripture: Acts 8:31, And he said, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.

Observation: This scripture stood out to me for the fact that it is so easy to just read the Bible as just a story or a history and not let it speak to you. I do think that there is a lot that we can get from the word ourselves and with the help of the Holy Spirit but there are things that we need help to understand. We don’t all just understand it all and that is why the disciples spent three years with Jesus getting to know him and learning from him.

Application: We are to have teachers in our lives to help us to understand and grasp the things the Bible has for us. We are all called to come to an understanding and to share our experiences with God but others are called to be teaches and preachers, those of us who are called into those roles spend more time in the word and helping others to understand the things of the Bible that are less obvious. Always have someone who is more knowledged then you are whom you can go to. Even those who teach need someone to go to, we all need someone who will tell us if we are going of course with our thinking when reading the word.

Prayer: Lord I think you for the great blessings that you have poured out on me, watching my daughter grow and develop, and watching you bring fourth another day. Lord I ask you to help me to hear your Holy Spirit and perceive the meaning to your word and also remind me I have those around me who have studied more and I can go and be pastured by. Help me to foster those relationships so that I can grow deeper with you lord.

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