Friday, February 19, 2016

February 16, 2016 Who are you talking about?

Reading: Acts 23 and Genesis 48-49

Scripture: Acts 23:5, And Paul said, “I did not know, brothers, that he was the high priest, for it is written, ‘You shall not speak evil of a ruler of your people.’”

Observation: It is so easy to badmouth a boss or the leaders of your city, state, or country. Here in the USA in some ways we are encouraged to say things against others in that we are so frequently remanded that we have the freedom of speech. We are allowed to say what ever we want about what or whom ever we want. Sure we are allowed but should we? Dose saying these things make anything get better?

Application: I don’t think that creating verbal diarrhea about something you don’t agree with is what we should be doing even though we have the “Right” to do so. Paul was citing from Exodus 22:28 something that all the religious leaders would have know. We are to give honor where honor is due. I may not like the way a president is handling given situation but God has called us to not speak evil of our rulers. I think this is not only meant as to our government officials but also our bosses and anyone who we interact with. Tearing someone down will only cause problems and arguments. If we are able to speak life and love into those around us and even to our leaders we can help to reduce the amount of hate and arguments around us.

Prayer: Lord I thank you for another day to dive into your word and seek after you. You are so amazing and the blessing you pour out on this work at awesome. I ask you to help me to keep the joy and love that you share with us in my heart and on my mouth each and every day.

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