Wednesday, February 24, 2016

February 23, 2016 I'm not as bad as that guy!

Reading: Romans 2 and Exodus 12-13

Scripture: Acts 2:3, Do you suppose, O man—you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself—that you will escape the judgment of God?

Observation: It is so easy to judge someone for this horrible thing they are doing. The biggest struggle I have is judging those who are cheating on their spouse, but according to the gospel even to look at another in an inappropriate way is considered adulatory. I don’t want to cheat on my wife or be with someone else but is so easy to look at something or someone in that way.

Application: we need to be open about our struggles and trials. When we spend time judging others and sometimes even ourselves we create an atmosphere of bad blood or guilt. It is also easy to think of ourselves as better then others. We may see this sin as worse then that sin so that this person it less bad then that person. There was a great picture going around showing a bar graph from the side and how we rate sins then it showed it from the top saying the view from haven and each one was the same block. Not only are we not to judge, but God sees all our sins as the same as “SIN” and when he offers forgiveness he forgives SIN.

Prayer: Lord I thank you for your great gifts you have poured out on us. I am so thankful for the forgiveness that you have given us and that all you see is SIN and not degrees of bad we so often do.

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