Tuesday, January 19, 2016

January 17 2016 I am unworthy

Reading: Luke 17 and Job 24-26

Scripture: Luke 17:10, So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.’

Observation: I know that I so often look for approval from those around me and want to be looked up to for the accomplishments that I have done and hear the I have done well or at least thanked for the work I have been doing. Here Jesus is telling us the we wont always be thanked or sometimes that we will be thought of in little regard.

Application: there are a couple things that I feel about this section of scripture, first is the idea that this side of heaven we may not see many of the thanks or feel worthy to have done what we have done. Second I think we are not to just do the things we are told to do. We were given the 10 Commandments and that is not enough we are to love one another as ourselves that is taking care of the needs of others. If we just don’t do the things that we are told not to do and do the things we are told to do I feel would be like the rich young ruler who said “all these I have kept from my youth what still must I do” when we have a task we need to not just do it but do it with love and to the best of our abilities.

Prayer: Lord, you are so wonderful, you have made the earth and the stars for us to enjoy and our lives to be lived, I thank you for sending your son to save me from myself and the sin I was diving into. Lord, I ask you help me to see how to be the servant you call me to be help me to do the little things so that one day I may be worthy to do more. I ask you to help me keep perspective of your calling and my wants and desires.

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