Friday, May 14, 2021

What is your witness?

Reading: Joshua 21-21 and Philippians 4 

Scripture: Joshua 22:26-27, Therefore we said, “Let us now build an altar, not for burnt offering, nor for sacrifice, but to be a witness between us and you, and between our generations after us, that we do perform the service of the Lord in his presence with our burnt offerings and sacrifices and peace offerings, so your children will not say to our children in time to come, ‘You have no portion in the Lord.’”

Thoughts: After the fighting and claiming of God’s promised land this portion of Israel was headed home to that land they received but came to help the rest of Israel to claim the rest. After seeing the victories that God had given them and the times they failed they wanted a reminder, something to look at to remind them and future generation not only who they are but who they are apart of. We may not have great wars where we are claiming land, but we all have victories that God has given us and are we setting up a witness, a memorial to one draw a line between who we were before and who we are now. It can be as simple as a stone in your pocket or something elaborate, but just as the ten tribes came to check the purpose, we need to not let that witness to become a god replacement. 

Prayer: Father God you are so wonderful. You give us all we need and give us the authority to overcome the evil one. I ask that you help me to set up a reminder of who I was and the great blessing you have poured out over us. Let us remember our past but look to the sanctification that you are working in us and not just to the point you saved us. Lead us and guide us in our walk.

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