Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Showing Concern.

Reading: Ruth 1-4 and Matthew 2

Scripture: Ruth 2:8, Then Boaz said to Ruth, “Now, listen, my daughter, do not go to glean in another field or leave this one, but keep close to my young women.

Thoughts: Ruth not knowing what was going to become of her going with Naomi, weather they would be redeemed or die widows went to a land unknown to her. We don’t know how much of the laws and traditions of the Israelite people she was told before she clung to Neomi. I have heard so many young ladies in the church talking about or being taught about looking for a Boaz, someone who will honor and respect them. Reading this passage when Boaz first interacts with Ruth, made me think about how are we treating those people who come into our lives? Boaz appears to have some knowledge of who Ruth is by reputation and the honor she showed Neomi and that he was in the line of redeemers, but why treat her so well? I felt like this is a picture of the love and honor we are to show to all people. It does not matter who they are what their background is we are all God’s creation and he wants a relationship with all of us. Boaz had concern and protected Ruth before she offered redemption to Boaz. Let us have concern for those who do not yet know the Father. 

Prayer: Father God, you are so amazing, you toke a broken family that would end the line and redeem it to bring forth the most notable king and through this line your Son. I thank you for the work you are doing in my life and the plans that I get to be apart of. I ask that you help me to be like Boaz and take care and show concern for those around me. 

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