Monday, May 17, 2021

Am I doing this right?

Reading: Judges 3-4, Psalm 14, and Colossians 3

Scripture: Colossians 3:21, Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.

Thoughts: I do not know how many times I had heard people talk about the verses just before this, and yes, I understand the significance of those verses and that we need proper relationships with our spouses and parents. So often this verse about father gets skipped, being a father of a 6 and a 4 year-old is part of the reason this stood out to me today. I struggle with yelling at my children, they get loud and rambunctious, and I yell to get their attention, I yell at them when they do not listen, and I yell when I’m frustrated. Our children are in a way an extension of who we are, just like we are called to be extensions of God as his children. We all need to be disciplined from time to time, we all need to have our attention gotten. When God gets our attention or disciplines us are we lest feeling like garbage or even after our spiritual spanking are we left feeling like we are closer to God, closer to his will and knowing we are loved. As much as I love my children I know that there are times when my discipline does not raise them up it tears them down and I have to work on reflecting the father more. 

Prayer: Father, you are so wonderful, you discipline and get our attention without making us feel that we are less. Your grace and mercy show the love you are pouring out upon us. I thank you for all you do, the discipline you bring and the love you show and pour out on us. I thank you for your molding and refining you are doing in my life and ask that you help me to be the father you call me to be and grow in reflecting your love, peace, mercy, grace, and joy. 

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