Tuesday, June 7, 2016

June 6, 2016 How many words do you need?

Reading: Matthew 14, 1 Samuel 23-24, and Psalm 54

Scripture: Matthew 14:29, He said, "Come." So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. 

Observation: Growing up seeing so-called miracles and exorcisms on tv and in movies, and also hearing the big verbose prayers asking for healing or change in peoples lives. I grew up thinking things like you needed to be a real man of God like a pastor or priest to do miracles. Jesus gave each and every one of us the authority to heal the sick and lame, cast out demons and raise people from the grave. 

Application: Peter had the faith to step out on the water on one word, we have the entire scripture as witness to who Jesus is and that we have been given that authority to do what he did and greater things. If Peter that man who alway spoke before he though and regularly stuck his foot in his mouth, as meany of us do today, can take one word and step out in faith, let us Take up the word of God and step out in faith.

Prayer: Father I thank you for you word and your authority that was given to each of us. I thank you for your daily provisions things we need each day and some of the wants. Lord I ask that you help us to keep you word on our hearts and to have the faith to step out on what ever sea that is before us knowing that you will give us the power to walk on that water. 

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