Monday, August 30, 2021

Face your fears

Reading: Amos 7-9 and Mark 6

Scripture: Mark 6:49-51, but when they saw him walking on the sea they thought it was a ghost, and cried out, for they all saw him and were terrified. But immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” And he got into the boat with them, and the wind ceased. And they were utterly astounded,

Thoughts: What is the greatest fear that you have had to face? What was your greatest leap of faith? For me they collided when I felt God telling me to go pray for my aunt who had cancer. I spent a quarter to half my workday fighting with myself on what to do. After making the choice to follow the leading I had the fear melted away as I listened to God say just as Jesus did to his disciples, “Take heart do not be afraid.” Both my father and I threw together a change of clothes and drove the 3-4 hours to my aunt’s house where we got to pray over here and witness a miracle. She was healed and is in good health to this day. Just as the disciples got to see the power of God seeing Jesus walking on the water and then calming the storm. When we are called if may be one of the scariest things we have ever walked in and the biggest leap of faith but when it is from the Lord it will also be a great blessing in your life, growing you to new depth.

Prayer: Lord God, I thank you that you know our hearts and know how to lead and strengthen us for the trials we are not yet in. I thank you that you are growing me and refining me into the man you have called us to be. Open my heart and ears to the steps you have for me and the leading that take me to the narrow path. You are the only way and I long to walk in your ways and linger in your presence. 

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