Monday, August 30, 2021

Don't tell anyone...

Reading: Isaiah 1-2 and Mark 7

Scripture: Mark 7:36, And Jesus charged them to tell no one. But the more he charged them, the more zealously they proclaimed it.

Thoughts: When God comes into our lives, and we choose to be all in for God there is usually something that happens in our life to bring about that choice. As Jesus was healing people, he was telling them keep it quiet, yet these people were shouting it everywhere. They were doing this in a time that could have gotten them killed by ether of the ruling groups, the religious leaders, or the romans. As dramatic as it would be to be healed from blindness or an inability to walk, how much greater is it to gain eternal life and forgiveness of sin? Why are we not shouting about what God has done for us?

Prayer: Lord God, you are so wonderful, I thank you for sanding your Son to create a way to you and give us the ability to come into your presence. I ask for the boldness to shout your name to all the earth as you have planed for me. Help me to walk in your plans and your ways, pointing to your glory and what you have done in my life. 

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