Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Crashing coins

Reading: 1 Kings 16-17, Psalm 76, Revelation 7, and Luke 21

Scripture: Luke 21:1-2, Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins.

Thoughts: This passage started with Jesus looking up from what he was doing, what sort of things distract you and get you to look up from what you are doing? My thought with what follows was the thing that got Jesus’ attention was a loud noise. These wealthy people were not paying online, or dropping a check in the offering box, they were coming in with bags of coins and pouring them into the tithe box. This would have made a loud noise that would have been distraction to most everyone including those teaching. With all this commotion going on Jesus still saw the poor widow woman, not just someone who couldn’t put much into the offering but also someone who would have been overlooked because she was a woman, and she was poor. Even when we fall on our face when we are spiritually bankrupt, God still sees us, and God still wants a relationship with us. Are we doing things to get attention from others or are we walking with our arms open to God and his leading and teachings? 

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful, you are calling us into relationship with you and ask us to lay down our desires and walk in your ways. Lord help me to not be seeking the attention of the world but following you and walking in relationship with you.

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