Thursday, September 8, 2016

September 8, 2016 Arm yourself

Reading: Mark 16, Micah 3-4 and Psalm 109

Scripture: Psalm 109:4, In return for my love they accuse me, but I give myself to prayer.

Observation: This passage jumped out at me today maybe because of some things that were talked about at the mens ministry meeting last night, but also David being a man after God’s own heart seems to more often then not has some very poignant things.

Application: I have said many times that we are called to love to reach out to those around us with Godly love and that is no less true now. This passage jumped out as a warning of what could happen as we put ourselves out there, but also how to overcome when we get this opposition. The warning of there are going to be those who attack us even as we love them and share the Gospel. Jesus said, they will hate you because the hated me. We will be accused of all kinds of things true or not. We are given the weapon to over come these attacks, Prayer but being that prayer is that weapon we need to practice with it. Just like any weapon we need to use and practice with it often. The idea of prayer is just as simple as the line from The mask of Zorro “The pointy end goes in the other guy.” Also it can be as complex as the longest choreographed sward fight. The more we open ourselves up to prayer and listening to God though the Holy Spirit the more affective we will become in our prayer time and be affective when those attacks come.

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful and it is amazing to watch you touch those around us though us. I thank you for using me and placing things on our hearts each day. I thank you for the provisions and blessings that you have given me and those yet to come. I ask that you help us to have the urgings to be in constant prayer always seeking you and always lifting up others. 

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