Thursday, September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017 Do you hear something?!?!?!?

Reading: John 6 and Isaiah 18-19

Scripture: Isaiah 18:3, All you inhabitants of the world, you who dwell on the earth, when a signal is raised on the mountains, look! When a trumpet is blown, hear!

Observation: It seems like some times that I don’t look or listen for the signs that God’s word say are all around us. I have struggles with quieting myself and listening to God. That is part of the reason I write this and why it is named the breeze and the 2x4. I know that there have been more times then I would like to admit that God has brought out the proverbial 2x4 and smacked me with it to get my attention. I feel like my generation is the start of the great decline in attention spans. I have a hard time focusing on anything unless I find ways to keep myself entertained or engaged. For example this morning on my morning prayer walk I found my mind wondering from praying and thinking about a camping trip, work and surgery instead or talking to God. I’m not sure but I think maybe my lack of sleep the last few nights may have contributed to it but I know it is mostly how I have trained myself growing up.

I grew up in the Golden age of the 80’s and 90’s great video game advancement and crazy cartoons available almost anytime you were awake if you had cable. I become one of those kids that loved TV and video games and looked for others to entertain me. This has followed me into my adulthood and causes me to have issues focusing on things, in turn when it comes to quiet time with God I struggle and my mind wonders to all sorts of thing. I long to hear God’s voice and to walk in his ways but I struggle with getting quiet enough to hear him, and sometime have trouble even talking to him. If you are like me find things to help like instead of just trying to read the Bible I use a website that will read in aloud so I can listen as I read it to help me engage the word, and journalling is easier for me on the computer to type it then to wright it long hand. Just find what helps you.

Prayer: Father I fall at your feet and honor you, I thank you that you are willing to listen to the ramblings of someone who can’t focus at times. I thank you for my family and their continued safety. I thank you for the provisions you have for us and the blessings you didn’t know we needed. 

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