Wednesday, October 11, 2017

October 11, 2017 Don't worry about that its just your imagination!!

Reading: Acts 12, 2 Kings 21, 2 Chronicles 33 and Psalm 75

Scripture: But Peter continued knocking, and when they opened, they saw him and were amazed. 

Observation: I don’t know how often I have prayed and something happens and I don’t believe or think that my prayers really matter until I see something as proof. It is not mentioned in scripture but I have a feeling that part of the reason these people were gathered together praying was for Peter’s release from prison. I know that whenever I hear about someone I know getting in trouble, I try to pray for justice be it release and exoneration or conviction. 

Application: I the mist of (I think) contending for Peter’s release from prison there is a knock on the door and its him. They discounted the messenger until she insisted they come out and see him, and Rhoda finally opened the gate and door. I know I need to have more faith that God is listening to my prayers that I’m not just white noise that is there like a buzzing fly that wont go away. Let us not be so amazed when God dose something He is a good Father and wants to give us good gifts.

Prayer: Father, I am in awe of your power and majesty, and I long to bask in your glory. I thank you for the provisions and blessings your pour out on us each day and the opportunity to seek your face. Help me to have the faith to know you are listening and moving as I pray. Help me to grow deeper with you and be filled to overflowing with your love and peace. 

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