Monday, October 7, 2024

What to fear?

Reading: Isaiah 60-61, Psalm 111, and Acts 9


Scripture: Psalm 111:10, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!


Thoughts: As we are entering October and the much of the world around us is presenting more things that could bring fear, what should we truly fear? It appears that much of the Halloween decorations center around death, whether tombstones, skeletons, or the undead, zombies, vampires, and mummies. It looks like much fear centers around death. Part of the fear that we should have when it come to God is the fear of who we are without Him and where we will be/go if we do not have Him in our life. When we fear the things of this world all we do is get anxiety, we can not change this world but when we seek the one who can and seek Him, we do not just get knowledge, but we grow in wisdom from the Father. Seek God and get in His Word and find a way to praise Him even in the midst of fear trying to drown out the voice of God.


Prayer: Lord God, you are who I faer, I know that I have allowed distractions into my life, and I ask that you help me to remove them. Help me to prioritize my time with you. You are worthy of all my time and effort. I place my life, my family, and my finances in your hands. Help me to steward all that I have for you and seek you all my days and in all my ways.

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