Tuesday, October 8, 2024

What fires are burning?

Reading: Isaiah 62-64 and Acts 10


Scripture: Isaiah 64:2-3, as when fire kindles brushwood and the fire causes water to boil— to make your name known to your adversaries, and that the nations might tremble at your presence! When you did awesome things that we did not look for, you came down, the mountains quaked at your presence.


Thoughts: There are so many uses for fire, but as useful as it is the destructive power of fire can be found almost everywhere. Just as fire’s power is known by everyone, we are called to make known the Power of God. This passage was using Fire to describe God. Are we pointing to God when these wondrous things happen and sharing the awesome power of God when we experience it. This passage brought the image of Moses and Mount Sinai, the mountain everything going on around it. God came down to the mountain and gave Moses the tables, I imagine there would have been some sort of shining and rumbling from that mountain. These events have been documented and shared for generations. What are the little things that we are seeing God do that we are not sharing even with our family?


Prayer: Lord God, you are creator of all things, I thank you that you are the provider and orchestrator of all things. You may not be shaking the geological mountains today but you are moving mountains in the lives around us. I thank you for the provision that you have given me to steward, I thank you for my family and friends that I get to walk with. I ask that you help me see the mountains that you have moved in my life and those that you are working in me to move. Help me to grow in your love and share you love with those around me.

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