Reading: Matthew 16, 1 Chronicles 2, and Psalm 87
Scripture: Matthew 16:22, And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, "Far be it from you, Lord! This shall never happen to you.”
Observation: I love the boldness of Peter and the fact that as often as he puts his foot in his mouth and speaks without thinking God still used him very profoundly that The Catholic Church looks at him as the founder of the church and almost every depiction of heaven has Peter at the gates checking people in. I feel I am like Peter a lot in that I feel like I'm just looking for moments to open my mouth and insert my foot. Just moments before Peter had made the decoration that Jesus was the son of God and within the same conversation it appears Jesus said that to fulfill everything that must happen I need to be killed. I think at that point all Peter heard from Jesus (one of his best friends and traveling companion for 3 years) say I’m going to be killed.
Application: I think any of us would say to our best friend “This will never happen to you” if the came to us and said they were going to be killed. What we need to be careful of is telling God he can’t or wont do something he promised us he would do. When praying for something don’t just “Please God do this if it your will” find scriptural promises and declare then in Jesus name. and thank him for fulfilling those promises even before you see them come about.
Here is a link to a list of promises
Prayer: Father I thank you for the provisions you have given me and the blessings that you pour out on me each and every day. I thank you for the prosperity that you are leading me towards and the
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