Reading: Matthew 21, 1 Samuel 29, and 1 Chronicles 7
Scripture: Matthew 21:43, Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits.
Observation: I love how just after Jesus tells this story, these priests and Pharisees could tell that he was talking about them, they are the ones that are not producing fruit for the kingdom. These would have been very smart people, the Pharisees would be like our lawyers today.
Application: We need to listen to God, open our ears to his calling and his direction for our lives. God can use anything we do for his glory but we don’t have to make more work for him. When we listen and follow his calling our fruit will grow well. We can either be a seed that produces 30time, or we can be a seed that produces 100 times what God put into us. Are you good soil or good tenants, or are you giving God more work.
Prayer: Father I thank you for your calling and the direction that is in my life. I thank you for the provisions of each day, the food and money needed for each day. I also thank you for my family and the joys and pains that come along with it.
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