Reading: Matthew 27, 2 Samuel 4, and Psalm 22
Scripture: Matthew 27:14, But he gave him no answer, not even to a single charge, so that the governor was greatly amazed.
Observation: Standing before Pilate Jesus could have proven himself the Christ and Son of God but it was so much more powerful that he said noting. he stood there and took all the beatings from the Religious leaders then only said “you have said so” when asked if he was the Son of God.
Application: How often would our silence speak mountains more then thousands of words. I know there are groups of so called “christians” who are out there persecuting people instead of warning them of what is to come and loving them. We as Christians have this tendency to put a order to how bad a sin is, and say I'm better then them because I have not done the sin they have. The point is we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). If God is big enough to cover my multitude of sins he is big enough to cover what ever your sins are as well.
Prayer: Father I thank you for sending your son and providing a way to come back into communion with you. I thank you for your provisions and your directions in my life. I ask you to continually remind us that sin is sin no matter how we view it and you are the one who forgives and we are called to love one another and not persecute.
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