Reading: Matthew 15 and 1 Chronicles 1
Scripture: Matthew 15:9, in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.
Observation: This jumped out to me today, I’m not sure why but what came to me is that we so often get caught up in the traditions and doing things they way we have always done them, or doing things a certain way because someone said to do it this way and the things that many have had lots of meaning when they first started doing them are now some tradition that we may not know why we do them.
Application: When Jesus said this he was speaking to people who had added in so much extra law to the original law that they may not know why it was set in the first place. I have seen this happen in churches before, where we always have to have communion this one way and if we don’t its not real or those other churches who do communion this other way are wrong. Our doctrine needs to come strait from scripture and be able to be supported. Love God and love your neighbors that is what we are called to.
Prayer: Father, I thank you for your great blessings and that we have the ability to come before you and spend time with you at your throne. I ask that you help us to release the traditions that are only there for traditions sake. Help us to form a bond with you that will grow us each day.
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