Sunday, November 4, 2018

November 4 Kryptonite 18

Reading: Jeremiah 32-33, Romans 8, Killing Kryptonite Chapter 18

Thoughts: In my last post I talked about churches that were not teaching all of the word and allowing known sin to remain among them. This is similar, like when Israel had Aaron build a golden calf and called it Yahweh, the name God gave Moses as his name. When we start watering down God’s word because the world around us is jaded and put off because we look no different then they do we are creating a false Jesus. We are to be in the world bu not of the world, when we worship this false or counterfeit Jesus we are becoming part of the world saying all these thing we are doing are fine because we are covered or however we justify that what is written is not what is meant. We need to be in the word and fully committed to the true Yahweh and not this counterfeit god that we build up.

Prayer: Father, you are God the Farther, Yahweh, King of kings. I thank you for being us into your family and sharing your name. I thank you for your provisions and blessings each day. I ask you help me to discern your word and your body. Help me to see if there is something amiss in your body. 

November 3 Kryptonite 17

Reading: Jeremiah 30-31, Romans 7, and Killing Kryptonite chapter 17

Thoughts: Are you being exhorted and brought up in the Word or is your paster just given to making their flock feel good. I am blessed by being a part of a congregation where we don’t skip the hard parts or the things that we don’t want to hear. There are churches out there that teach a Jesus but leave out some of the things God commands. Not only do we need the truth of what God did through the Son but we need to hear that if we are giving ourselves over to sin and allowing known sin to be apart of our church we will loose out on the power and just as Paul said to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 11:30, “That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died.” We need to be willing to call out in love when there is know sin in our church. We are one body in Christ and when one part of the body is hurt or is sick the entire body feels is and is affected. This is why Paul tells us to cast out those who will not repent and turn from their sin. Those who don’t repent need to be treated as unbelievers. We need to love them and help them to know the love of God but they are not to be apart of the Body of Christ if they are given to sin, not if the fall into sin because we all do that but have given themselves over to it. 

Prayer: Father, we thank you for bring us into your family and making us joint heirs with your Son. I thank you for your blessings and provisions that you pour out each day. I ask that you help me to be like Micaiah and only speak what you speak. Let your word and your love pour to overflowing in my life so that I share your love to all around me. 

November 2 Kryptonite 16

Reading: Jeremiah 28-29, Psalm 17, Romans 6, and Killing Kryptonite chapter 16

Thoughts: There have been times that my desires did not aline with God’s, like I mentioned before it was not a big turn from God but a let us aim a little off center. After complaining to God or just not listening to him long enough I would think I heard him so go ahead and do it. Just as God did with Israel and other individuals throughout the Old Testament. God will not tell us to do anything that is contrary to his Word but he will give us over to our sinful desires. Meditating on God’s Word will give us insight into who God is, What his voice sounds like and what his desires are. 

Prayer: Father, your ways are hight than mine, your thoughts are higher than mine. I thank you that we have the ability to tap into your will, thoughts and ways through your Son. I ask you to help me to know you and your voice and your will that I may follow you more closely. 

November 1 Kryptonite 15

Reading: Jeremiah 21, 24, 27, Psalm 33, Romans 5, and Killing Kryptonite Chapter 15

Thoughts:  "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Jesus (John 8:31b-31a) Through God’s gift and love shown in the death and resurrection of his Son we have been set free. The ability to get to heaven is a perk in comparison to the freedom that God granted us. In our power we can not over come any of our sins. The sins deceive us and convince us that what we are doing is ok. For me is was not here go this other direction completely it was its ok that you aim is a little off don’t focus on it. Over time I found myself doing things I would have never done if I was presented with that option right off. I have been set free and I walk in that freedom. There are times that the consciences of what I did come back to me and cause me to stumble but we are free. When we abide and meditate on the Word we will be set free. Meditation has been given such a bad connotation over the years with the new age way of centering and grounding one self. The best way I have seen meditation is when it is explained by with a visual. Mediating on the Word is like a cow, goat, or more Biblical a sheep chewing the cud. Chewing the cud is when an animal will sit and chew on the same food for a long, long time, that is how we are to be with the Word. We are to chew on it go over it get every bit of nutrition out of it then go over it again. In that kind of meditation on the right things the things of this world, will fall behind us. Just as if we look at the sun we see no shadows, if we keep our eyes on the Son the shadows of this life will not be seen.  

Prayer: Father, You are so wonderful. I thank you for sending your Son so that I can have the opportunity to know you and come into your love. I thank you for the provision we get from you each day and the blessing that you have for us. I thank you for your guidance and the plan you have for me and my family. I ask that you help me to walk in your freedom and your strength. 

Saturday, November 3, 2018

October 31st Kryptonite 14

Reading: Jeremiah 48-49, Romans 4, and Killing Kryptonite chapter 14

Thoughts: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. That thief is also our kryptonite when sin deceives us and we start slowly making our way to where the Good is seen as evil and the wrong is need as good (as in America today) we are unable to grasp or see What God has for us. I know that I struggle with lust and anger, I know that it is easy to covet things others have or are doing. I see friends going places I have only dreamed of going and doing things I want to do or having nicer cars. But then God reminds me of the things he is giving me and the blessings we have. I have a family of 4, we own a house with some land, we have two cars  and a motor cycle that work and have no payment on, we always have food and the things we need, yet I still want what others are doing and have. 

Prayer: Father you provide all and give us our hearts desires. I thank you for what you give us and I ask that your contentment grown within me.  Help me to be content with your will and direction for me and not long for what you are going other. 

October 30th Kryptonite 13

Reading: Jeremiah 45-47, Psalm 86, Romans 3, and Killing Kryptonite Chapter 13

Thoughts: In this chapter of Killing Kryptonite we see that the Kryptonite is known sin and willful disobedience. John also helps us to see that to worship God is to obey. It was pointed out that the first time Worship was used in the Bible was when Abraham said, "Stay here with the donkey; I and the boy will go over there and worship and come again to you.” That worship was not praise, singing, or bowing it was obedience. I know I struggle with listening to God’s voice at times but I have also seen miracles happen because I listened to what he said. When it comes to silence and listening to or for God’s voice I struggle, I want to fill the silence I want to move on to the next thing or bounce from thing to thing. Maybe its a learning disorder or the way I was raised or any other excuse you or I could come up with but that is also part of the reasoning for the title to this blog, God most of the time speak through the breeze and that still small voice deep down inside of us, but sometimes he takes out that 2x4 and will smack you upside the head to get your attention. One of the things I have to be carful of is the other voices I start letting in. In my job I am on the road a lot and because of going all over the state I have a hard time finding radio stations so I listen to podcast about many different things and interests, Geeky things, pop culture, movies and even sermons but are they beneficial. Like Paul said, “All things a permissible but not all things are beneficial.” I am looking at is my entertainment hindering my hearing from God. 

Pray: Father, you are so awesome, you provide all that we need and all that we could ever want. I thank you for all the blessings and provisions you give us each day. Help me to quiet myself and cut out the things that take me away from you. I want to know you and hear you more, in hearing help me to obey more as well in proper worship to you. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

October 29th Kryptonite 12

Reading: Jeremiah 26, 35-36, Romans 2, and Killing Kryptonite 12

Thoughts: In Romans 2 Paul was talking about how through faith in Christ or the Law is our judgement. At that time there were those who were so focused on the Law(a good thing) that it became more important than their faith and relationship with God(the better thing). Thus creating an idol out of the Low that God gave to Israel to guide then but also to show them that they can’t get to God on their own or with the blood of sheep and goats. We are not to just stop working and expect everything to be handed to us on a golden plater by God. As we continue to seek God we see that by doing all things For Him, even our jobs become less monotonous and we can find joy in them and the provisions we get through the payment we receive IS His Provision for us. I know people in my company who seem to live to work because they are only focused on money(The Big Green god), where I work for God So God can provide through me. He has given me this job. The hard part of being faithful is when God asks you to be more reliant on Him and provides for a dream in the same move. My wife and i were comfortable with two incomes, then one day God said my wife’s dream of staying home and teaching our kids came true, when he told her to quit her job. This was a dream come true but also cut our income in half and we had to get different insurance. In the last month we have started the transition getting her last checks and seeing God make sure everything is paid. God provides and not money.

Prayer: Father All I can say is Thank you Thank you Thank you. You fulfill dreams and provide for all needs. 

Monday, October 29, 2018

October 28 Kryptonite 11

Reading: Jeremiah 23-24, Romans 1, and Killing Kryptonite 11

Thoughts: A quote from Killing Kryptonite, “As difficult as it may be to hear that partial obedience is the same as idolatry, we can be thankful to learn this. If we know what’s on the test, we can pass it every time. This is God’s goodness and mercy!” The temptations and trials that God allows the evil one to bring to us are these tests that John Bevere is talking about. God has given us not just the information so that we can figure out the answer to the questions, but he has given us the answer key through is Son and Holy Spirit. I know that I struggle with studying and listening to those answers before had but God has given them to us.

Prayer: Father, you are so awesome and worthy of all praise and adoration that I can give. I thank you for the answers you show me even when I don’t want to listen. Help me to listen more and step into your will. 

October 27 Kryptonite 10

Reading: 1 Kings 24, Jeremiah 22, Psalm 43, Acts 28, and Killing Kryptonite Chapter 10

Thoughts: When it comes to obedience to what I have heard God tells me, my first thought was when I stepped far out of my comfort zone and went 300 miles to pray for my aunt. When I think about past things of course its the big things that stand out the most, but as I was thinking about it some of my other obediences were going back to school, going to my church and getting planted there, and making my journaling and journey public. I probably will never (this side of heaven) know the purpose or impact this has or will have, and I don’t really want to because it will make me think too much of myself. As much as we all seem to crave the fame and notoriety I know that God has not allowed or given that to me because I would loose focus. 

Prayer: Thank you Lord for giving me a purpose and direction. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out and the longing to be in your presence. I know without experiencing your love and presence I would never seek more. 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

October 26th Kryptonite 9

Reading: Jeremiah 19-20, Psalm 146, Acts 27, and Killing Kryptonite Chapter 9

Thoughts: Just as Israel was in a Covenant with God so are we. This covenant between us and God make us his bride. Most people and I pray All those who put on the mantel of Christian see a marriage as a fully committed relationship with their spouse. Are we as committed to God as we are wife or husband. Sadly enough for many the answer is no. We are cheating on God through our putting things before God. 

To encourage myself to give my all to God and not cheat on my Heavenly Father I try to set aside time first thing in the morning to spend with him. I will get up and get dressed and make coffee for my wife and I then sit down and read the word together before journaling. With 2 and 4 year old deciding to get up at that time too sometimes does interfere. We do our best to integrate our kids into our time with God and/or do it in spite of the thing going on. I serve at the church and I look for ways that I can do my job in a way that I a serve my customers in their repairs they need I will show God’s love. I Pray that all the work I do would glorify God. The best way for me to not Cheat on God is to spend more time speaking with him and directing my attention onto him. 

Prayer: Father, your great and wondrous love pours out so deeply in our lives. I thank you for the provisions and blessing you pour out on us each day. I ask you to help me to keep you on my mind and seek you. I ask you to touch those around me and help me to have the boldness to go and the ability to hear when you send me. 

Thursday, October 25, 2018

October 25th Kryptonite 8

Reading:Jeremiah 17-18, Acts 26, and Killing Kryptonite 8

Scripture: Acts 26:29, And Paul said, "Whether short or long, I would to God that not only you but also all who hear me this day might become such as I am—except for these chains."

Thoughts: The passion that Paul had for Christ should be at least mirrored if not magnified. Over and over in the word we are called the Bride of Christ, as that bride there are conditions that are set for us the bride and for the groom. The Groom has already fulfilled all the conditions for both sides and we are called to walk as the bride. Im my previous marriages I know there was adultery that was committed against me in the literal sense by my wife having relations with someone other then me. I (unknowingly at the time) committed adultery with in my struggle with lust and pornography. For a long time that was placed even above God in my daily routine, I had many excuses on why I would do what I would do but none of them have any merit. Just as Paul said, I really don’t care how long it takes as long as we all become like Christ 

Prayer: Father, Thank you for the revelations you show us each day in your word and through those you speak through. I thank you for your provisions and the blessings of each day. Open my eye to see where I am walking from you and the threat of my adultery is trying to creep in so that I can remove it. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

October 24th Kryptonite 7

Reading: Jeremiah 15-16, Psalm 10, Acts 25, and Killing Kryptonite chapter 7

Scripture: Jeremiah 16:10-11, And when you tell this people all these words, and they say to you, 'Why has the Lord pronounced all this great evil against us? What is our iniquity? What is the sin that we have committed against the Lord our God?' then you shall say to them: 'Because your fathers have forsaken me, declares the Lord, and have gone after other gods and have served and worshiped them, and have forsaken me and have not kept my law,

Thought: For many years during my time playing at the “Sunday Christian” trope of I can do what ever I want during the week as long as I give a little and go to church. I was one of those people Jeremiah was talking about in chapter 16. Not only are we called to a Path God has for us We are called to come and Jump into the deep end of God’s power. Through the great gift of the Father through the Son and administered to us by the Holy Spirit, we have been given His Power and Authority. I know that I have been called and empowered to teach. I have been given influence in lives around me to help raise up into their potential in Christ. I am filled with the Holy Spirit and I strive to listen to him every day. Rise up all who have fallen asleep in the Lord you have purpose. 

Prayer: Father, Maker of all things. I thank you for the blessing and the power you pour out on us each day. I thank you for the provisions that you give us and strength to over come. I ask that you encourage me to open myself more and share your love with those who need it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

October 23rd Kryptonite 6

Reading: Jeremiah 13-14, Psalm 141, Acts 24, and Killing Kryptonite Chapter 6

Thoughts: I didn’t have a passage from the reading jump out at me this morning, I am glad the God used every day guys to be his disciples showing that uneducated and often brash people can be used to share the word of God. I know that we are called to do the same but many of us (my self included) don’t feel life we have the ability to go. I grew up in a church who ether didn’t teach the gifts and manifestation of the Holy Spirit or didn’t think they were still relevant today. Ether way I didn’t have any grasp on any of these things. When it comes to Miracles I know they are possible being that I have been part of two myself in the last year. I had an infirmity I was dealing with possibly my entire life healed and I watched my Aunt get healed after I listened to God and made a 300 mile trip to pray for her. Seeing her cancer removed and increased healing of the aftermath of the biopsy and other procedures. I am blessed to be a part of a church who does hear God’s voice and seeks after him, I am jumping in. 

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for guiding me and my family to this church home that you brought us to. You pour out such great blessings each day and continue to guide me each day. I am sorry that I don’t always listen to your voice and seek my own ways. I long to receive all that you have for me and my family and I ask you to help me to see myself as you see me, I want to live out the potential you placed in me and see you each day. 

Monday, October 22, 2018

October 22nd Kryptonite 5

Reading: Jeremiah 11-12, Psalm 97, Acts 23, Killing Kryptonite Chapter 5

Scripture: Jeremiah 12:5, If you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses? And if in a safe land you are so trusting, what will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?

Thoughts: At the end of chapter five John asks us, What legacy do you want to leave to future generations? How do you want to be remembered on earth, and how do you want to be known in heaven? As I was reading the Word before going into this chapter of Killing Kryptonite the verse above stood out to me first because of a teaching Levi Lusko on that verse about training for the trials we are not yet in. Now coming together with John’s teaching on being the change and what do we want our legacy to be, opens my eyes more to the how the Word of God is Alive and sharper then a double edged sword. We are called to run with horses our legacy we shine into the lives of our children and those we touch with our lives will be determined by how we train for what is ahead. The legacy I want is my children (I include those I get the privilege to teach) to be stronger, more on fire, and zealous for the Lord then I have been. I want the world to know the love of God that I get to reflect and in heaven I long to be a Mirror I want when someone to look at me all they see is the Father. 

Prayer: Lord I thank you for the great blessing you pour out each day, for the Love and Mercy you show me each day as I fall. I ask that you help me to see the places I need work and help me to take each step needed to overcome those things that I still struggle with and set me free from the things that I don’t need in my life. Polish this vessel so that all who see me see you.  

October 21st Kryptonite 4

Reading: Jeremiah 9-10, Psalm 100, Acts 22 and Killing Kryptonite chapter 4

Thoughts: This Chapter in Killing Kryptonite was called Contagious Kryptonite. The thought behind this was portrayed in the story of Achan (Joshua 7) where when Achan sinned God saw the entire nation of Israel as those who sinned and that sin need to be taken care of. Paul reaffirms this is still true in the church today. Paul tells the church in Corinth that they must cast out a man saying he is a believer and a member of the church but was still practicing sexual sins. When we and the leadership of our church don’t cast out these people who are in sin (not those who sin but those who have given themselves over to sin saying I am covered by grace) we are affected by the Kryptonite that they have brought into our church. Not only to we get affected if we do not cut it out and remove that root/seed/toehold from our church it will spread through us like yeast through a batch of bread dough. 

Saturday, October 20, 2018

October 20th Kryptonite 3

Reading: Jeremiah 7-8 Acts 21, and Killing Kryptonite Chapter 3

Scripture: Jeremiah 7:9-10, “Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, make offerings to Baal, and go after other gods that you have not known, and then come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, 'We are delivered!'—only to go on doing all these abominations?

Jeremiah 7:23, But this command I gave them: 'Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be my people. And walk in all the way that I command you, that it may be well with you.’

Jeremiah 8:12, Were they ashamed when they committed abomination? No, they were not at all ashamed; they did not know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among the fallen; when I punish them, they shall be overthrown, says the Lord.

Thoughts: As I have been going though the journey of Killing Kryptonite after going through the book a couple times there are many things standing out in each chapter but it has also gotten me to focus on the Word with that lens on. That may be why the Prophets are standing out for me at this time. In the Old Testament Israel was commanded to stone or cut off those who have committed sins and would not repent, Paul tells us basically to do the same telling us to treat them as unbelievers. Jeremiah in the verses above was warning Israel and sharing with them what God was looking for. A warning about having habitual sin in our lives, church, and country wail we say everything is on because I know God or I have grace. But what God is looking for is Availability and Obedience. 

Im going to leave you with a Quote from Killing Kryptonite “Perhaps you have seen the movie Gladiator and remember hearing General Maximus shout, “Stay together! As one!” and you saw the victories that strategy brought. It’s no secret that the most effective military strategy
is divide and conquer.” We are Called to be ONE in the body of Christ. 

Friday, October 19, 2018

October 19th Kryptonite 2

Reading: Jeremiah 5-6, Acts 20 and Killing Kryptonite Chapter 2

Scripture: Jer 6:16, Thus says the Lord: "Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. But they said, 'We will not walk in it.’

Thoughts: Remember, you are called by this declaration, “As He is, so are we in this world” (1 John 4:17 NKJV). You are called by God to live as Jesus in your life right now, not someday in the next life. How does that reframe the way you think about your daily life? Perhaps you wouldn’t have thought of yourself as weak before understanding your potential in Christ, but now that you do, would you consider yourself weak or strong? If weak, you’ve assessed wisely. For God says that His power works best in our weakness (see 2 Corinthians 12:9).

I grew up with the idea and thought that I was just a sinner and it was just my belief in God and the death and resurrection of Jesus that allowed me access to heaven when I died. I don’t know if this was due to a lack of understanding, lack of teaching of biblical truth and understandings, or I just wanted to think what I am doing is covered. Over the last few years being in a church who teaches these things and truly disciples those who are seeking my eyes have been opened to new understandings. Understanding that we are called to be “As He is” was no surprise but walking in it has been a struggle. Not only have I been reframing my thoughts on my daily life but also what power and authority God has created us to walk in. I have been coming to the understanding that it is not my power that I do anything, it is only though His power and His strength that I get though the day. I thank God for the strength to make it through the day. 

The scripture in Jeremiah 6 speaks to this teaching of the Kryptonite that comes into our lives. God says to, "Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.” Go walk in the good way and you will have rest, but how often like me when younger and still sometimes now do I say, “I will not walk in it.” Far to many God wants us to come together and to walk in his power. 

October 18th Kryptonite 1

Reading: Jeremiah 3-4, Acts 19 and Killing Kryptonite Chapter1

Thoughts: These next few weeks I am also doing a study of John Bevere’s book Killing Kryptonite. I have been through the book a few times but now I'm focusing a little more and answering the questions posed in the study. I recommend this book John is able to though scripture show us where we have such potential in the Lord if we are able to remove the things in our lives and our Church that take that power away just as kryptonite take Superman’s power.

How does your life stand out from the world? I know that there are many ways that I don’t stand out in this world. I struggle with being the mirror of God’s grace and love to the world. One place I think I stand out and I know at least one coworker and said something is my priorities toward work. I on many occasions make sure the job is done in a timely fashion so that I can get to a church or family function. I will work late and any hours needed but I have made a point in my life to work to live not to live to work. I am not a paid minister but I do ministry.

Would people say you live like Jesus? I don’t think many, if anyone outside the church would say I live like Jesus. I think there are those who notice I don’t use language like they do and I have a joy that they don’t. 

Don’t shy away from this question; press into it. How would your life be different if you lived like Jesus? I would share more, gossip less and Love others better.

What habits would you break? The biggest habit that I need to break is that of anger. I allow anger to get ahold of me and drive me toward sin. I know that in Ephesians 4:26a, it says “Be angry and do not sin.” I also have issues with lust and looking at women in inappropriate ways, I have a tendency to see a woman and look at her body and “appreciate” it. I have an ongoing struggle with consuming pornographic materials. Because of this habit and this current style for woman clothing it is a hard habit for me. 

How would it change the way you interact with the people who are regularly around you?  My interactions with others would be less confrontational, I know that because of the anger I have in me and the way if incorporates it’s self into my voice even when I am not angry. I know that people would enjoy being around me more and I would be a more affective witness to them. I also know as God has been helping me go though the process of getting my thinking of woman changed and having those thoughts only for my Wife how i treat and interact with women will change. 

What would be different about the way you live with your family? My wife and children are the ones that see my anger and wrath the most. I will lash out and scream and yell. I have already seen this learned behavior developing in both of my children. Removing of these habits, I could see my marriage flourishing like never before and the yolk of anger and aggression would be broken from my family. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

17 Year After September Eleventh.

17 years after September 11, 2001. 
I was 20 years old, in my eyes social media was still in its infancy. I was working as a backroom attendant at a major retailer. I turned the tv on as I was getting ready for work when I saw the live feed of the second air craft hitting the trade center. I went to work and of course this is all anyone could talk about for the next few day as we all try to wrap our minds around what had happened and what it all means. 

As I looked at the calendar and realized that it was going to be 17 years post September Eleventh in the next couple days I thought back on this time. In these last 17 years I have seen social media and mobile technology have become so prevalent and with that, the saturation and awareness of local and global issues. These issues now at our fingertips and are splashing across social media feeds all day. 

I hear every day that the world is getting worse and more hate filled every day, that may be possible but I think that is more, that we are now more connected and can see the evil that has been infiltrating our world from the beginning. God uses all sorts of things to get our attention. Some times he lets us hit rock bottom and fall into a place where we can’t pick ourself out of just so he can lift you out. God does not make bad things happen but he will use all things for our good it we earnestly seek him. 

Over the first months and years after the attack I watched such great love and good come from those who were directly involved in recovery and cleanup in the aftermath. God’s love for his people poured out all over the place. Now in the last few years there have been many attacks on schools and different establishments due to hurt people and broken people doing things to cause more pain. 

As the world says to tolerate those who are different due to anything; color, race, religion, sexual preference, or even social and economic difference. God dose not say to tolerate, God says to LOVE and Accept them. We are not here to judge one another we are here to love. I may not agree with your stance on something but I am willing to talk about it so I have a better understanding even if I don’t change or change you. 

When in comes to sin we have a tendency to create a hierarchy saying I’m not as bad as that person because I have not done this or that. in God’s eyes Sin is Sin, and Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” We all have sinned I am just as guilty as a murderer or as some who has committed adultery. God gave us a way out and that is through the blood of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sin and gave us the opportunity to be adopted into God’s family as his sons and daughters. 

During these last 17 years I walked away from God, and was called back. I had two marriages fail and end. Then in the last 7 years God back in touch with me and I got a bachelors in Leadership and Ministry I married a Godly woman who help remind me that God has a plan for me, and have become a Father to two wonderful children. I have also seen demons cast out and friends and family healed, have been healed myself. God is trying to reach each of us, He has a plan for each of us and wants to see us walk in it. 

Friday, August 10, 2018

Get off My soapbox!!!!

Wikipedia says: A soapbox is a raised platform on which one stands to make an impromptu speech, often about a political subject. The term originates from the days when speakers would elevate themselves by standing on a wooden crate originally used for shipment of soap or other dry goods from a manufacturer to a retail store.

It has been my experience that these soapboxes come in many sizes and shapes. I guess this is because our opinions and views are as varied as the vegetation around the world. I know that the times I have gotten on a soapbox it has not been the most intelligent thing for me to do. Over the last few weeks maybe even months God has been speaking to me about things I didn’t think were things. 

During one of my daily readings, that at times are not so daily, a couple passages jumped out at me. First was Proverbs 18:7, “A fool's mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to his soul.” At this I thought, “Am I that fool?” Then we came to Proverbs 19:1, “Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool.” There are times where I will rant and rave about something, A political view, beliefs, or even a good movie. As I look back at those rants and those time I didn’t think and I just jumped atop that soapbox most of them I was the fool. 

The main reason I know I was the fool was because I can look back and see not only was I atop that soapbox it had some of the biggest holes in it and/or, what I was ranting about was a giant arrow pointing at me and how big of a fool I was. We all have soapboxes but we all also have platforms and microphones to share God’s love to the world. We each have a unique view and story of how God got us to where we are, and he is not done with us yet. 

As I struggled with the idea that I have been being a fool and ranting about things that are unimportant or using my soapbox to try to get some sort of personal gain. I think or even tell others that I am an educated intelligent man, but I realize that in my intelligence I was being an idiot. I was that fool, God brought back to me Proverbs 1:7, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” 

I feel that God is calling me and maybe us all to get off our soapboxes, throw them in the fire, and climb onto the podium he has set up for us and step up to the microphone. We all have something to say and God has someone for you to say it to. 

I know how true this can be at times. I grew up in the church and walked away some in my early to mid 20’s. I got involved in drugs and alcohol and the seedier side of Mid-evil reenactments. After my second divorce the first thing I heard from God was to return to Bible College. As I started school again I met my wife, she is a wonderful spirit filled woman. Together we found a church where we both flourished, and I started to see God’s hand moving around me. 

One Friday morning at our church’s mens prayer meeting during prayer I hear (not audibly) that I need to go and pray for my aunt. I had heard from my family that a few days prior she had been diagnosed with lymphoma, there was lots of fear and anxiety around this. After hearing that I needed to go I cut my day at work short talked to my dad and aunt, then my dad and I drove nearly 200 Miles and about 3 hours up to my aunt’s home. 

After a visit and dinner with my aunt and cousin we spent some time in prayer and laying on of hands. As we finish my aunt said that she felt something going through her body. A week later she sends a photo of the biopsy location on her arm. When we arrived up there it was red and irritated, looking like the evil cancer can be, but that picture only a few days later was completely healed and looked as if it had been no more then a scratch. A week or so goes by and she goes in for a follow up PET scan and the doctors could not find the cancer that had been the diagnoses vexing the family. 

 God didn’t send some preacher who has all these miracles under his belt. God asked this guy to go 3 hours pray for his aunt. My faith was increased just by allowing myself to listen and hear God saying go and if she had not been healed in this way I think my faith would have still increased but in this healing God has started the softening the heart of those who are in the sphere of influence of those who experienced or saw it. Just as the blind man said after being asked about Jesus healing his blindness John 9:25, "Whether he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.” We are only asked to share what God has done in your life. 

Let us get off our own boxes and speak of God’s love.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Miracles Happen even to the least of us.

I have been in church most of my life I spent time running from God in different ways and different times. About 6 years ago God drew me back, during these past few years God has done some amazing things in my life. I felt lead to return to school, in witch I was able to get my Bachelors. God lead me to a woman who has changed my life and encouraged me though the years of school and the ups and downs of employment.

For several years I have had some discomfort and shortness of breath, that I thought was just getting older and the fact that I am an ex-smoker. After seeing something odd on a chest x-ray for pneumonia I was ordered a CT. About 6 months ago I had a consultation with my Doctor about my CT scan from last week to discover I had a Bochdalek hernia. This type of hernia is a Birth Defect and has a relatively high infant Mortality rate and is almost never found in adults except in post mortem examinations. After consulting with a few other doctors there was no clear consensus on if it was the Bochdalek or a more common type but no matter the kind of hernia I had been living with it for many years even since childhood being I have had issues breathing when running even when I was a child now that I really look back. When I met with the surgeon they told me that I would need to loose 25LB so that it would reduce some of the risk factors in the surgery.

Recently when attending a Men’s Retreat my church puts on every year, on Saturday during the evening session there was a call for people needing healing. There was a large group of men who came to the alter for healing. During the worship and prayer time after the healings happened, I could feel something moving or changing in my gut. I was skeptically optimistic, being that I was raised in a church where miracles and healings are not talked about much if at all. Over the next few days I started paying attention to things as I went about doing the cleanup at the retreat and coming home. On the Monday following the retreat I was sitting on the floor putting shoes on one of my children and I didn’t have the breathing issue I normally did, at that point I told my wife “I think I was healed.” After work that day having dinner at my parents house we were playing in the back and I picked up my son and ran around the yard, something I had never been able to do, if I was carrying anything I wad get winded to the point I would have to stop and sometime would put me into a coughing fit that would make it even harder to breath.

Miracles happen every day, little ones like the sun rising for another day. On that day God though the hands of men some I know well and others only in passing gathered around me and many other men praying for healing. I know in my heart and in how I feel that this hernia has been sealed and everything is now working into it’s proper place. I am working on still loosing the 25LB so that when I go to the doctor they can take another scan and see there is no issue and have irrefutable proof that God is a healing God and a miracle working God, and ALL His Promises Are YES and AMEN.

April 30, 2018 Cursed be

Reading: Galatians 2 and Deuteronomy 25-27

Scripture: Deuteronomy 27:15-26, "'Cursed be the man who makes a carved or cast metal image, an abomination to the Lord, a thing made by the hands of a craftsman, and sets it up in secret.' And all the people shall answer and say, ‘Amen.' "'Cursed be anyone who dishonors his father or his mother.' And all the people shall say, 'Amen.'"'Cursed be anyone who moves his neighbor's landmark.' And all the people shall say, 'Amen.'"'Cursed be anyone who misleads a blind man on the road.' And all the people shall say, 'Amen.'"'Cursed be anyone who perverts the justice due to the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow.' And all the people shall say, 'Amen.'"'Cursed be anyone who lies with his father's wife, because he has uncovered his father's nakedness.' And all the people shall say, 'Amen.'"'Cursed be anyone who lies with any kind of animal.' And all the people shall say, 'Amen.'"'Cursed be anyone who lies with his sister, whether the daughter of his father or the daughter of his mother.' And all the people shall say, 'Amen.'"'Cursed be anyone who lies with his mother-in-law.' And all the people shall say, 'Amen.'"'Cursed be anyone who strikes down his neighbor in secret.' And all the people shall say, 'Amen.'"'Cursed be anyone who takes a bribe to shed innocent blood.' And all the people shall say, 'Amen.'"'Cursed be anyone who does not confirm the words of this law by doing them.' And all the people shall say, 'Amen.'

Thoughts: The evil one has not changed his bait since the garden, I continually hear about how things are getting worse, and maybe they are getting worse all that time and we are on the verge of the return of Christ. If that be the case I say, “Come Lord Jesus this is not my home.” Here in Deuteronomy this list of curses that Moses laid out for the children if Israel look a lot like things going on today. I could be wrong but I think that if these things needed to be called out at this time saying they are cursed acts then I think they were prevalent enough to need to be addressed. Yes God has forgiven us and covered our sins with the Blood Of Jesus but that dose not mean that there will not be consequences. In those times where we turn our backs on God and seek after things of the world like many or the things on that list of curses or anything that takes our focus off of our father in heaven, we need to turn back to him and seek him again.

Prayer: Father God, you are so wonderful and amazing. I thank you for the great gifts you pour out on us each day. I thank you for the provisions that you give us and the blessings that you pour out on us each day. I thank for the Holy Spirit who works in us to help us to know you more. I ask that you pour out your Spirit on us more each day.

Monday, April 2, 2018

April 2, 2018 Straw and stone

Reading: 1 Corinthians 3 and Numbers 8-10

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:12-13, Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw—each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done.

Thoughts: I have remembered this passage before in conversation and had used it as a illustration not remembering that it was a passage from the Word. How we were talking about it was once we become followers of Christ we have this firm foundation and the things we do in our walk are what each of our bricks are made. I know that there are some straw bricks built into my structure but I also know that there are some precious ones in there. I struggle with the thoughts of if I have put more straw or more stones. I know that threw God’s grace and love some of those things I thought were straw are stones and hold fast and some of the things I just thought of as stones or pillars in my life could be as precious as the finest gem. We will all one day face the fire that will reveal what is behind the beautiful facade that we used to hide all the straw bricks in our lives.

Prayer: Father I am in awe of how you work in our lives and the fact that you can use even me. I thank you for your daily provisions and the blessings that you pour out on us each day. I pray that I hear your voice and the direction for my day that you have for me and that I follow through adding another stone that you can make precious. 

Monday, March 26, 2018

March 26, 2018 His steadfast Love endures Forever

Reading: John 17, Leviticus 27, and Psalm 136

Scripture: Pslam 136  for His steadfast Love endures Forever

Thoughts: During the reading this morning I was after having nearly a month where I was listing to the word but not dwelling on it or letting it soak into me this entire Psalm hit a cord with me. I was in another one of my times where God got placed on the back burner. He was knocking and wanting to pour more blessings into my life and into my family and I was sitting there going through the motions of being a “good Christian” I went to church I served in the ministries that I had volunteered for and made myself as presentable to the world as I could. The Holy Spirit has been tugging on me for a few days maybe weeks and this morning going over this Psalm and how the writer was inspired to remind us how much God loves us and the things he took his people through. When we look at the miracles He did for his chosen people then and the miracles he has done in my life how can I not say, “His Steadfast Love Endures Forever!”

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful and your steadfast love does endure far beyond my understanding. I thank you for my family and the blessing it is to have them in my life. I thank you for the fellowship in my local church and the presence you have with us there. I ask you help me to keep in mind your love and share it with those around me. 

Here is a Link to the passage being sung in Hebrew that I though was cool to hear.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

February 27, 2018 Gimmy gimmy gimmy

Reading: Romans 6, Exodus 20, and Psalm 119:1-48

Scripture: Exodus 20:17, "You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's."

Thoughts: There have been many times where I though I’m a good person I keep the Ten Commandments, as I continue to do things that don’t honor God. Coveting your neighbor’s things I feel is one of the easiest things to fall into. Murder, adultery, theft those take a little more actions to do but to covet someone’s things, that is all in our head. I a liken it where Jesus said Hating is like murder in your heart or lusting is adultery in the heart. Being covetous is like stealing in our heart and this is so prominent in our society today even within the church. We see someone’s new car, house, or whatever and we go “I want I want I want” like my three year old is fond of doing. It is one thing to be motivated to better ones self or save to get something you would like but we have to be careful that we don’t start becoming to focused on those things because that may become a god to us. 

Prayer: Father you are so wonderful, you provide my needs and take care of all things. I thank you for your daily provisions and the blessings each day I don’t deserve. I thank you that you have entrusted me with my family. I ask that you help me to focus on the blessings and those things you have given me and not the things that others have. 

Monday, February 26, 2018

February 26, 2018 I Think I Can, I Think I Can...

Reading: Romans 5, Exodus 18-19 and Psalm 19

Scripture: Exodus 18:18, You and the people with you will certainly wear yourselves out, for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to do it alone. 

Thoughts: I know that as a Man I want to do things on my own, I don’t know if it is a Macho thing to prove how strong I am or if it is pride or trust thing. Maybe it is not a man thing but a human thing being that being in solitude for a long time is not good for us. As Moses was judging every issue that was coming up in the nation of Israel God told him through Jethro if you keep going this way you will get burnt out. We are told to delegate and spread the work around no matter if it is in our professional life, spiritual life, or at home, one person can’t do it alone. That is why in when God set up marriage in Genesis he said it is not good for man to be alone. 

Prayer: Father I thank you that from the beginning you knew that we should not be alone and gave us someone to do life with. I thank you that you provide all I need and more blessings us beyond what I thought. I thank you for my family and those around me whom I do life with. I ask that we all help carry one another’s burdens, and cast them at the feet of the Son who said, “Come to me all who are heavy burden”  

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

February 13, 2018 Where, you want me to go Where?????

Reading: Acts 20 and Genesis 42-43

Scripture: Acts 20:23, except that the Holy Spirit testifies to me in every city that imprisonment and afflictions await me.

Thoughts: I don’t know about anyone else but I don’t like pain. I do what I can to avoid it and to keep myself in getting hurt. If I was told by God go this way but as you go there is going to be lots of pain, I admit it, I would have a lot of second thoughts about going that way. I feel that there are so many people who get the misinformation that once you become a christian that all the problems will go away. I have heard it put this way “Life is a series of emotions. Life is a mountain after a valley. A wife to feed, a husband to clothe, children to raise, a boss to put up with, car notes, taxes, April 15th. Life is life.” - Mark Lowry Open Heart Surgery  God has called is into abundant Life and with the definition of life by Mark Christian Life is not for the faint of heart.

Prayer: Father I thank you fo the strength to get through each day. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you give us every day. I ask for the strength to follow the light that you are shining on the path before me. 

February 12, 2018 I said what???

Reading: Acts 19 and Genesis 41

Scripture: Genesis 41:9, Then the chief cupbearer said to Pharaoh, "I remember my offenses today.

Thoughts: I don’t know how many times I have forgotten that I said that I would do something and remember at a later time. I feel that when it comes to things we promise God we are tempted into getting ourselves so busy and distracted that we don’t think about God or the promises we make. I know that we have all had those times where we have told God if you get me out of this I will read my Bible every day or I will be in church every week. Also the enemy is doing everything he can in this culture and this day to diminish what it means to promise. The “Yah yah I promise” culture is so prevalent these days I know I have even done that sort of thing. Help us to mean what we say and truly say what we mean.

Prayer: Father I thank you for your opportunities to read and marinate in your word. I thank you for your Son and the sacrifice he made. I thank you for the opportunities to touch those around me. I thank you for the provisions and the blessing you have for us each day. I ask that you help me to remember my promises and to fulfill this in proper time.

Friday, February 16, 2018

February 11, 2018 DETOUR

Reading: Acts 18 and Genesis 39-40

Scripture: Genesis 39:20, And Joseph's master took him and put him into the prison, the place where the king's prisoners were confined, and he was there in prison.

Thoughts: I don’t know how many times I thought I heard one thing and got excited started doing what I though I needed to prepare for that thing, and as I was going about it BOOM something from left field (or what I thought was left field). When we get a direction from God and we think it is going to be this easy path to where we thought God told us to go. So many times God’s path for us is a wibbly wobbly path that God has for us to help us to become the person we need to be. 

Prayer: Father, I thank you for this path even though I don’t understand the path or the reasons for the detours that come up. I thank you for your daily provisions and the blessing you pour out each day. I ask for discernment on seeing the next step in the path. 

February 10, 2018 You want me to go Where????

Reading: Acts 17 and Genesis 37-38

Scripture: Genesis 37:11, And his brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the saying in mind.

Thoughts: There are times when my wife and I thought we heard from God, “I have this plan for you.” Now it has been 3-4 years after hearing that and we are still doing that same thing we have been doing for the last 3-4 years. We are trying to listen and look for the next step, but we have not moved forward toward what we thought we were going to do. Even though Joseph’s dream seemed ridiculous and out there, God placed it on Jacob’s heart to remember what he said. I know there is a plan and I struggle with not knowing where it leads and when we are going to get there but I feel like I am trusting God and watching fro the next step. 

Prayer: Father, I thank you for having a plan for my life and I thank you for being that light for each step. I thank you for the provisions for each day and the blessings that you pour out on us. I thank you for my family and the direction you have pointed us in. I ask that I have the trust and faith to take the next step as you show it to me. 

Friday, February 9, 2018

February 9, 2018 Escappe' funny that spelled just like Escape

Reading: Acts 16 and Genesis 36

Scripture: Acts 16:28, But Paul cried with a loud voice, "Do not harm yourself, for we are all here."

Thought: Disclaimer: I am not advocation for people to stay in abusive relationships, I was in one for a time and had to get out. With that said, our normal response to seeing a way out of a captivity or prison would be to run to that exit. I know that I would run from that captivity, but God some times give us the grace to stay and worship him. As Paul and Silas were worshiping with the other prisoners everything opened up and everyone could have run, but they had the grace and foresight to stay and that made all the difference to the message of God. When we find Joy in the Lord and worship him in the mist of those storms that will come our story shines and point others to God. Just as the jailer did people will see that Joy and strength within you and they will come and ask how can I get what you have. Many years ago I was working and Going to school full time and I lost my Job at first I was thinking, “what is going on” but I soon found that through legislations I could finish my degree and collect my unemployment without looking for work as long as I submitted my grades from time to time. I found great Joy in focusing on my family and schooling for that time. Instead of doing what I had always done in the past of finding a job ASAP I was able to relax and enjoy school. 

Prayer: Father I thank you for giving us grace and mercy. I thank you for the ability to stay when we should stay and giving a nudge when we should go. I thank you for your provisions and blessings each day and the family you have given to me. I ask for the wisdom to see those times to stay and time to go. 

Thursday, February 8, 2018

February 8, 2018 Its on like Donkey Kong!!!!

Reading: Acts 15 and Genesis 34-35

Scripture: Genesis 34:31, But they said, "Should he treat our sister like a prostitute?"

Thoughts: As I was reading this I was thinking about my sister who is about 8 years older then I am, I was never able to protect her due to our age difference and they direction she took her life. I think if I had a younger sister I may have, I also want to model for my son to want to stand up for women and family. I want my wife and daughter to not be treated in ways they ought not to be. Our job as men is to Love them, and DC Talk said it best “Love is a Verb” 

Prayer: Father I thank you for the place in your presence. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you have for this day. I thank you for my family and place them in your hands. I ask that I act properly to Love my wife and children the way you love them. 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

February 7, 2018 I don't remember????

Reading: Acts 14 and Genesis 32-33

Scripture: Genesis 33:17, But Jacob journeyed to Succoth, and built himself a house and made booths for his livestock. Therefore the name of the place is called Succoth.

Thoughts: After all the issues with his Father-in-law and worrying about how his brother whom he stole his birthright and his blessings from. Jacob found his brother accepting and wanting to bring him back into the family. So he goes to another place to build his house. This make me think Jacob is still afraid that his brother is going to just snap and come get him because of what he did to him. I know there have been time where the evil one has brought back to my mind something to condemn me or try to get me to fall back into that stronghold. I have to remember that God has called me and in my acceptance of that Gift of God though the Death and Resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ, All my past and future sins and mistakes have been washed away. I the book The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning, he tells a story about a woman who is having visions of Jesus and a Preset said to ask him the next time she saw him what he confessed in his last confession. When she contacted him she told him Jesus’ reply of “I don’t remember.” We so often remember things we did or thought and ether think that is too big to be forgiven or if I remember then God must. We must listen to those simple words “I don’t remember” 

Prayer: Father I thank you for wiping the slate clean and washing me whiter then snow. I thank you for the people you place in my lives and the family that you allow me to steward. I thank you for the daily provisions and the blessings you have in store for me each day. I place my family in your hands and ask for the help to release the hold these memories have and know that you don’t remember.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

February 6, 2018 You are paying me What?????

Reading: Acts 13 and Genesis 31

Scripture: Genesis 31:7, yet your father has cheated me and changed my wages ten times. But God did not permit him to harm me.

Thoughts: When I first heard this passage this morning I saw this for a family member who is struggling with some job loss and other things going on in their life, I turned to my wife and told her this was for them. As we continued reading my mind kept retuning to this and that this was not just for them but for me as well. Jacob worked for 20 years and his boss/father-in-law trying to get his monies worth out of him had cheated and changed things many times. Over the last 20 years I can many jobs and many wage changes ether some by choice some not. Now that I am older I look at people who have been in the same job doing the same thing for the same company for 20-30 years. God has taken care of me so well and placed me in places I needed to be. My wages may have been changed many times but God has been working me toward a place where I can do what he has called me to not what I want to do. 

Prayer: Father, you are so wonderful. I thank you for pouring into me the skills and abilities to do what is needed. I thank you for my family and place them in your hands. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you have for us this day. I ask that you open my eyes to the next step, I know that I have a tendency to look at my abilities and not your steps, help me to focus on the light you cast as the lamp to my feet. 

Friday, February 2, 2018

February 2, 2018 You want me to talk to WHO?!?!?!?!?

Reading: Acts 9 and Genesis 24

Scripture: Acts 9:15, But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel.

Thoughts: This last few days and weeks the Lord has been showing me that I am still struggling with my allowing myself to be used in all situations and seeking him always. Today is no different, in the account of Paul’s encounter with God, I see myself as Ananias a little where God tells him to go and heal Saul, and he is scared. Not just scared of going but also scared for his life knowing his reputation and someone who persecutes and kills followers. This last week our Missions Pastor got up and talked about the latest trip to Haiti and during one of  Women’s conferences the driver they hired for the time they were there came to Christ then at another he got up and shared his story and what God has been doing for him. Our Missions Paster felt that this man may be one of our next pastors to be trained up. 

When God tells us to go there is not just to have us get out of our comfort zone and spread His word but we also may be reaching out to the next great evangelist or preacher who needs to be loved into the kingdom first.

Prayer: Father I thank you for everything you do and thank you for allowing me in your presence. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you have for this day and place my family in your loving hands. I ask that you help me quiet the world around me and hear your voice more to take advantage of the opportunities you place before me.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

February 1, 2018 Who am I????

Reading: Acts 8 and Genesis 22-23

Scripture: Acts 8:31, And he said, "How can I, unless someone guides me?" And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. 

Thoughts: I have been a believer in Christ most my life, I have attended Bible college and have a Degree but at times I still struggle with am I Philip like God has called me to be to teach and preach or am I remaining at the Ethiopian and reading and not understanding. I get so involved in what I’m doing be it work, getting caught up on old shows or even listening to music, books or podcasts that I drown out God or I just have not heard him in that way. Beyond knowing that I am a child of the one true King, I struggle with who I am and where He is calling me. 

Prayer: Father thank you for calling me and being able to use even me. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you have for us each day. I place my family in your hands. I ask for help hearing your voice and being available to be used to further your kingdom. 

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January 31, 2018 Murderer

Reading: Acts 7 and Genesis 20-21

Scripture: Acts 7:24, And seeing one of them being wronged, he defended the oppressed man and avenged him by striking down the Egyptian.

Thoughts: I know i have had times where I was thinking, “How can God use me with what I have done?” I sure we all have had that thought, we look at our past and see this or that mistake or a time where we walked away from God. Moses one of the big names in the Christian faith was unsure of himself saying he was slow of speech (many believe that this meant he had a stutter) and a murderer. God has great work planed for each of us and no matter what our past is he can fix it and use it to his Glory. 

Once we accept what God has done for us we are washed clean in the eyes of the Lord and are brought into relationship with him. Our past may or may not look like Moses or any other big names in the Bible but who we are and what we have been through unequally qualifies us to people that no one else can reach. Just like Moses was really the only one who could bring Israel out of Egypt you or I could be the only one able to plant a seed in someones life. 

Prayer: Father I long to sit in your presences and be still and know you are God. I thank you for the opportunities you place before me and I ask that my eyes be opened and I take these opportunities to touch the lives of those around me. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out on us each day. 

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

January 30, 2018 Nice tent

Reading: Acts 6, Genesis 18-19 and Psalm 61

Scripture: Psalm 61:4, Let me dwell in your tent forever! Let me take refuge under the shelter of your wings!

Thoughts: As I came across this passage I have been watching the show Survivor and all these people are out on an island somewhere and they have no shelter then what they build them selves and they were just given the opportunity to give up a chance at security in the for of immunity for a new shelter. God is offering to us every day his wing to get in out of the rain and to cover us just at a mother bird dose. We still have the free will to walk out and get into things but God gives us a place to come to. David had brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem and set up the tent the it was kept in, when David said “let me dwell in your tent” it was literal he wanted to be in the presences of God. We are now given the Holy Spirit to bring us into the presences of God, but because it’s not just a physical place we need to seek the quiet place in our lives where though the Holy Spirit come into the presences of God. 

Prayer: Father I thank you for the time I have to see you each morning and I ask that you increase my fortitude to get up and seek you every day. I long to be in your presences. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you have for us this day. I place my family in your hands. I ask that you help us to seek you and long to seek you more. 

Monday, January 29, 2018

January 29, 2018 Thats inconceivable?!?!?!?

Reading: Acts 5 and Genesis 15-17

Scripture: Genesis 15:6, And he believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness.

Thoughts: As I was reading this a question came to me, “What imposable thing are you having a hard time believing God for?” At this time Abraham was about 86 years old, Im guessing he was decently healthy with no kids and God tells him your descendants are going to be so numerous that they can’t be counted, and at that age and point in his life he basically said “OK bring it on.” I have been struggling on how/if God was going to heal my body from an issue that I found out about. I know in my head and I have had many people pray over me, then here I am still struggling to breath from time to time. Believe that what God says he will do will be done and not just done but done in abundance. 

Prayer: Father I thank you for all you have done in my life and the healing that is in process now. I thank you for the opportunities to help others and to love on them as you have called me to love on them. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you pour out each day. I ask for the faith and belief in my life to grow.