Monday, February 26, 2018

February 26, 2018 I Think I Can, I Think I Can...

Reading: Romans 5, Exodus 18-19 and Psalm 19

Scripture: Exodus 18:18, You and the people with you will certainly wear yourselves out, for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to do it alone. 

Thoughts: I know that as a Man I want to do things on my own, I don’t know if it is a Macho thing to prove how strong I am or if it is pride or trust thing. Maybe it is not a man thing but a human thing being that being in solitude for a long time is not good for us. As Moses was judging every issue that was coming up in the nation of Israel God told him through Jethro if you keep going this way you will get burnt out. We are told to delegate and spread the work around no matter if it is in our professional life, spiritual life, or at home, one person can’t do it alone. That is why in when God set up marriage in Genesis he said it is not good for man to be alone. 

Prayer: Father I thank you that from the beginning you knew that we should not be alone and gave us someone to do life with. I thank you that you provide all I need and more blessings us beyond what I thought. I thank you for my family and those around me whom I do life with. I ask that we all help carry one another’s burdens, and cast them at the feet of the Son who said, “Come to me all who are heavy burden”  

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