Friday, February 9, 2018

February 9, 2018 Escappe' funny that spelled just like Escape

Reading: Acts 16 and Genesis 36

Scripture: Acts 16:28, But Paul cried with a loud voice, "Do not harm yourself, for we are all here."

Thought: Disclaimer: I am not advocation for people to stay in abusive relationships, I was in one for a time and had to get out. With that said, our normal response to seeing a way out of a captivity or prison would be to run to that exit. I know that I would run from that captivity, but God some times give us the grace to stay and worship him. As Paul and Silas were worshiping with the other prisoners everything opened up and everyone could have run, but they had the grace and foresight to stay and that made all the difference to the message of God. When we find Joy in the Lord and worship him in the mist of those storms that will come our story shines and point others to God. Just as the jailer did people will see that Joy and strength within you and they will come and ask how can I get what you have. Many years ago I was working and Going to school full time and I lost my Job at first I was thinking, “what is going on” but I soon found that through legislations I could finish my degree and collect my unemployment without looking for work as long as I submitted my grades from time to time. I found great Joy in focusing on my family and schooling for that time. Instead of doing what I had always done in the past of finding a job ASAP I was able to relax and enjoy school. 

Prayer: Father I thank you for giving us grace and mercy. I thank you for the ability to stay when we should stay and giving a nudge when we should go. I thank you for your provisions and blessings each day and the family you have given to me. I ask for the wisdom to see those times to stay and time to go. 

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