Reading: Acts 6, Genesis 18-19 and Psalm 61
Scripture: Psalm 61:4, Let me dwell in your tent forever! Let me take refuge under the shelter of your wings!
Thoughts: As I came across this passage I have been watching the show Survivor and all these people are out on an island somewhere and they have no shelter then what they build them selves and they were just given the opportunity to give up a chance at security in the for of immunity for a new shelter. God is offering to us every day his wing to get in out of the rain and to cover us just at a mother bird dose. We still have the free will to walk out and get into things but God gives us a place to come to. David had brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem and set up the tent the it was kept in, when David said “let me dwell in your tent” it was literal he wanted to be in the presences of God. We are now given the Holy Spirit to bring us into the presences of God, but because it’s not just a physical place we need to seek the quiet place in our lives where though the Holy Spirit come into the presences of God.
Prayer: Father I thank you for the time I have to see you each morning and I ask that you increase my fortitude to get up and seek you every day. I long to be in your presences. I thank you for the provisions and blessings you have for us this day. I place my family in your hands. I ask that you help us to seek you and long to seek you more.
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