Wednesday, January 3, 2018

January 3, 2018 I Want More

Reading: Luke 3 and Genesis 4-5

Scripture: Luke 3:14b, “Do not extort money from anyone by threats or by false accusation, and be content with your wages."

Observation: The first thing I saw today was Be content. This is so counter intuitive to what the world tells us every day. Every day we are bombarded with the you have to have this or you need that and you need to better yourself and work your way up the corporate ladder to make more so you can get all the things the “Rich” people have.

Application: The world tells us every day that we need more and we always need the latest and the greatest what ever it is. I know I fall for it and will loose focus and go spend money on things I really don’t need. Here we are being reminded that as much as God wants to bless us he also wants us to be content or satisfied with where we are at and what we have because he as a plan for us. This morning on a radio show I listen to they were talking about having a word for the year. This year I think mine should be content. I need to stop thinking about how to advance my career or what I’m going to do with the next bit of money I'm getting. I need to focus that energy on doing what God has for me to do and to seek his plan. 

Prayer: Father I am in awe of the way you touch my life with words spoken more then 2000 years ago. I thank you for all you have done for me and the grace and mercy you pour out on me each day. I thank you for the provisions and blessing you give us each day and I place my family in your loving hands. I ask that you help me to seek you and not the things of this world. help me to be satisfied with where I am and what I have and be the best steward of what I have. 

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