Wednesday, December 2, 2015

December 2 2015 What are you reading?

Reading: 1 Timothy 4, Ezekiel 37-38, Paalm 44

Today I’m doing something different. I want to talk about something I’ve been reading and rereading, this has been impacting my life. Brennan Manning’s “The Ragamuffin gospel.” Brennan was able to open my eyes to a deeper understanding of the grace of God and how we so often we say we believe in grace but in practice we spend much of our time trying to work our way to heaven. I’m in good company when I say I was touched by The Ragamuffin gospel just going off the forwards written by Michael W. Smith and the late Rich Mullins.

Like the Gospel of Christ I want to share this with everyone. Unlike those who can just give out books to their friends I have to encourage people to check it out from the library, barrow it, or go buy a copy. So I want to let you know that this book touched me nearly as much as I was by the Gospel of Christ. This book will shake you to your core and help you to understand some of the things Jesus did that we don’t understand because of some of the cultural difference. Some of the differences that are touched on are things like how we look as meals and how we look at kids.

Lord, I thank you for this book and the understanding that it brought about in my life and the understanding that Jesus cares for me no matter the things in my past, he will love me and accept me even if I fall on my face in the future. I ask all those who get the opportunity to read this book will be touched and transformed into the people we are called to be. I also ask you to bless the time spent seeking you and in your word.

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