Reading: Hebrews 3, Daniel 11-12, and Psalm 95
Scripture: Hebrews 3:1b-3, consider Jesus, the apostle and high
priest of our confession, who was faithful to him who appointed him, just as
Moses also was faithful in all God’s house. For Jesus has been counted worthy
of more glory than Moses—as much more glory as the builder of a house has more
honor than the house itself.
Observation: It is so easy for me (and I’m sure I’m not
alone in this,) to put some of the early leaders of Israel onto pedestals.
Moses who lead the nation out of Egypt, Joseph who saved the known world from
famine, and King David, they all did great things though the power of God but
we need to keep perspective. These men were just that, men who were then and
were willing to do what God called them to do. Jesus on the other hand is God
in flesh and was part of the trio of God who made the earth.
Application: I think it’s ok to be awed by the way God used
these men to save and bring out his people. This is a great scripture reminding
us the God and Jesus are the builder of the house and these great men were the
house. We need to remember we are the house too, we can do great things in the
name of Jesus Christ as long as we are acting within God’s plan and God’s plan
for us. Spend time in the word and listening to God to give you the next step
because it’s rear that God give the entire plan, but he will show you the next
Prayer: Lord, Thank you for another day to seek your will
in. Thank you for the great blessings of having given to us in your son coming
to earth to fulfill the things we could never fulfill in the old covenant and
giving us the new covenant to live in. I thank you for your grace and mercy.
Lord we ask for more understanding of our relationship to you and the forefathers
and help us have a proper perspective.
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