Monday, December 21, 2015

Christmas Break

Dear Readers, I thank you for the time you have taken to read the rambling thoughts of a man trying to live out God’s calling and Listen to what the Holy Spirit is speaking into his life and into the life of those around him. For the Last few days I have been sick and with the holidays and extended work hours that I am going to be dealing with I’m going to take a break from posting what is going on in my reading. I’m again going to share the OSL Reading Plans with you so you can start your own SOAP journal and see what God wants to speak to you though his Word and Holy Spirit.

I will be back after the first of the year to continue sharing what the Holy Spirit places on my heart; I also pray that many of you will also want to start your own reading and journaling. If you are having a hard time with reading the chapter a day that is in the first section of the OSL reading plan then find another plan that can do, or a devotional that you can read but I encourage you to get into the word daily and seek God and what he wants you to get from the scripture. It is the Living Word of God and being so it can touch us in different ways at different stages of your life so I encourage you to drink deep from the living word it will change your life.

Lord, I thank you for allowing me to speak to this audience and share your love. You are the creator of all things and I thank you that you take time to think of and know me as I thank you that you take time to think of and know us all. I ask for your guidance of the next couple weeks as I take a break and spend time with family and friends along with celebrating the birth of our savor Jesus Christ. Lord watch over each and every one as we travel and/or stay home and help us to keep the perspective that you are the reason we are all here and able to celebrate at all.

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