Monday, December 21, 2015

Christmas Break

Dear Readers, I thank you for the time you have taken to read the rambling thoughts of a man trying to live out God’s calling and Listen to what the Holy Spirit is speaking into his life and into the life of those around him. For the Last few days I have been sick and with the holidays and extended work hours that I am going to be dealing with I’m going to take a break from posting what is going on in my reading. I’m again going to share the OSL Reading Plans with you so you can start your own SOAP journal and see what God wants to speak to you though his Word and Holy Spirit.

I will be back after the first of the year to continue sharing what the Holy Spirit places on my heart; I also pray that many of you will also want to start your own reading and journaling. If you are having a hard time with reading the chapter a day that is in the first section of the OSL reading plan then find another plan that can do, or a devotional that you can read but I encourage you to get into the word daily and seek God and what he wants you to get from the scripture. It is the Living Word of God and being so it can touch us in different ways at different stages of your life so I encourage you to drink deep from the living word it will change your life.

Lord, I thank you for allowing me to speak to this audience and share your love. You are the creator of all things and I thank you that you take time to think of and know me as I thank you that you take time to think of and know us all. I ask for your guidance of the next couple weeks as I take a break and spend time with family and friends along with celebrating the birth of our savor Jesus Christ. Lord watch over each and every one as we travel and/or stay home and help us to keep the perspective that you are the reason we are all here and able to celebrate at all.

Friday, December 18, 2015

December 18th 2015 Why are you sitting down?

Reading: Hebrews 10, Zechariah 13-14, and Psalm 80

Scripture: Hebrews 10:12-13, “But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet.”

Observation: I feel that is scripture does not have the impact that today that it did beck when it was written. I know that throughout my Christian life I don’t know how many times I heard this passage and just let it pass it by. This passage has lots of implications. In today’s culture we take sitting and putting our feet up almost for granted, many people have job and work that can or need to be done seated. Jesus was not only our savory he was a servant of the Father, as a servant you don’t get to sit until the job is done until there is nothing left to do. Therefore Jesus’ job if done, he did it, he became the payment for our sins.

Application: Now Jesus is waiting for his enemies to become his footstool. We have to look at what is said here, “enemies should be made a footstool for his feet.” That is not saying that he will come in and smash the enemy, though he can, this is a command to us saying that we have a spiritual battle ahead of each of us and we are to make his enemies his footstool. He sat down he is relaxing and waiting for to do our part and step out. Once we have stepped out and are walking in faith the Holy Spirit will give us the strength to overcome the enemy and make each one of those demons a footstool.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the men that made it out last night to the Men’s Christmas gathering last night, and all the great testimonies of your great love and power that was shared. Lord I ask you help me to have the spiritual strength and fortitude to overcome the enemy as he attacks and help me to see the attacks and prepare for that battle before I’m in the mist it.   

Thursday, December 17, 2015

December 17th 2015 What are you sacrificing?

Reading: Hebrews 9, Zachariah 10-12, and Psalm 40

Scripture: Hebrews 9: 13-14, “For if the blood of goats and bulls, and the sprinkling of defiled persons with the ashes of a heifer, sanctify for the purification of the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God.”

Observation: this is a great reminder to me but how it worked before Jesus came and that Jesus was the final sacrifice and we no longer need to go to temple and offer animals and money for the forgiveness of sin. The sin offering was a costly being animals of the flock or herd or for the poor possibly doves or flower. So not only is it something that cost you in what you did but it also cost you monetarily.

Application: “So Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.” (Hebrews 9:28) Christ was our offering he paid the price of the pouring out of blood coving our sins and offering us the gift of grace and mercy. Grace being getting what we have not earned and mercy being not getting what we do disserve. “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:26)

Prayer: Lord help me in my brokenness and unbelief. You are so wonderful and you have done all things. I thank you for the blessing you have poured out on me and the blessings you have yet shown me. I ask you to help us to see that gift of your son in a light that helps us to understand better and listen to your calling and word.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

December 16th 2015 What now?

Reading: Hebrews 8, Zechariah 7-9, Psalm 66.

Scripture: Hebrews 8:10+13, For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. … In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.

Observation: In hearing about the two covenants we need to make sure we know what is being done away with and what is being introduced. The primary things that are being talked about in this passage is the laws. The laws dictate what each of us is to do and what the punishment was and how much needed to be sacrificed if you did one of them and that is not just the ten commandments but also all the other hundreds of laws that they came up with to keep them from getting close to the sin. At this point the writer of Hebrews is saying that the law that was written on a rock and only the priests had access to was now going to be on the hearts of believers.

Application: With this law written on out hearts and Christ our payment once and for all, we need to walk with God in all we do not that we are going to be perfect. What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! (Romans 6:15) We are to live according to the law of Love. Love God with all your heart mind and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself.

Prayer: Lord Thank you for all you have done and the great blessing you have poured out on this world. Lord we ask you to help us to love as Christ loved and be those you have called us to be. You have a plan for us and a direction for our lives, I ask that you help us to see that next steps and have the boldness to love the way you call us to love.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

December 15th 2015 What are you doing?

Reading: Hebrews 7, Zechariah 4-6, and Psalm 25

Scripture: Zechariah 4:6, Then he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.”

Observations: This is a great section reminding us that all things that we are called to by God we don’t need to worry about what it is or how its getting done it will get done though the spirit of the lord.

Application: We need to stop looking at what we can do and what we can’t do and just listen to what God is calling us to do and start doing it and his Spirit will help us though and guide what needs to be done to fulfill the calling. So stop and quiet yourself, open your ears and mind to hear from God and allow him to show you your next step.

Prayer: Lord, Thank you for another day and another opportunity to seek you and your direction for each day. I ask please help me to take the steps you place before me even though I may think that they are beyond my ability and beyond my strength. Help me to speak into the lives of those around me.

Monday, December 14, 2015

December 14 2015 Wheres my discipler?

Reading: Hebrews 6, Zachariah 1-3, and Psalms 55

Scripture: Hebrews 6:1, Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God,

Observation: I know I struggle with wanting to move off of the milk and start having the solid foods of the gospel. The Gospel, repentance, and faith are just foundations of where we are starting with God. We are called to be and bring up disciples, which are to grow closer and seek after God.

Application: We are to have someone in our lives that we are looking up to and are working with to grow closer to God, but also when its time we are to disciple others and be that person to be looked up to. As God’s people we should be seeking. Stop just making sure the foundation and build upon it and help others build up the kingdom.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for another day to see you great works, and thank you for your everlasting love. Lord, help me to over come the inadequacies that I see in myself that case me to only want the milk and not strive for the solid food of discipleship.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

December 12th 2015 Who you lookin' at?

Reading: Hebrews 4 and Ezra 1-2

Scripture: Ezra 1:1, “In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and also put it in writing”

Observation: in the Old Testament the nation of Israel was his chosen people and most of us who are Christians today are the Gentiles, we were not God’s chosen people. I know I have been guilty of this but I though God was only able to use me or other Gentiles only because Jesus came to bridge the gap between God and man. Here we have God stirring up the heart of a Gentile king to have his temple rebuilt and to send his people back into that land God had promised them.

Applications: So often I think I can’t be used by God because of my past or my inability to do something or any other excuse that I can think of. But here was this king who was most likely a pagan and God put it on his heart that he needed to Send Gods people home and have the temple rebuilt. We need to remember that God can you anyone and anything to speak to us but also he will use us to speak into the lies of those around us.

Prayer: Lord, Thank you for considering me, use me and guide me to the people you need me to touch. Help me to set aside the things needed to make margin in my life to have the ability to give more spontaneously. Help me to share your love and be used by you.

Friday, December 11, 2015

December 11th 2015 Who built my house?

Reading: Hebrews 3, Daniel 11-12, and Psalm 95

Scripture: Hebrews 3:1b-3, consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession, who was faithful to him who appointed him, just as Moses also was faithful in all God’s house. For Jesus has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses—as much more glory as the builder of a house has more honor than the house itself.

Observation: It is so easy for me (and I’m sure I’m not alone in this,) to put some of the early leaders of Israel onto pedestals. Moses who lead the nation out of Egypt, Joseph who saved the known world from famine, and King David, they all did great things though the power of God but we need to keep perspective. These men were just that, men who were then and were willing to do what God called them to do. Jesus on the other hand is God in flesh and was part of the trio of God who made the earth.

Application: I think it’s ok to be awed by the way God used these men to save and bring out his people. This is a great scripture reminding us the God and Jesus are the builder of the house and these great men were the house. We need to remember we are the house too, we can do great things in the name of Jesus Christ as long as we are acting within God’s plan and God’s plan for us. Spend time in the word and listening to God to give you the next step because it’s rear that God give the entire plan, but he will show you the next step.

Prayer: Lord, Thank you for another day to seek your will in. Thank you for the great blessings of having given to us in your son coming to earth to fulfill the things we could never fulfill in the old covenant and giving us the new covenant to live in. I thank you for your grace and mercy. Lord we ask for more understanding of our relationship to you and the forefathers and help us have a proper perspective.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

December 10th 2015 How do you share the wealth?

I was sick yesterday and was not able to do this but here is the reading Hebrews 1, Daniel 7-8, Psalm 116.
Today’s reading: Hebrews 2, Daniel 9-10, and Psalm 50

Scripture: Psalm 50:9-11; I will not accept a bull from your house or goats from your folds. For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine.

Observation: This is a great reminder that none of what we have in truly ours we are just stewards of it. We are to use what He has given to us to further his kingdom. Back when this was written the number of animals and servants you had would show your wealth. God was saying I don’t need your gifts and sacrifices, I have more then you ever could imagine.

Application: I’m not saying we should stop giving to God, in the bible we car called to a tithe witch is a tenth of what you bring in. I know that for the longest time I struggled with giving at all my mind was this was a big enough church they don’t need my few bucks and I could better use that for something I “needed” now that my wife and I have been intentionally giving making sure we give to God first he has blessed the rest in ways amazing ways. I love that God’s math is different then our math. Become intentional about your giving be it starting with 1 or 2 percent or making the commitment to do the 10 percent or even giving above and beyond. My dream is to one day be able to do what I call Reverse Tithing and that is living on the 10 percent and giving away the other 90 percent.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for another day to spend with you and pour into you word. I thank you for all the things you have given us and ask you to help us to give as you have but on each of our hearts. Lord help us to be the best stewards of your wealth and to give it back to you in the ways you have put on out hearts.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

December 8th 2015 Where is your treasure?

Reading: 2Timothy 4, Daniel 5-6, Psalm 131

Scripture: Daniel 5:17, “Then Daniel answered and said before the king, “Let your gifts be for yourself, and give your rewards to another. Nevertheless, I will read the writing to the king and make known to him the interpretation.”

Observation: I have always loved these couple chapters in Daniel, the well-known story of Daniel and the lion’s den but my favorite the handwriting on the wall and that is where today scripture came from. The king was trying to lavish gifts on whoever could read and interpret what the hand of God wrote on the wall. Daniel didn’t want the glory he didn’t need to be told he did a good job.

Application: We are all called by God for a purpose, Daniel was called to be a profit to those who took him into exile. We also are told that God will provide for us, so when doing God work and fulfilling your calling be like Daniel and say “I don’t do this from payment, I do this to honor God.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the much needed rain here in the northwest but I also ask you be with those who are dealing with the damage and inconvenience of the flooding in Oregon. We ask that you be with them as they go though this time. we also ask that you help us to be selfless and not seek rewards here on earth but to build those treasures in heaven

Monday, December 7, 2015

December 7th 2015 Is the end nigh?

I am combining yesterdays and today into one post.
Reading: 2Timothy 2-3, Ezekiel 45-48, Psalm 36, 26

Scripture: 2Timothy 3:1-4, “But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God

Observation: Paul was warning Timothy about things that were to come and had started to creep into their world at that time. Here 2 thousand years later these things are in full force. In western society it has become so much about myself and that my money can get me, do what feels good and dam everyone who disagrees with me. I don’t know when Christ is coming back but this is really starting to look like the end times that Paul was telling timothy about.

Application: If we are truly living in the end times and the return of Jesus is coming soon we need to keep sharing the good news with people and not let those things that Paul was warning us about come into our lives. I know how easy it is to let some of those things in. stay in the word, pray and seek God will all your heart.

Prayer: Lord, We thank you for another day to enjoy this world you have given to us and that we have the ability to share your love with those around us. I ask you to help me to overcome fears that I have of speaking to others and be willing to open myself up and not just let these opportunities to share the gospel pass me by. Help me to live in a way that causes people to want to know what is different about me and not just think I’m the same as them.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

December 5th 2015 Are you anchored?

Reading: 2Timothy 1, Ezekiel 43-44, Psalm 112

Scripture: 2Timothy 1:6-7, “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

Observation: This verse seemed to speak to me because I k now I need that reminder that I need to continually fan my flame, it is so easy to let it start to die down and become a smoldering heap instead of a roaring fire. The gift of the Holy Spirit is our link to God, he (the Holy Spirit) is our anchor. I really like the visual of an anchor with the Holy Spirit, like an anchor depending on how much slack you place in that line will determine how far you will drift before it starts to give you resistance. When you hold close to and listen to the Holy Spirit you will not stray far from God but as you stop listening and adding slack to that line the further and further you will drift from where God has called you to be.

Application: Place your Anchor firmly into the word and let the Holy Spirit speak to you in you quiet times with God in reading his word and listening for him in the breeze in hopes that the 2X4 does not need to be picked up.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for this reminder to fan the fames and that we have a spirit of power and love. I thank you also for the gift of your Holy Spirit and the anchor to you. I ask you to help us to keep a short line so that we do not drift far from you and your loving embrace. Help us to seek you first and dive deep into your word and drink deeply from your spring of living water.

Friday, December 4, 2015

December 4th 2015 Are you rich?

Reading: 1Timothy 6, Ezekiel 41-42, Psalm 135

Scripture: 1Timothy 6:17-19, “As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.”

Observation: I know that there are many times that I have said I am not rich I need this new electronic thing or that new car or a bigger house but I don’t make enough to do what I think I “need.” When you look at the worlds income level to be in the top 1% of worlds incomes you only need to be making $32,400 a year. We are rich and we have rich people problems like looking into a refrigerator or pantry and having food in there and saying “there is nothing to eat” or looking into a closet and seeing clothes and saying I have noting to ware. We have houses, cars, heat, and running clean drinkable water but we still need to go buy a $3 bottle water because we need something that taste better then tap water. The term rich we all ascribe to being an income number we have not yet attained to, but rich is simply having more then you need. I am rich, God provides more then I need but I still don’t live like a rich person, I’m not generous like I think I would be when I get to that number.

Application: We are the rich of the age, and we are called to be good rich people. Not just in how we spend our money and resources that God provides us but to be rich in good deeds. I encourage you all find ways to serve, find things to be a part of so that you can become rich in good works.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your living word and the blessings that it promises. I come before you a rich man who had a hard time living as one. I ask you to help me to see the needs of others so that I can fill them and share your love. Help me to develop margin in my life to that I can share the blessing you have for people and love as you love.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

December 3rd 2015 Are you the Judge and Jury?

Reading: 1 Timothy 5, Ezekiel 39-40

Scripture: 1 Timothy 5:31b; I charge you to keep these rules without prejudging, doing nothing from partiality.

Observation: When I read this portion of scripture I was reminded of when one of the radio shows I listen to called “The Wally Show” and at one point Wally was summoned for Jury Duty and him talking about the questions they asked him about being impartial and setting aside his opinions. Here in scripture we are asked to do the same thing.

Application: This portion was being set for how to deal with sin in the leadership if the church, but I feel that it is a good way to look at things. We are to keep the rules, what rules… “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39. This being the hardest rule/commandment to follow. Our sinful desires tell us to be selfish and give them what they deserve. We are called to give grace because we have been given grace and to love because he first loved us. In doing so we would not be judging or coming into a situation with a partiality.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for another day, I thank you for the work you have given me and the lives I have around me to speak into. I ask you Lord for the strength to stand up and speak to those around me and the words to say to touch them. I also ask for the strength to set aside my prejudgments and partiality.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

December 2 2015 What are you reading?

Reading: 1 Timothy 4, Ezekiel 37-38, Paalm 44

Today I’m doing something different. I want to talk about something I’ve been reading and rereading, this has been impacting my life. Brennan Manning’s “The Ragamuffin gospel.” Brennan was able to open my eyes to a deeper understanding of the grace of God and how we so often we say we believe in grace but in practice we spend much of our time trying to work our way to heaven. I’m in good company when I say I was touched by The Ragamuffin gospel just going off the forwards written by Michael W. Smith and the late Rich Mullins.

Like the Gospel of Christ I want to share this with everyone. Unlike those who can just give out books to their friends I have to encourage people to check it out from the library, barrow it, or go buy a copy. So I want to let you know that this book touched me nearly as much as I was by the Gospel of Christ. This book will shake you to your core and help you to understand some of the things Jesus did that we don’t understand because of some of the cultural difference. Some of the differences that are touched on are things like how we look as meals and how we look at kids.

Lord, I thank you for this book and the understanding that it brought about in my life and the understanding that Jesus cares for me no matter the things in my past, he will love me and accept me even if I fall on my face in the future. I ask all those who get the opportunity to read this book will be touched and transformed into the people we are called to be. I also ask you to bless the time spent seeking you and in your word.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December 1st 2015 What's your plan?

Reading: 1 Timothy 3, Ezekiel 35-36, Psalm 77

Scripture:  Ezekiel 36:25-26, “I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean from all your uncleannesses, and from all your idols I will cleanse you. And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.”

Observation: As I was going though the reading this passage from Ezekiel popped out at me as God talking about the process of forgiveness though his Son and what we are called to later. Here it is talking about baptism, forgiveness, a new spirit, and a new heart. None of those thing would come about until Jesus came to the world Lived and died for us.

Application: I like the idea that this process was talked about so ling before Jesus came to us as Immanuel (God with us) to be the Anointed One (Christ) of God to fulfill the old Covenant, and bring fourth a new and better Covenant. This new Covenant can only be received by someone seeking God and accepting what Jesus did for us on the cross.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for this season and this time a year to remember that you did send your Son to us to accomplish what no one can without him, I thank you for bringing my family into my life. I thank you for the reminder that you had a plan all along and you plan was and is better then anything we can come up with. Help me to accept your plan and timing and not try to do it myself.