Wednesday, October 28, 2015

October 28 2015 Can you see me now?

Today’s reading was Romans 1 Jeremiah 23 & 25
The scripture that jumped out at me was Jeremiah 23:23-24, “Am I a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God far away? Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? Declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? Declares the Lord.”

Observation: I love how we get to see the sarcastic side of God some times. There are a few different places that I have seen it but my favorite is in Job 38 & 39 where God is answering Job’s questions with what I see as sarcastic rhetorical questions to help Job know his place, like Job we sometimes seed that too.

Application: What I’m seeing today is that God is reminding us that he is close to us always. As Christians we have his presence in us though the Holy Spirit. With God’s presences everywhere we can’t hide from God there is no secret place we can go that he can’t see us. In this that means we need to honor God with our lives no matter who is looking or not. It is so easy to get to the point where we are driving our car and someone cuts you off or just drives stupid and we start yelling at them, or we are home alone and we think hey I can get on the internet and look at things that are not what God wants us to be looking at. Remember that everything you do God is rite there with you doing it with you.

Prayer: Lord, we com before you today thank you for the great blessings that you have poured out on us and thank you for another day to worship and seek you Lord. We thank you for always being near and giving us your Holy Spirit to help anchor us in you. Lord we lift us our struggles with what we let out of our mouth and what we let into our hearts and minds though our eyes and ears. Help us to keep away from the things that cause us to fall.

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