1 Chronicles 8, 1 Samuel 30, and Matthew 22
Scripture: 1 Samuel 30:23-24, But David said, “You shall not do so, my brothers, with what the Lord has given us. He has preserved us and given into our hand the band that came against us. Who would listen to you in this matter? For as his share is who goes down into the battle, so shall his share be who stays by the baggage. They shall share alike.”
Thoughts: As I was reading this morning, when David told everyone that all were getting a fair share and that just because those who stayed behind does not mean that they don’t loose out. So many organizations, and churches the primary voice or the figurehead of sorts, they are the one that gets all the attention and those working with them are rarely known. We are all just as important as those heads. We so often think that the pastor get paid to do that why would I need to do this or that. Or we get to the point that we start resenting the leadership because we don’t get the recognition we feel we deserve or want. As an example in Children’s ministry in my church we have two paid children’s pastors who work tirelessly to build the curriculums and make sure that everything is available for the kids to have a fun safe environment to learn about God’s love. We also have a wonderful collection of teachers and helpers who are in the classrooms with the kids every week teaching and loving on these kids. Then there are the other helpers, many have no idea that there are apart of things, they come in during the week to help prep thing and bless the kids and staff (both paid and volunteer) so releasing us to do what we each have been blessed to do. Even those who stay with the baggage are useful and important even though they are not the ones recognized.
Prayer: Father you are one who sees what is done in secret both for good and for ill, you know our hearts and have a place where we fit into your plan. I thank you for your love and the calling you give us. I thank you that none of us have unimportant assignments. I thank you for the blessings and provisions you pour out on us. I ask that you help me to embrace the contentment you have called us to have. Help me to pour your love out on others and shine your light into this dark world.
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